Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
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Towards human-level performance on automatic pose estimation of infant spontaneous movements00.342022
Efficientpose: Scalable Single-Person Pose Estimation10.352021
Density Guarantee on Finding Multiple Subgraphs and Subtensors00.342021
Multiple Dense Subtensor Estimation with High Density Guarantee00.342020
Fast and Accurate Group Outlier Detection for Trajectory Data.00.342020
Prediction Intervals: Split Normal Mixture from Quality-Driven Deep Ensembles00.342020
Space–time series clustering: Algorithms, taxonomy, and case study on urban smart cities10.352020
Locality-adapted kernel densities of term co-occurrences for location prediction of tweets20.372019
Forecasting Intra-Hour Imbalances in Electric Power Systems.10.352019
Securing Tag-based recommender systems against profile injection attacks: A comparative study. (Extended Report).00.342019
Sketching Streaming Histogram Elements using Multiple Weighted Factors00.342019
Highly Efficient Pattern Mining Based on Transaction Decomposition00.342019
Towards efficiently mining closed high utility itemsets from incremental databases.00.342019
Context-Aware Sequence-to-Sequence Models for Conversational Systems.00.342018
Extracting News Events from Microblogs.00.342018
End-to-End Machine Learning with Apache AsterixDB00.342018
Detecting Offensive Language in Tweets Using Deep Learning.00.342018
A Deep Network Model for Paraphrase Detection in Short Text Messages.30.392018
Securing Tag-based recommender systems against profile injection attacks: A comparative study.10.352018
Spatial Statistics of Term Co-occurrences for Location Prediction of Tweets.10.362018
High utility drift detection in quantitative data streams.20.372018
Effective hate-speech detection in Twitter data using recurrent neural networks.40.462018
Efficient high utility itemset mining using buffered utility-lists80.462018
Enhancing Big Data with Semantics: The AsterixDB Approach (Poster)00.342018
Locality-adapted Kernel Densities for Tweet Localization.00.342018
Applying temporal dependence to detect changes in streaming data.00.342018
Content-Based Social Recommendation with Poisson Matrix Factorization.30.382017
Geo-temporal distribution of tag terms for event-related image retrieval.30.392015
A scalable algorithm for extraction and clustering of event-related pictures110.492014
Learning to Rank for Personalised Fashion Recommender Systems via Implicit Feedback.30.392014
KBAAA: a web-based toolkit for the assessment and analysis of knowledge base acceleration systems00.342013
Small Vocabulary with Saliency Matching for Video Copy Detection.00.342013
Event-related image retrieval: exploring geographical and temporal distribution of user tags.00.342013
Multi-step classification approaches to cumulative citation recommendation281.512013
Cumulative citation recommendation: classification vs. ranking211.262013
Exploring temporal proximity and spatial distribution of terms in web-based search of event-related images10.342013
An Incremental Clustering based codebook construction in video copy detection10.362012
Exploratory analysis on heterogeneous tag-point patterns for ranking and extracting hot-spot related tags40.382012
Supporting biomedical information retrieval: the bioTracer approach10.362011
DNA Sequence Search Using Content-Based Image Search Approach.00.342011
NTNU@MediaEval 2011 Social Event Detection Task.00.342011
Biomedical information retrieval: the BioTracer approach20.442010
Supporting evidence-based Software Engineering with collaborative information retrieval30.412010
Event Clusters Detection on Flickr Images Using a Suffix-Tree Structure70.432010
GeneTools--application for functional annotation and statistical hypothesis testing.290.652006
Using the MOWAHS characterisation framework for development of mobile work applications10.362005
CAGISTrans: Providing Adaptable Transactional Support for Cooperative Work – an Extended Treatment40.462004
Requirement Indicators for Mobile Work: The MOWAHS Approach60.562003
Cooperative Database System: A Constructive Review of Cooperative Transaction Models20.391999