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Interface Compliance of Inline Assembly: Automatically Check, Patch and Refine00.342021
RUSTINA: Automatically Checking and Patching Inline Assembly Interface Compliance (Artifact Evaluation) : Accepted submission #992 – "Interface Compliance of Inline Assembly: Automatically Check, Patch and Refine"00.342021
Countermeasures Optimization in Multiple Fault-Injection Context00.342020
Get Rid of Inline Assembly through Verification-Oriented Lifting.10.352019
Get rid of inline assembly through trustable verification-oriented lifting.00.342019
Output-Sensitive Information Flow Analysis.10.352019
Compositional Verification in Action.20.382018
Metrics for runtime detection of allocators in binaries.00.342017
Guided Dynamic Symbolic Execution Using Subgraph Control-Flow Information.30.362016
Toward Large-Scale Vulnerability Discovery using Machine Learning.210.832016
Finding the needle in the heap: combining static analysis and dynamic symbolic execution to trigger use-after-free.20.372016
BINSEC/SE: A Dynamic Symbolic Execution Toolkit for Binary-Level Analysis110.492016
Specification of concretization and symbolization policies in symbolic execution.40.402016
On the Expressiveness of some Runtime Validation Techniques.00.342014
Statically detecting use after free on binary code.230.852014
Combining Static and Dynamic Analysis for Vulnerability Detection20.382013
Synchronous programming of device drivers for global resource control in embedded operating systems20.392013
A Stack Model for Symbolic Buffer Overflow Exploitability Analysis10.372013
Predictive Taint Analysis for Extended Testing of Parallel Executions.00.342013
Finding Buffer Overflow Inducing Loops in Binary Executables90.652012
What can you verify and enforce at runtime?311.142012
More testable properties00.342012
Politiques de gestion de protections pour l'implémentation de sections critiques.00.342012
A Taint Based Approach for Smart Fuzzing170.942012
Dynamic information-flow analysis for multi-threaded applications10.352012
Finding Software Vulnerabilities by Smart Fuzzing211.202011
Runtime enforcement monitors: composition, synthesis, and enforcement abilities451.352011
Offset-Aware Mutation Based Fuzzing for Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities: Few Preliminary Results80.642011
More Testable Properties60.492010
Taint Dependency Sequences: A Characterization of Insecure Execution Paths Based on Input-Sensitive Cause Sequences120.772010
Enforcement monitoring wrt. the safety-progress classification of properties40.502009
Runtime Verification of Safety-Progress Properties461.412009
j-POST: a Java Toolchain for Property-Oriented Software Testing40.392008
Synthesizing Enforcement Monitors wrt. the Safety-Progress Classification of Properties170.792008
A compositional testing framework driven by partial specifications70.642007
Worst-case lifetime computation of a wireless sensor network by model-checking90.562007
Test Generation from Security Policies Specified in Or-BAC220.992007
Confirmation of deadlock potentials detected by runtime analysis271.022006
Test generation for network security rules191.482006
A test calculus framework applied to network security policies40.482006
GLONEMO: global and accurate formal models for the analysis of ad-hoc sensor networks180.952006
A model-based approach for robustness testing180.902005
Model Checking Software, 11th International SPIN Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, April 1-3, 2004, Proceedings252.242004
IF Validation Environment Tutorial60.562004
Modeling CHP descriptions in labeled transitions systems for an efficient formal validation of asynchronous circuit specifications20.382003
Property Oriented Test Case Generation150.702003
IF-2.0: A Validation Environment for Component-Based Real-Time Systems672.772002
Timed Extensions for SDL241.132001
Automated Validation of Distributed Software Using the IF Environment141.002001
Compositional State Space Generation with Partial Order Reductions for Asynchronous Communicating Systems70.542000
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