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geno2pheno[ngs-freq]: a genotypic interpretation system for identifying viral drug resistance using next-generation sequencing data.00.342018
DeepBlue epigenomic data server: programmatic data retrieval and analysis of epigenome region sets.30.432016
ISCB's Initial Reaction to The New England Journal of Medicine Editorial on Data Sharing.10.352016
How to write a presubmission inquiry.00.342015
Entropy gain due to water release upon ligand binding.10.372014
BiQ Analyzer HiMod: an interactive software tool for high-throughput locus-specific analysis of 5-methylcytosine and its oxidized derivatives.20.422014
New Methods Section in PLOS Computational Biology.00.342013
A method for finding consensus breakpoints in the cancer genome from copy number data.20.392013
History-alignment models for bias-aware prediction of virological response to HIV combination therapy.00.342012
History-alignment models for bias-aware prediction of virological response to HIV combination therapy00.342012
On the Applicability of Elastic Network Normal Modes in Small-Molecule Docking.40.532012
Classification with correlated features: unreliability of feature ranking and solutions.220.962011
Dealing with sparse data in predicting outcomes of HIV combination therapies.50.522010
Permutation importance: a corrected feature importance measure.572.422010
Altanalyze And Domaingraph: Analyzing And Visualizing Exon Expression Data161.592010
Improving disease gene prioritization using the semantic similarity of Gene Ontology terms.431.162010
Semi-Supervised Learning for Improving Prediction of HIV Drug Resistance00.342009
Bioinformatische Unterstützung der Auswahl von HIV-Therapien00.342009
Rtreemix: an R package for estimating evolutionary pathways and genetic progression scores.30.452008
Selecting anti-HIV therapies based on a variety of genomic and clinical factors.191.342008
Integrating expression data with domain interaction networks.60.672008
Computing topological parameters of biological networks.1065.022008
Stability analysis of mixtures of mutagenetic trees.310.632008
Multi-task learning for HIV therapy screening702.422008
Cpg Island Mapping By Epigenome Prediction151.142007
Conformational analysis of alternative protein structures30.432007
ECCB 2006 Organization00.342007
ISMB/ECCB 2007: The Premier Conference on Computational Biology21.952007
Flexible Docking of Ligands into Synthetic Receptors Using a Two-Sided Incremental Construction Algorithm.22.312006
Functional evaluation of domain-domain interactions and human protein interaction networks.171.152006
Improving the quality of protein structure models by selecting from alignment alternatives.230.472006
A new measure for functional similarity of gene products based on Gene Ontology.1896.732006
Recco: recombination analysis using cost optimization.60.602006
DynaPred: a structure and sequence based method for the prediction of MHC class I binding peptide sequences and conformations.90.912006
Computational recognition of potassium channel sequences.20.392006
NOXclass: prediction of protein-protein interaction types.753.032006
BiQ Analyzer: visualization and quality control for DNA methylation data from bisulfite sequencing.131.812005
Mtreemix: a software package for learning and using mixture models of mutagenetic trees.152.292005
Characterization of novel HIV drug resistance mutations using clustering, multidimensional scaling and SVM-Based feature ranking71.112005
The Dfg Priority Program "Informatics Methods For The Analysis And Interpretation Of Large Genomic Datasets"00.342005
Confirmation of human protein interaction data by human expression data.270.732005
Decomposing protein networks into domain-domain interactions.111.932005
Automatic generation of complementary descriptors with molecular graph networks.60.442005
ROCR: visualizing classifier performance in R.21416.132005
Computational methods for the design of effective therapies against drug resistant HIV strains.232.032005
Estimating cancer survival and clinical outcome based on genetic tumor progression scores.141.692005
Arby: automatic protein structure prediction using profile--profile alignment and confidence measures161.292004
Learning Mixtures of Localized Rules by Maximizing the Area Under the ROC Curve65.602004
Geno2pheno: Estimating Phenotypic Drug Resistance From Hiv-1 Genotypes397.632003
Microarrays: how many do you need?107.602003
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