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A Uniformly Consistent Estimator of non-Gaussian Causal Effects Under the k-Triangle-Faithfulness Assumption.00.342022
Mixed Graphical Models for Integrative Causal Analysis with Application to Chronic Lung Disease Diagnosis and Prognosis.10.362019
Estimating and Controlling the False Discovery Rate for the PC Algorithm Using Edge-Specific P-Values00.342019
Fast causal inference with non-random missingness by test-wise deletion.20.392018
Causal Structure Learning from Multivariate Time Series in Settings with Unmeasured Confounding00.342018
Causal Discovery With Linear Non-Gaussian Models Under Measurement Error: Structural Identifiability Results00.342018
Mixed Graphical Models for Causal Analysis of Multi-modal Variables.00.342017
Estimating bounds on causal effects in high-dimensional and possibly confounded systems.30.412017
Causal Discovery in the Presence of Measurement Error: Identifiability Conditions.00.342017
Methods To Expand Cell Signaling Models Using Automated Reading And Model Checking00.342017
Discovery of Causal Models that Contain Latent Variables Through Bayesian Scoring of Independence Constraints.00.342017
Estimating Causal Effects with Ancestral Graph Markov Models.00.342016
The three faces of faithfulness30.412016
A Hybrid Causal Search Algorithm for Latent Variable Models.40.422016
Causal Clustering for 2-Factor Measurement Models.30.492014
Data-driven covariate selection for nonparametric estimation of causal effects.80.572013
Calculation of Entailed Rank Constraints in Partially Non-Linear and Cyclic Models.10.542013
Causal inference in the presence of latent variables and selection bias285.922013
Detecting causal relations in the presence of unmeasured variables50.672013
Directed cyclic graphical representations of feedback models214.022013
Causal discovery of linear acyclic models with arbitrary distributions191.342012
Strong faithfulness and uniform consistency in causal inference183.272012
Statistical test for consistent estimation of causal effects in linear non-Gaussian models00.342012
Statistical test for consistent estimation of causal effects in linear non-Gaussian models.40.622012
Learning equivalence classes of acyclic models with latent and selection variables from multiple datasets with overlapping variables00.342011
Learning equivalence classes of acyclic models with latent and selection variables from multiple datasets with overlapping variables.130.742011
Intervention, determinism, and the causal minimality condition.40.632011
On meta-analyses of imaging data and the mixture of records.50.732011
When causality matters for prediction.00.342010
Introduction to Causal Inference100.632010
Actual causation: a stone soup essay61.172010
When causality matters for prediction00.342010
Nonlinear directed acyclic structure learning with weakly additive noise models.60.932009
Discovering Cyclic Causal Models by Independent Components Analysis311.902008
Design and Analysis of the Causation and Prediction Challenge311.872008
Tabu Search-Enhanced Graphical Models for Classification in High Dimensions80.532008
Feature Ranking Using Linear SVM582.292008
Detection of Unfaithfulness and Robust Causal Inference272.532008
Graphical Models for the Identification of Causal Structures in Multivariate Time Series Models111.252006
Learning the Structure of Linear Latent Variable Models555.692006
Adjacency-Faithfulness and Conservative Causal Inference543.382006
A Theoretical Study of Y Structures for Causal Discovery40.492006
Towards Characterizing Markov Equivalence Classes for Directed Acyclic Graphs with Latent Variables90.972005
A Transformational Characterization of Markov Equivalence for Directed Acyclic Graphs with Latent Variables40.602005
A statistical problem for inference to regulatory structure from associations of gene expression measurements with microarrays.111.702003
Learning measurement models for unobserved variables81.602003
Automated Remote Sensing with Near Infrared Reflectance Spectra: Carbonate Recognition40.492002
Semi-instrumental variables: a test for instrument admissibility10.412001
An Anytime Algorithm for Causal Inference.121.092001
An Evaluation Of Machine-Learning Methods For Predicting Pneumonia Mortality4812.861997
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