Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
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Communication-Oriented Model Fine-Tuning for Packet-Loss Resilient Distributed Inference Under Highly Lossy IoT Networks00.342022
Edge Computing-Assisted DNN Image Recognition System With Progressive Image Retransmission00.342022
Bi-Directional Beamforming Feedback-Based Firmware-Agnostic WiFi Sensing: An Empirical Study00.342022
Beamforming Feedback-Based Model-Driven Angle of Departure Estimation Toward Legacy Support in WiFi Sensing: An Experimental Study00.342022
Zero-Shot Adaptation for mmWave Beam-Tracking on Overhead Messenger Wires Through Robust Adversarial Reinforcement Learning00.342022
RF-Inpainter: Multimodal Image Inpainting Based on Vision and Radio Signals.00.342022
Frame-Capture-Based CSI Recomposition Pertaining to Firmware-Agnostic WiFi Sensing00.342022
ACK-Less Rate Adaptation Using Distributional Reinforcement Learning for Reliable IEEE 802.11bc Broadcast WLANs00.342022
Decentralized and Model-Free Federated Learning: Consensus-Based Distillation in Function Space00.342022
When Wireless Communications Meet Computer Vision in Beyond 5G00.342021
Millimeter Wave Communications on Overhead Messenger Wire: Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Predictive Beam Tracking00.342021
Stochastic Geometry Analysis of Inversely Proportional Carrier Sense Threshold and Transmission Power for WLAN Spatial Reuse00.342021
Latency-Aware Fair Scheduling for Spatial Reuse in WLANs: A Lyapunov Optimization Approach00.342021
Packet-Loss-Tolerant Split Inference for Delay-Sensitive Deep Learning in Lossy Wireless Networks00.342021
Joint Computation Offloading and Sampling Interval Optimization for Accuracy-Guaranteed Surveillance00.342021
Lyapunov Optimization-Based Latency-Bounded Allocation Using Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient for 11ax Spatial Reuse00.342021
Stochastic Geometry Analysis Of Wireless Backhaul Networks With Beamforming In Roadside Environments00.342021
Online Trainable Wireless Link Quality Prediction System Using Camera Imagery00.342020
Handover Management for mmWave Networks with Proactive Performance Prediction Using Camera Images and Deep Reinforcement Learning40.392020
Thompson Sampling-Based Heterogeneous Network Selection Considering Stochastic Geometry Analysis00.342020
Learning-Based Spatial Reuse for WLANs With Early Identification of Interfering Transmitters20.352020
Reducing Transmission Delay In Edca Using Policy Gradient Reinforcement Learning00.342020
Thompson Sampling-Based Channel Selection Through Density Estimation Aided by Stochastic Geometry00.342020
Differentially Private Aircomp Federated Learning With Power Adaptation Harnessing Receiver Noise00.342020
Small Cells Enabled By Crowdsourced Radio Units Mounted On Parked Vehicles For Smart City00.342020
A Sequential Wlan Channel Selection Adaptive To Factors Outside The System00.342020
Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Channel Allocation For Wireless Lans With Graph Convolutional Networks00.342020
Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Beam Tracking From Mmwave Antennas Installed On Overhead Messenger Wires00.342020
Communication-Efficient Cooperative Contextual Bandit and Its Application to Wi-Fi BSS Selection00.342020
Transfer Learning-Based Received Power Prediction With Ray-Tracing Simulation And Small Amount Of Measurement Data00.342020
Cooperative Sensing in Deep RL-Based Image-to-Decision Proactive Handover for mmWave Networks00.342020
Lottery Hypothesis Based Unsupervised Pre-Training For Model Compression In Federated Learning00.342020
SINR Distribution and Scheduling Gain Analysis of Uplink Channel-Adaptive Scheduling.00.342020
Adversarial Reinforcement Learning-Based Robust Access Point Coordination Against Uncoordinated Interference00.342020
Estimation Of Individual Device Contributions For Incentivizing Federated Learning00.342020
Replica Exchange Spatial Adaptive Play for Channel Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks00.342019
Data Assessment and Prioritization in Mobile Networks for Real-Time Prediction of Spatial Information with Machine Learning00.342019
End-to-End Learning of Proactive Handover Policy for Camera-Assisted mmWave Networks Using Deep Reinforcement Learning.00.342019
Grid-Based Design For The 3d Primary Exclusive Region In Uav Networks00.342019
Cooperative Sensing in Deep RL-Based Image-to-Decision Proactive Handover for mmWave Networks.00.342019
Hybrid-FL: Cooperative Learning Mechanism Using Non-IID Data in Wireless Networks.00.342019
Concurrent Transmission Scheduling For Perceptual Data Sharing In Mmwave Vehicular Networks10.372019
Grid-Based Exclusive Region Design for 3D UAV Networks: A Stochastic Geometry Approach00.342019
Proactive Received Power Prediction Using Machine Learning and Depth Images for mmWave Networks.40.402019
One Pixel Image and RF Signal Based Split Learning for mmWave Received Power Prediction.20.372019
Transfer Learning-Based Received Power Prediction Using RGB-D Camera in mmWave Networks00.342019
Stochastic Geometry Analysis Of Individual Carrier Sense Threshold Adaptation In Ieee 802.11ax Wlans00.342019
Geo-Fencing in Wireless LANs with Camera for Location-Based Access Control10.372019
Reinforcement Learning Based Predictive Handover For Pedestrian-Aware Mmwave Networks00.342018
Recurrent Neural Network-Based Received Signal Strength Estimation Using Depth Images For Mmwave Communications20.392018
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