Univ A Coruna, Dept Comp Sci, IRLab, Fac Informat, Campus Elvina, La Coruna 15071, Spain
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Testing the tests: simulation of rankings to compare statistical significance tests in information retrieval evaluation00.342021
The wisdom of the rankers: a cost-effective method for building pooled test collections without participant systems00.342021
Beaver - Efficiently Building Test Collections for Novel Tasks.00.342020
Statistical language models for query-by-example spoken document retrieval00.342020
PRIN: A Probabilistic Recommender with Item Priors and Neural Models.00.342019
Collaborative filtering embeddings for memory-based recommender systems.20.382019
When to stop making relevance judgments? A study of stopping methods for building information retrieval test collections00.342019
Using score distributions to compare statistical significance tests for information retrieval evaluation00.342019
A rank fusion approach based on score distributions for prioritizing relevance assessments in information retrieval evaluation.20.362018
Cost-effective construction of Information Retrieval test collections.00.342018
Axiomatic Analysis Of Language Modelling Of Recommender Systems10.352017
Multi-armed bandits for adjudicating documents in pooling-based evaluation of information retrieval systems.100.522017
Combining Top-N Recommenders with Metasearch Algorithms10.362017
Efficient Pseudo-Relevance Feedback Methods for Collaborative Filtering Recommendation.40.392016
Feeling lucky?: multi-armed bandits for ordering judgements in pooling-based evaluation.120.572016
Item-based relevance modelling of recommendations for getting rid of long tail products.70.422016
Language Models for Collaborative Filtering Neighbourhoods.60.442016
A Study of Priors for Relevance-Based Language Modelling of Recommender Systems50.422015
A Study of Smoothing Methods for Relevance-Based Language Modelling of Recommender Systems.80.642015
A Distributed Recommendation Platform for Big Data.20.372015
Score distributions for Pseudo Relevance Feedback.90.492014
Combining Psycho-linguistic, Content-based and Chat-based Features to Detect Predation in Chatrooms.20.402014
A Learning-Based Approach for the Identification of Sexual Predators in Chat Logs.30.432012
Improving the Extraction of Text in PDFs by Simulating the Human Reading Order.20.442012
ECIR 2012: 34th european conference on information retrieval research00.342012
The Use of Latent Semantic Indexing to Mitigate OCR Effects of Related Document Images00.342011
Improving Text Clustering with Social Tagging.30.392011
Where to start filtering redundancy?: a cluster-based approach00.342010
Probabilistic static pruning of inverted files481.412010
Probabilistic document length priors for language models130.782008
Boosting static pruning of inverted files90.642007
Nowonweb: A Newsir System00.342007
Negations and document length in logical retrieval00.342006
Query expansion using wordnet with a logical model of information retrieval80.692005
Characterization of a simple case of the reassignment of document identifiers as a pattern sequencing problem40.512005
Propositional logic representations for documents and queries: a large-scale evaluation40.462003
Embedding Term Similarity and Inverse Document Frequency into a Logical Model of Information50.462003
A Logical Model for Information Retrieval based on Propositional Logic and Belief Revision180.902001
A homogeneous framework to model relevance feedback20.402001
Rating the Impact of Logical Representations on Retrieval Performance50.542001
Using a belief revision operator for document ranking in extended Boolean models140.771999
Introducing Planning in Discrete Event Systems20.531997
Discrete Event Simulation in an Environment for Temporal Expert Systems50.701995
STIMS-MEDTOOL: Integration of Expert Systems with Systems Modelling and Simulation60.901993
Rapid Prototyping of Medical Graphic Interfaces20.421992
Towards a Computational Theory of Systems. Some Cases Study20.581989