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Characterizing Online Engagement with Disinformation and Conspiracies in the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election00.342022
Laterally-excited bulk-wave resonators (XBARs) with embedded electrodes in 149.5° Z-cut LiNbO3.00.342021
Analysis on Teeth Occlusion Distribution Based on Segmentation and Registration Algorithm.00.342021
Self-presentation in Information Network Communication-Taking "Versailles Literature" as an Example.00.342021
Large-Scale Hyperspectral Image Clustering Using Contrastive Learning.00.342021
A Compressive Sensing Based Channel Prediction Scheme with Uneven Pilot Design in Mobile Massive MIMO Systems.00.342021
Efficient False Positive Reduction Method for Early Pulmonary Nodules Detection in Physical Examination.00.342021
Omics feature learning for cross individual ALS disease identification with EMG signal.00.342021
Document Image Classification Method Based on Graph Convolutional Network.00.342021
The Novel Risk Analysis of Emergency Food Supply under Post-earthquake Conditions.00.342021
A Simplified and Effective Solution for Hybrid SDN Network Deployment.00.342021
Research on the Influence of Cultural Attraction on Tourist Satisfaction - An Empirical Analysis Based on Bootstrap Method.00.342021
Meta-objective with sub-micrometer resolution for microendoscopes00.342021
College Students' Network Violence of Psychological Analysis and Prevention.00.342021
The Analysis of Time Series Forecasting on Resource Provision of Cloud-based Game Servers.00.342021
Inter-domain Link Inference with Confidence Using Naïve Bayes Classifier.00.342021
Video Abnormal Event Detection Via Context Cueing Generative Adversarial Network.00.342021
Structural Stability Of The Boussinesq Fluid Interfacing With A Darcy Fluid In A Bounded Region In R-200.342021
Design of LoRa/NB-IoT Gateway for Intelligent Infusion System Based on Binary Exponential Backoff Algorithm.00.342021
Domain-Aware Self-Attention for Multi-Domain Neural Machine Translation.00.342021
Research on Humanistic Value of Labor Practice Education under Big Data Technology.00.342020
Session - Empirical Software Engineering.00.342020
Robust Super-resolution Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) Channel Estimation00.342020
高斯干扰下GNSS信号码跟踪精度分析 (Analysis of GNSS Signal Code Tracking Accuracy Under Gauss Interference).00.342020
KDD '20: The 26th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Virtual Event, CA, USA, August 23-27, 2020.00.342020
User Identity Linkage Method Based on User Online Habit.00.342020
Design and Validation of an Automated Process for Assessment of Risk for Pulmonary Embolism Using the Well's Criteria.00.342020
DeepCompete - A deep learning approach to competing risks in continuous-time domain.00.342020
Improving Real-Time Performance Under Reliability Requirement Assurance In Automotive Electronic Systems00.342019
The Research of Identity Authentication Based on Multiple Biometrics Fusion in Complex Interactive Environment.00.342019
Correlation-Based Community Detection.00.342019
Differentiable Physics-informed Graph Networks.20.362019
基于智能视觉的小差异行为特征分类 (Classification of Small Difference Behavior Characteristics Based on Intelligent Vision).00.342019
基于操作历史图的分布式Key-Value数据库一致性检测算法 (Consistency Checking Algorithm for Distributed Key-Value Database Based on Operation History Graph).00.342019
Extracting Interpretable Concept-Based Decision Trees from CNNs.00.342019
Dynamic Network Change Detection via Dynamic Network Representation Learning.00.342019
基于方法约束关系的代码预测模型 (Code-predicting Model Based on Method Constraints).00.342019
Estimation of Peer Influence effect in Online Games using Machine Learning Approaches.00.342019
D-City: A Large-Scale Dashcam Video Dataset of Diverse Traffic Scenarios.00.342019
Machine Learning for Cancer Subtype Prediction with FSA Method.00.342019
GAN Generate Adversarial Examples to Fool Deep Networks.00.342019
Rain-Drop Size Distribution Case Study in Chengdu Based on 2DVD Observations.00.342019
GumDrop at the DISRPT2019 Shared Task: A Model Stacking Approach to Discourse Unit Segmentation and Connective Detection.00.342019
DiskSeen预取算法的分析及优化研究 (Analysis and Optimization of DiskSeen Prefetching Algorithm).00.342018
Deep Learning on Abnormal Chromosome Segments - An Intelligent Copy Number Variants Detection System Design.00.342018
一种基于内容流行度和社团重要度的ICN缓存与替换策略 (Caching and Replacing Strategy in Information-centric Network Based on Content Popularity and Community Importance).00.342018
位置大数据中一种基于Bloom Filter的匿名保护方法 (Improved Location Anonymous Technology for Big Data Based on Bloom Filter).00.342018
Skeleton-based Activity Recognition with Local Order Preserving Match of Linear Patches.00.342018
基于网络社团结构的Web内容分级算法及其性能分析 (Web Content Rating Algorithm Based on Network Community Structure and its Performance Analysis).00.342018
A Blockchain Based Truthful Incentive Mechanism for Distributed P2P Applications.70.442018
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