Univ Florence, Dept Earth Sci, I-50121 Florence, Italy
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Integration of Remote Sensing and Offshore Geophysical Data for Monitoring the Short-Term Morphological Evolution of an Active Volcanic Flank: A Case Study from Stromboli Island00.342022
Machine Learning for Defining the Probability of Sentinel-1 Based Deformation Trend Changes Occurrence00.342022
UAV-Based Multitemporal Remote Sensing Surveys of Volcano Unstable Flanks: A Case Study from Stromboli00.342022
Comparing the Effects of GPS Error on Different Electrical Resistivity Tomography Arrays for Archeological Investigations00.342021
Analysis of the Influence of the GPS Errors Occurred While Collecting Electrode Coordinates on the Electrical Resistivity of Tumuli.00.342020
Integration of Remotely Sensed Soil Sealing Data in Landslide Susceptibility Mapping.10.352020
Combining InfraRed Thermography and UAV Digital Photogrammetry for the Protection and Conservation of Rupestrian Cultural Heritage Sites in Georgia: A Methodological Application.00.342020
Different Approaches to Use Morphometric Attributes in Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Based on Meso-Scale Spatial Units: A Case Study in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).00.342020
The Evolution of Wide-Area DInSAR: From Regional and National Services to the European Ground Motion Service.00.342020
Review of Satellite Interferometry for Landslide Detection in Italy00.342020
Catching Geomorphological Response to Volcanic Activity on Steep Slope Volcanoes Using Multi-Platform Remote Sensing.00.342020
Vulnerability Assessment of Buildings due to Land Subsidence using InSAR Data in the Ancient Historical City of Pistoia (Italy).00.342020
Regional Recognition and Classification of Active Loess Landslides Using Two-Dimensional Deformation Derived from Sentinel-1 Interferometric Radar Data.00.342020
Overflows and Pyroclastic Density Currents in March-April 2020 at Stromboli Volcano Detected by Remote Sensing and Seismic Monitoring Data.00.342020
Optimizing Wireless Sensor Network Installations by Visibility Analysis on 3D Point Clouds.00.342019
Semi-Automatic Identification and Pre-Screening of Geological-Geotechnical Deformational Processes Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Datasets.00.342019
Landslide-Induced Damage Probability Estimation Coupling InSAR and Field Survey Data by Fragility Curves.00.342019
Monitoring Ground Instabilities Using SAR Satellite Data: A Practical Approach.00.342019
Satellite Interferometry as a Tool for Early Warning and Aiding Decision Making in an Open-Pit Mine00.342019
Ground Subsidence Susceptibility (GSS) Mapping in Grosseto Plain (Tuscany, Italy) Based on Satellite InSAR Data Using Frequency Ratio and Fuzzy Logic.00.342019
Subsidence Evolution of the Firenze-Prato-Pistoia Plain (Central Italy) Combining PSI and GNSS Data.60.502018
The 2014 Effusive Eruption at Stromboli: New Insights from In Situ and Remote-Sensing Measurements.00.342018
Landslide Mapping and Characterization through Infrared Thermography (IRT): Suggestions for a Methodological Approach from Some Case Studies.30.582017
A GIS-Based Procedure for Landslide Intensity Evaluation and Specific risk Analysis Supported by Persistent Scatterers Interferometry (PSI).20.382017
Monitoring the Rapid-Moving Reactivation of Earth Flows by Means of GB-InSAR: The April 2013 Capriglio Landslide (Northern Appennines, Italy).30.632017
Detecting Slope and Urban Potential Unstable Areas by Means of Multi-Platform Remote Sensing Techniques: The Volterra (Italy) Case Study.10.412016
Subsidence mapping at regional scale using persistent scatters interferometry (PSI): The case of Tuscany region (Italy).60.642016
Space-Borne and Ground-Based InSAR Data Integration: The Åknes Test Site.10.412016
Exploitation of Amplitude and Phase of Satellite SAR Images for Landslide Mapping: The Case of Montescaglioso (South Italy)80.552015
Building Deformation Assessment by Means of Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Analysis on a Landslide-Affected Area: The Volterra (Italy) Case Study70.622015
Early Warning GBInSAR-Based Method for Monitoring Volterra (Tuscany, Italy) City Walls20.432015
Analysis of building deformation in landslide area using multisensor PSInSAR™ technique.90.652014
Multitemporal landslides inventory map updating using spaceborne SAR analysis.70.642014
Investigating Spatial Patterns of Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Point Targets and Landslide Occurrences in the Arno River Basin60.552014
The COSMO-SkyMed Constellation Monitors the Costa Concordia Wreck30.452014
Integration of Remote Sensing Techniques for Intensity Zonation within a Landslide Area: A Case Study in the Northern Apennines, Italy60.622014
A Procedure to Map Subsidence at the Regional Scale Using the Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) Technique70.592014
Testing Computational Methods To Identify Deformation Trends In Radarsat Persistent Scatterers Time Series For Structural Assessment Of Archaeological Heritage00.342013
Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) Technique for Landslide Characterization and Monitoring291.762013
Exploitation of Large Archives of ERS and ENVISAT C-Band SAR Data to Characterize Ground Deformations151.122013
A Semi-Automated Object-Based Approach for Landslide Detection Validated by Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Measures and Landslide Inventories141.542012
Detecting and monitoring landslide phenomena with TerraSAR-X persistent scatterers data: The Gimigliano case study in Calabria Region (Italy).30.482012
Object-Oriented Change Detection for Landslide Rapid Mapping332.872011
Insar time-series analysis for management and mitigation of geological risk in urban area20.462010
SAR interferometry from satellite and ground-based system for monitoring deformations on the Stromboli volcano30.512004
Monitoring the Tessina landslide by a ground-based SAR interferometer and assessment of the system accuracy10.412002