Stanford University, Stanford, CA
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Automatic Identification of Co-Occuring Patient Events.00.342016
Vector Space Models for Encoding and Retrieving Longitudinal Medical Record Data.10.342015
Using agent-based simulation to understand populatation dynamics and coevolution in host-pathogen relationships.00.342015
An Associative Memory Model for Integration of Fragmented Research Data and Identification of Treatment Correlations in Breast Cancer Care.10.402015
Clustering rule bases using ontology-based similarity measures.30.432014
A semantic-based method for extracting concept definitions from scientific publications: evaluation in the autism phenotype domain.50.672013
SWRL Rule Editor - A Web Application as Rich as Desktop Business Rule Editors.10.382012
Oncoshare: Lessons learned from building an integrated multi-institutional database for comparative effectiveness research.20.432012
SWEETInfo: a Web-Based System for Visualizing and Querying Temporal Data.10.352011
A framework for the automatic extraction of rules from online text50.632011
Comparison of Semantic Similarity Measures for Application Specific Ontology Pruning00.342011
An intelligent interface for rule elicitation00.342011
Web-based Exploration of Temporal Data in Biomedicine.30.472011
Web-based querying and temporal visualization of longitudinal clinical data00.342011
Ontology based Text Mining of Concept Definitions in Biomedical Literature.10.372011
A Lightweight Model For Representing And Reasoning With Temporal Information In Biomedical Ontologies110.732010
Visualizing logical dependencies in SWRL rule bases50.612010
A Method for Representing and Querying Temporal Information in OWL291.112010
A software tool for visualizing, managing and eliciting SWRL rules20.452010
Exploration of SWRL Rule Bases through Visualization, Paraphrasing, and Categorization of Rules71.142009
A Rule Management and Elicitation Tool for SWRL Rule Bases.10.352009
Investigation of unsupervised pattern learning techniques for bootstrap construction of a medical treatment lexicon140.822009
Unsupervised method for extracting machine understandable medical knowledge from a large free text collection.60.512009
Axiomé: A Tool for the Elicitation and Management of SWRL Rules10.402009
SQWRL: A Query Language for OWL482.372009
Extracting cancer quality indicators from electronic medical records: evaluation of an ontology-based virtual medical record approach.40.482009
Knowledge-data integration for temporal reasoning in a clinical trial system.100.672009
The SWRLAPI: A Development Environment for Working with SWRL Rules00.342008
Using an Integrated Ontology and Information Model for Querying and Reasoning about Phenotypes: The Case of Autism.111.112008
Unsupervised method for automatic construction of a disease dictionary from a large free text collection.150.922008
Representing and Reasoning with Temporal Constraints in Clinical Trials Using Semantic Technologies10.362008
Semantic Integration of Software Systems in Translational Clinical Trials.00.342008
An Ontological Approach To Representing And Reasoning With Temporal Constraints In Clinical Trial Protocols40.652008
Querying the semantic web with SWRL170.952007
Using Semantic Web Technologies for Knowledge-Driven Querying of Biomedical Data171.482007
Extracting subject demographic information from abstracts of randomized clinical trial reports.110.772007
Efficiently querying relational databases using OWL and SWRL30.612007
An Ontology-based Architecture for Integration of Clinical Trials Management Applications70.932007
An ontology-driven method for hierarchical mining of temporal patterns: application to HIV drug resistance research.30.412007
Knowledge-Level Querying of Temporal Patterns in Clinical Research Systems.60.822007
Temporal representation and reasoning in medicine: Research directions and challenges.301.232006
Prediction of HIV Mutation Changes based on Treatment History.10.372006
Ontology-Driven Mapping of Temporal Data in Biomedical Databases30.422006
Epoch: an ontological framework to support clinical trials management141.112006
An Ontology-Driven Mediator for Querying Time-Oriented Biomedical Data101.012006
A Dynamic Distributed Architecture for Temporal Data Abstraction.00.342006
Knowledge-Based Method for Building Patient Decision-Analytic Tools20.472006
Customizing clinical narratives for the electronic medical record interface using cognitive methods.151.582006
Knowledge-Based System for Managing Complex Clinical Trials10.502006
Towards semantic interoperability in a clinical trials management system60.632006
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