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Coopération généralisée et attracteurs au dilemme itéré du prisonnier.00.342021
Experimental criteria to identify efficient probabilistic memory-one strategies for the iterated prisoner's dilemma.10.482019
Stratégies probabilistes à mémoire de 1 coup au dilemme itéré du prisonnier.00.342018
Human behavioral complexity peaks at age 25.40.442017
Que valent les stratégies probabilistes au dilemme itéré des prisonniers ?00.342017
Organized Complexity: is Big History a Big Computation?00.342016
Méta-Stratégies pour le Dilemme Itéré du Prisonnier.00.342016
Estimating the Algorithmic Complexity of Stock Markets00.342015
Two-dimensional Kolmogorov complexity and an empirical validation of the Coding theorem method by compressibility.130.962015
Correspondence And Independence Of Numerical Evaluations Of Algorithmic Information Measures30.592013
Calculating Kolmogorov Complexity From The Output Frequency Distributions Of Small Turing Machines322.072012
Two-Dimensional Kolmogorov Complexity and Validation of the Coding Theorem Method by Compressibility181.292012
Image characterization and classification by physical complexity90.802012
Numerical Evaluation of Algorithmic Complexity for Short Strings: A Glance into the Innermost Structure of Randomness100.722011
Unpredictability and Computational Irreducibility10.412011
Un metodo estable para la evaluacion de la complejidad algoritmica de cadenas cortas00.342011
Assessing Cognitive Randomness: A Kolmogorov Complexity Approach20.452011
An algorithmic information-theoretic approach to the behaviour of financial markets30.542010
Image information content characterization and classification by physical complexity20.552010
On the Algorithmic Nature of the World202.362009
A CounterExample to Kahle-Conjecture, New Conjectures and Automated Proofs in Geometry10.372009
Towards a stable definition of Kolmogorov-Chaitin complexity81.052008
On the Kolmogorov-Chaitin Complexity for short sequences142.642007
Ressemblance entre objets00.342003
Transformation distances: a family of dissimilarity measures based on movements of segments.283.661999
Studies on Dynamics in the Classical Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma with Few Strategies10.391999
Complete Classes of Strategies for the Classical Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma172.881998
The transformation distance: A dissimilarity measure based an movements of segments137.521998
Optimal representation in average using Kolmogorov complexity00.341998
Detection of significant patterns by compression algorithms: the case of approximate tandem repeats in DNA sequences.243.861997
A guaranteed compression scheme for repetitive DNA sequences382.791996
A kind of logical compilation for knowledge bases60.711994
A Kind of Achievement by Parts Method20.431994
An achievement by part method to solve the incompleteness of forward chaining10.381993
The grand loop semantics for logic programs.00.341992
JFPL'92, 1ères Journées Francophones de Programmation Logique, 25-27 Mai 1992, Lille, France278.291992
Unfolding, procedural and fixpoint semantics of logic programs150.721991
Is there an axiomatic semantics for standard pure Prolog?00.341991
The logical compilation of knowledge bases80.721990
Operational semantics of Standard Prolog: an axiomatic approach10.351990
A new model semantics for a program with negation00.341990
Logique Partielle et Prolog00.341989
Sémantique Logique Et Dénotationnelle Des Interpréteurs Prolog30.451988
Stratégie générale d'exploration et coupe-choix.00.341988
Différences entre la sémantique déclarative et la sémantique procédurale d'un programme Prolog avec coupe-choix00.341987
Définitions de stratégies équitables en programmation logique00.341986
Sur Quelques Limitations des Algorithmes Dans Le Traitement des Suites00.341985