Univ Nacl Santiago Estero, Dept Informat, Ave Belgrano S 1912, RA-4200 Santiago Del Estero, Argentina
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Integration Strategies for the Personas technique within Agile Process (S).00.342021
A Systematic Mapping Study On Integration Proposals Of The Personas Technique In Agile Methodologies10.352021
Impact of usability mechanisms: An experiment on efficiency, effectiveness and user satisfaction.00.342020
Copy and Paste Behavior: A Systematic Mapping Study (S).00.342020
Collaborative Modelling - Chatbots or On-Line Tools? An Experimental Study.00.342020
Applying a Usability Technique in the LibreOffice Writer Project.00.342020
Adapting usability techniques for application in open source Software: A multiple case study.10.362019
A pilot empirical study of applying a usability technique in an open source software project.00.342019
Evaluation Techniques For Chatbot Usability: A Systematic Mapping Study10.372019
Usability of Chatbots - A Systematic Mapping Study.00.342019
Adopting configuration management principles for managing experiment materials in families of experiments.00.342019
How to Incorporate a Usability Technique in the Open Source Software Development Process.00.342018
"Adoption of the visual brainstorming technique in the open source software development process".00.342018
Integrating Usability into the Agile Development Process: A preliminary empirical study00.342017
Adoption of the Focus Groups Technique in the Open Source Software Development Process.00.342017
Técnicas de Usabilidad Relacionadas con el Diseño Adoptadas en los Procesos de Desarrollo Ágil.00.342017
Adoption of the Personas Technique in the Open Source Software Development Process.00.342016
Requirements Engineering Related Usability Techniques Adopted in Agile Development Processes.00.342016
Hypermedia-based tutoring: Methodology for the production of hypermedia resources through face-to-face tutoring00.342016
Usability in agile development: A systematic mapping study00.342016
Reusable Solutions For Implementing Usability Functionalities20.402015
Are team personality and climate related to satisfaction and software quality? Aggregating results from a twice replicated experiment.60.652015
An Empirical Study to Evaluate a Domain Specific Language for Formalizing Software Engineering Experiments.10.372014
The Social Environment As A Determinant For The Impact Of The Big Five Personality Factors And The Group'S Performance10.362013
A systematic mapping study on the open source software development process.10.352012
Extension of Personas Technique for the Requirements Stage.20.362011
Software engineering group work: personality, patterns and performance40.392010
Modelado del proceso de software con enfoque de negocio. Aplicación de los estándares BPMN y UML00.342008
Enriching Requirements Analysis with the Personas Technique40.542008
Study of the Relationships between Personality, Satisfaction and Product Quality in Software Development Teams00.342007
Enfoque de Metamodelado y Multiformalismo Aplicado al Proceso Software usando AToM300.342007
Estudio Experimental en Equipos de Desarrollo de Software sobre las Relaciones entre Personalidad, Satisfacción y Calidad del Producto00.342007
Procedimientos para Determinar las Necesidades de Competencias en Organizaciones Desarrolladoras de Software00.342006
Experimental Study on the Impact of Team Climate on Software Quality00.342006
Considering Durative Activities in the Software Process00.342002
Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering00.342002
Human capacities in the software process: empiric validation00.342002
Proceedings of 2nd Ibero-American Symposium on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (JIISIC'02), Salvador, Brasil, October 2002235.712002
Software Process Modelling60.752001
Empiric Validation Of The Person To Role Allocation Process00.342001
A Culture-Centered Multilevel Software Process Cycle Model10.362001
Capacities-Centered Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering Software Process00.342001
Una Formalización de la Dinámica del Proceso de Desarrollo de Software10.352001
Conformación del Equipo: Asignación de Roles siguiendo el Modelo de Proceso Software Integral Centrado en las Capacidades00.342001
1st Ibero-American Symposium on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (JIISIC'01), June 13-15, 2001, Buenos Aires, Argentina [Co-located with 13th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering]154.312001
A culture-centered multilevel software process cycle model (poster)00.342000
A Process Model Applicable To Software Engineering And Knowledge Engineering20.381999
Un Proceso de Estudio del Domino Aplicable en Ingeniería del Conocimiento y en Ingeniería del Software00.341999
The Socio-Cultural Environment in the Software Process Modeling20.441999