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A Dual-Role Collaborative Learning Support System for Simultaneous Speaking Acquisition in English and Japanese00.342022
VujaDessin: A Sketch Learning Support System Using a Blurred Motif Object.00.342019
Towards soft landing in an online dating service: bridging the ideal-real gap.00.342017
BrainTranscending: A Hybrid Divergent Thinking Method that Exploits Creator Blind Spots00.342015
iDAF-drum: Supporting Practice of Drumstick Control by Exploiting Insignificantly Delayed Auditory Feedback00.342014
A Music Therapy System for Patients with Dementia who Repeat Stereotypical Utterances.10.352013
Creativity Mining: Humane Technology for Creating a Creative Society10.402012
Improvements to Creativity in Singing Abilities Based on Perspective of Studies on Interaction between Speech Production and Auditory Perception00.342012
TableCross: exuding a shared space into personal spaces to encourage its voluntary maintenance10.442011
An accompaniment system for healing emotions of patients with dementia who repeat stereotypical utterances00.342011
Apollon13: a training system for emergency situations in a piano performance00.342010
Kairos Chat: a novel text-based chat system that has multiple streams of time20.722010
Development of aroma-Card based soundless Olfactory Display20.462009
Random Display of Hints and Its Effect on Generating Ideas in Brain-Writing Groupware00.342008
A piano duo support system for parents to lead children to practice musical performances81.012007
A voice-to-MIDI system for singing melodies with lyrics61.172007
An Intrablog-Based Informal Communication Encouraging System that Seamlessly Links On-Line Communications to Off-Line Ones10.462007
Exploration of possibility of multithreaded conversations using a voice communication system00.342007
Informal Communication Support Media For Encouraging Knowledge-Sharing And Creation In A Community50.422007
ChaTEL: a voice communication system for facilitating multithreaded conversation00.342006
pHotOluck: A Home-use Table-ware to Vitalize Mealtime Communications by Projecting Photos onto Dishes60.812006
An editing and displaying system of olfactory information for the home video60.922006
The traveling café: a communication encouraging system for partitioned offices20.512006
Evaluation of the IRORI: A Cyber-Space that Catalyzes Face-to-Face Informal Communication10.452004
Family ensemble: a collaborative musical edutainment system for children and parents121.262004
A Method of Extracting Topic Threads Towards Facilitating Knowledge Creation in Chat Conversations20.512004
Lovelet: a heartwarming communication tool for intimate people by constantly conveying situation data141.862004
Thermoscore: a new-type musical score with temperature sensation30.642004
Why always versatile?: dynamically customizable musical instruments facilitate expressive performances10.402003
Raison D'etre Object: A Cyber-Hearth That Catalyzes Face-to-Face Informal Communication40.652002
Two-step input method for supporting construction of midi sequence data10.422002
A concept to facilitate musical expression10.432002
A musical instrument for facilitating musical expressions20.462002
Towards Forming Communities Using Wearable Musical Instruments10.872001
ProtoGMI MusicBrush-an exercise in general multimedia instrument interface design00.342000
A proposal for a framework for general multimedia art creation instruments00.341999
Implementation and evaluation of the discussion support system MRV00.341999
Group thinking support with multiple agents10.561998
Evaluation of Mediating Agents that Personalize Museum Exhibitions00.341998
Personalizing Museum Exhibition by Mediating Agents40.651998
MusiKalscope: a graphical musical instrument2855.831997
Personalizing information in a conversation support environment for facilitatingcollaborative concept formation and information sharing00.341997
Toward an outsider agent for supporting a brainstorming session — an information retrieval method from a different viewpoint60.741996
Enhancement of Creative Aspects of a Daily Conversation with a Topic Development Agent121.451996
A system supporting the human divergent thinking process by provision of relevant and heterogeneous pieces of information based on an outsider model10.501995
A Supporting System for Human Creativity: Computer Aided Divergent Thinking Process by Provision of Associative Pieces of Information00.341993