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Generic Constructions of (Boolean and Vectorial) Bent Functions and Their Consequences00.342022
On the security of the modified Dual-ouroboros PKE using Gabidulin codes00.342021
Further Constructions Of Bent Functions And Their Duals00.342021
The Explicit Dual of Leander's Monomial Bent Function00.342021
A New 10-Variable Cubic Bent Function Outside the Completed Maiorana-McFarland Class00.342021
An answer to an open problem of Mesnager on bent functions00.342020
MURAVE - A New Rank Code-Based Signature with MUltiple RAnk VErification.00.342020
Rank Preserving Code-based Signature00.342020
Cryptanalysis of a rank-based signature with short public keys00.342020
On the near prime-order MNT curves.00.342019
A New Gabidulin-Like Code and Its Application in Cryptography.00.342019
Cryptanalysis On Cca2-Secured Lrpc-Kronecker Cryptosystem00.342019
Analysis of TPL Signature Scheme.00.342019
Key Recovery Attack on Rank Quasi-Cyclic Code-based Signature Scheme.00.342019
New rank codes based encryption scheme using partial circulant matrices.00.342019
Key Recovery Attack on McNie Based on Low Rank Parity Check Codes and Its Reparation.00.342018
On the covering radius of the third order Reed---Muller code RM(3, 7)20.392018
Rank Metric Code-based Signature00.342018
A New Encryption Scheme Based On Rank Metric Codes00.342018
More New Classes Of Differentially 4-Uniform Permutations With Good Cryptographic Properties00.342018
Almost Orthogonal MDS Matrices over GR(2<sup>n</sup>, k)00.342018
New differentially 4-uniform permutations by modifying the inverse function on subfields.60.472017
Proof of a conjecture and a bound on the imbalance properties of LFSR subsequences.10.352016
Breaking an ID-based encryption based on discrete logarithm and factorization problems00.342016
On the Security and Key Generation of the ZHFE Encryption Scheme.30.412016
New explicit constructions of differentially 4-uniform permutations via special partitions of F22k.00.342016
On the second-order nonlinearity of the hidden weighted bit function.00.342016
A Secure Variant of Yasuda, Takagi and Sakurai's Signature Scheme.10.412015
MI-T-HFE, a New Multivariate Signature Scheme.10.352015
A construction of Boolean functions with good cryptographic properties00.342015
Cryptanalysis of Yasuda, Takagi and Sakurai's Signature Scheme Using Invariant Subspaces.00.342015
On Near Prime-Order Elliptic Curves with Small Embedding Degrees.10.362015
Algebraic Cryptanalysis of Yasuda, Takagi and Sakurai's Signature Scheme.00.342014
On Double Exponentiation for Securing RSA against Fault Analysis.30.382014
A new construction of differentially 4-uniform permutations over $F_{2^{2k}}$.00.342014
Properties of a Family of Cryptographic Boolean Functions.40.392014
Six Constructions of Difference Families.00.342014
Identity based identification from algebraic coding theory10.352014
Cryptographic properties of the hidden weighted bit function.50.412014
Concatenations of the hidden weighted bit function and their cryptographic properties.10.362014
Constructing Differentially 4-Uniform Permutations Over ${\\BBF}_{2^{2k}}$ via the Switching Method301.292013
Further refinements of Miller's algorithm on Edwards curves.00.342013
On the Fourier Spectra of New APN Functions.10.362013
New time-memory-data trade-off attack on the estream finalists and modes of operation of block ciphers20.362012
Speeding up ate pairing computation in affine coordinates50.482012
SPN-hash: improving the provable resistance against differential collision attacks80.602012
A note on the algebraic immunity of the Maiorana-McFarland class of bent functions20.382012
What is your "birthday elliptic curve"?00.342012
New Families of Differentially 4-Uniform Permutations over ${\mathbb F}_{2^{2k}}$.60.492012
Breaking the Estream Finalists and AES Modes of Operation Faster than Exhaustive Search00.342012
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