Univ Delhi, Dept Operat Res, Delhi 110007, India
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Block printing process performance evaluation and improvement using FMEA and Taguchi loss function for selecting print paste suppliers in apparel industry.00.342020
Fuzzy criteria programming approach for optimising the TBL performance of closed loop supply chain network design problem.30.372019
An integrated decision making model for the selection of sustainable forward and reverse logistic providers20.362019
Multi-period media planning for multi-products incorporating segment specific and mass media.00.342018
Optimal advertising on a two-dimensional web banner.10.362018
Online Academic Social Networking Sites (ASNSs) Selection Through AHP for Placement of Advertisement of E-Learning Website.00.342017
Integrating disassembly line balancing in the planning of a reverse logistics network from the perspective of a third party provider.50.422017
An optimization model for sustainable solutions towards implementation of reverse logistics under collaborative framework.10.352016
A Goal Programming Model for Selection and Scheduling of Advertisements on Online News Media.00.342016
A Fuzzy Optimization Approach for Designing a Sustainable RL Network in a Strategic Alliance Between OEM and 3PRL.00.342015
Fuzzy Bicriteria Optimization Model for Fault Tolerant Distributed Embedded Systems Under Reuse-or-Build-or-Buy Strategy Incorporating Recovery Block Scheme.00.342015
Multi Stage Promotional Resource Allocation For Segment Specific And Spectrum Effect Of Promotion For A Product Incorporating Repeat Purchase Behavior10.352015
Hybrid Multi-criteria Decision-Making Approach for Supplier Evaluation in Fuzzy Environment.00.342015
Differential Evolution Approach to Determine the Promotion Duration for Durable Technology Product Under the Effect of Mass and Segment-Driven Strategies.00.342015
Optimal component selection based on cohesion & coupling for component based software system under build-or-buy scheme.90.502014
Fuzzy Optimisation Approach to Supply Chain Distribution Network for Product Value Recovery00.342014
Fuzzy optimization approach to component selection of fault-tolerant software system.40.392014
Fuzzy multi-objective build-or-buy approach for component selection of fault tolerant software system under consensus recovery block scheme with mandatory redundancy in critical modules20.372014
Transportation Decision Making Through Logistics Outsourcing and 3PL Selection in an Integrated Closed-Loop Supply Chain20.362014
Three Echelon Supply Chain Design with Supplier Evaluation.00.342013
Optimal Build-or-Buy Decision for Component Selection of Application Package Software.10.352013
Optimal advertising and pricing policies of successive generations of product in segmented market00.342013
Fuzzy Multi-criteria Approach for Component Based Software System Under Build-or-Buy Scheme00.342013
A Carbon Sensitive Multi Echelon Reverse Logistics Network Design for Product Value Recovery00.342013
Single-source, single-destination, multi product EOQ model with quantity discount incorporating partial/full truckload policy.10.402013
Dynamic promotional allocation for multi-products in segmented market under first and repeat purchase behaviour10.402013
Optimal Promotional Effort Control Policy for Segment Specific New Product Growth.00.342012
Development of an EOQ Model for Single Source to Multi Destination: Multi Deteriorating Products under Fuzzy Environment.00.342012
Promotional Resource Allocation for a Product Incorporating Segment Specific and Spectrum Effect of Promotion.00.342012
A Two Stage EOQ Model for Deteriorating Products Incorporating Quantity & Freight Discounts, Under Fuzzy Environment.00.342012
Development of an EOQ Model for Multi Source and Destinations, Deteriorating Products Under Fuzzy Environment.00.342012
A Goal Programming Model for Advertisement Selection on Online News Media.10.352012
Designing a Closed-Loop Logistic Network in Supply Chain by Reducing its Unfriendly Consequences on Environment.00.342012
Optimal Advertisement Planning for Multi Products Incorporating Segment Specific and Spectrum Effect of Different Medias.00.342012
Optimal Component Selection Based on Cohesion and Coupling for Component-Based Software System.10.402012
Single Product Multi Period Network Design for Reverse Logistics and Remanufacturing Using New and Old Components.10.372012
Differential Evolution Approach to Promotional Effort Allocation in Segmented Market for Multi-period Promotion Strategies in a Planning Horizon Incorporating Repeat Purchase.10.412011
Optimal allocation of promotional resource for multi-product in segmented market for dynamic potential adopter and repeat purchasing diffusion models.30.612011
Optimal release policy under fuzzy environment40.592011
Optimal production policy of production system with inventory-level-dependent demand in segmented market.00.342011
Single-Source, Single-Destination Coordination of EOQ Model for Perishable Products with Quantity Discounts Incorporating Partial/Full Truckload Policy under Fuzzy Environment.00.342011
On The Development Of Adoption Of Newer Successive Technologies Using Stochastic Differential Equation00.342011
Bi-criterion release time problem for a discrete SRGM under fuzzy environment40.462011
Optimal media planning for multi-products in segmented market50.472011
Promotional Allocation Problem for a Multi Generational Product in Segmented Market.00.342011
Optimal component selection of COTS based software system under recovery block scheme incorporating execution time00.342010
Software quality assurance using software reliability growth modelling: state of the art50.432010
Optimal testing resource allocation during module testing considering cost, testing effort and reliability100.512009
Reliability Growth Modeling And Optimal Release Policy Under Fuzzy Environment Of An N-Version Programming System Incorporating The Effect Of Fault Removal Efficiency40.472007
Optimal Allocation of Testing Resource for a Modular Software.20.432004