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FiNER: Financial Numeric Entity Recognition for XBRL Tagging00.342022
Improving Early Prognosis of Dementia Using Machine Learning Methods00.342022
Overview of BioASQ 2022: The Tenth BioASQ Challenge on Large-Scale Biomedical Semantic Indexing and Question Answering00.342022
Identifying the presence and severity of dementia by applying interpretable machine learning techniques on structured clinical records00.342022
Parallel model exploration for tumor treatment simulations00.342022
Overview of BioASQ Tasks 9a, 9b and Synergy in CLEF2021.00.342021
Overview of BioASQ 2021-MESINESP track. Evaluation of advance hierarchical classification techniques for scientific literature, patents and clinical trials.00.342021
Overview of BioASQ 8a and 8b - Results of the Eighth Edition of the BioASQ Tasks a and b.00.342020
Overview of MESINESP, a Spanish Medical Semantic Indexing Task within BioASQ 2020.00.342020
Splice site prediction across different organisms - A transfer learning approach.00.342020
Beyond MeSH: Fine-grained semantic indexing of biomedical literature based on weak supervision10.352020
iASiS Open Data Graph: Automated Semantic Integration of Disease-Specific Knowledge00.342020
Overview of BioASQ 2020 - The Eighth BioASQ Challenge on Large-Scale Biomedical Semantic Indexing and Question Answering.10.352020
Fine-Tuned Compressed Representations of Vessel Trajectories00.342020
Class-aware tensor factorization for multi-relational classification10.352020
BioASQ - The challenge and the Community of Biomedical Semantic Indexing and Question Answering - Abstract.00.342020
A Data-Driven Approach for Analyzing Healthcare Services Extracted from Clinical Records00.342020
Incremental Reasoning for Fleet Management00.342019
Results of the Seventh Edition of the BioASQ Challenge.20.372019
Wayeb - a Tool for Complex Event Forecasting.00.342019
Parallel online event calculus learning for complex event recognition.00.342019
TimeRank: A Random Walk Approach for Community Discovery in Dynamic Networks.00.342018
Interval-based Activity Recognition.00.342018
Symbolic Automata with Memory: a Computational Model for Complex Event Processing.00.342018
The Complex Event Recognition Group.00.342018
An Integrated and Scalable Platform for Proactive Event-Driven Traffic Management.00.342017
A Personalized Global Filter To Predict Retweets.00.342017
Results of the fifth edition of the BioASQ Challenge.00.342017
Probabilistic Complex Event Recognition: A Survey.80.522017
A Prototype for Credit Card Fraud Management: Industry Paper.50.552017
Demonstration of a Prototype for Credit Card Fraud Management: Demo.00.342017
Online Structure Learning for Traffic Management.00.342016
\mathtt OSLα : Online Structure Learning Using Background Knowledge Axiomatization.00.342016
Similarity-Based User Identification Across Social Networks00.342015
An overview of the BIOASQ large-scale biomedical semantic indexing and question answering competition.632.462015
An Event Calculus for Event Recognition270.812015
Results of the BioASQ Track of the Question Answering Lab at CLEF 2014.140.812015
Complex Event Processing Under Uncertainty: A Short Survey.40.442015
Probabilistic Cascading for Large Scale Hierarchical Classification.00.342015
Reactive Reasoning with the Event Calculus10.362015
Towards Open Domain Event Extraction from Twitter: REVEALing Entity Relations.00.342015
Tutorial: Formal Methods for Event Processing.20.362014
Splice Site Recognition Using Transfer Learning10.352014
Event Recognition For Unobtrusive Assisted Living30.382014
Web-scale classification: web classification in the big data era00.342014
Analysis and Classification of Constrained DNA Elements with N-gram Graphs and Genomic Signatures.10.402014
BioASQ: A Challenge on Large-Scale Biomedical Semantic Indexing and Question Answering.00.342012
Run-time composite event recognition241.242012
Event Processing for Intelligent Resource Management.10.362012
Representation models for text classification: a comparative analysis over three web document types90.532012
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