Nagoya Univ, Nagoya, Aichi 4648603, Japan
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Contrastive Translation Learning For Medical Image Segmentation.00.342022
Accurate preoperative path planning with coarse-to-refine segmentation for image guided deep brain stimulation00.342022
DDA-Net: Unsupervised cross-modality medical image segmentation via dual domain adaptation00.342022
OrgaNet - A Deep Learning Approach for Automated Evaluation of Organoids Viability in Drug Screening.00.342021
A Data-Driven Approach for High Frame Rate Synthetic Transmit Aperture Ultrasound Imaging00.342021
ApodNet: Learning for High Frame Rate Synthetic Transmit Aperture Ultrasound Imaging00.342021
Robotically Surgical Vessel Localization Using Robust Hybrid Video Motion Magnification00.342021
A Deep Learning Model For Detection And Tracking In High-Throughput Images Of Organoid00.342021
A hybrid scheme-based one-vs-all decision trees for multi-class classification tasks00.342020
Endoscopic Vision Augmentation Using Multiscale Bilateral-Weighted Retinex for Robotic Surgery.00.342019
Towards Multiple Instance Learning and Hermann Weyl’s Discrepancy for Robust Image-Guided Bronchoscopic Intervention00.342019
Stackelberg-Game-Based Mechanism For Opportunistic Data Offloading Using Moving Vehicles00.342019
A Novel Endoscopic Navigation System: Simultaneous Endoscope and Radial Ultrasound Probe Tracking Without External Trackers.00.342019
Simultaneous Surgical Visibility Assessment, Restoration, and Augmented Stereo Surface Reconstruction for Robotic Prostatectomy.00.342018
Three-Dimensional Intravascular Reconstruction Techniques Based on Intravascular Ultrasound: A Technical Review.10.352018
A Visibility-Guided Fusion Framework for Fast Nighttime Image Dehazing.00.342018
A Comparison Of Modified Evolutionary Computation Algorithms With Applications To Three-Dimensional Endoscopic Camera Motion Tracking00.342017
Shape Sensing Techniques for Continuum Robots in Minimally Invasive Surgery: A Survey.130.842017
Vision-Based Surgical Field Defogging.00.342017
Analysis of Periodicity in Video Sequences Through Dynamic Linear Modeling.00.342017
Towards disparity joint upsampling for robust stereoscopic endoscopic scene reconstruction in robotic prostatectomy.00.342016
Uncalibrated stereo rectification and disparity range stabilization: a comparison of different feature detectors.00.342016
Towards Personalized Statistical Deformable Model and Hybrid Point Matching for Robust MR-TRUS Registration.80.552016
Binocular Endoscopic 3-D Scene Reconstruction Using Color and Gradient-Boosted Aggregation Stereo Matching for Robotic Surgery.10.352015
Observation-driven adaptive differential evolution and its application to accurate and smooth bronchoscope three-dimensional motion tracking.20.382015
Simultaneous Estimation of Feature Correspondence and Stereo Object Pose with Application to Ultrasound Augmented Robotic Laparoscopy.00.342015
Multiscale Retinex Aggregation to Enable Robust Dense Stereo Correspondence00.342015
Special issue: 1st MICCAI workshop on bio- imaging and visualization for patient-customized simulations.00.342015
Adaptive marker-free registration using a multiple point strategy for real-time and robust endoscope electromagnetic navigation00.342015
Diversity-Enhanced Condensation Algorithm and Its Application for Robust and Accurate Endoscope Three-Dimensional Motion Tracking00.342014
Robust real-time bronchoscope electromagnetic tracking using an adaptive hybrid registration approach without fiducials00.342014
A discriminative structural similarity measure and its application to video-volume registration for endoscope three-dimensional motion tracking.70.502014
Robust endoscope motion estimation via an animated particle filter for electromagnetically navigated endoscopy.20.402014
Enhanced differential evolution to combine optical mouse sensor with image structural patches for robust endoscopic navigation.10.362014
Real-time bronchoscope three-dimensional motion estimation using multiple sensor-driven alignment of CT images and electromagnetic measurements.00.342014
Adaptive fiducial-free registration using multiple point selection for real-time electromagnetically navigated endoscopy10.362014
Externally navigated bronchoscopy using 2-D motion sensors: dynamic phantom validation.50.452013
Hybrid Electromagnetic And Image-Based Tracking Of Endoscopes With Guaranteed Smooth Output20.412013
Robust real-time image-guided endoscopy: a new discriminative structural similarity measure for video to volume registration10.362013
Beyond current guided bronchoscopy: a robust and real-time bronchoscopic ultrasound navigation system.10.402013
A novel external bronchoscope tracking model beyond electromagnetic localizers: dynamic phantom validation00.342012
Endoscope 3-D motion tracking using an aggressive particle filtering for boosting electromagnetic guidance endoscopy00.342012
Traceable Particle Swarm Optimization for Electromagnetically Navigated Bronchoscopy.00.342012
Observation-Driven adaptive differential evolution for robust bronchoscope 3-d motion tracking10.352012
Robust Bronchoscope Motion Tracking Using Sequential Monte Carlo Methods In Navigated Bronchoscopy: Dynamic Phantom And Patient Validation50.442012
Development and comparison of new hybrid motion tracking for bronchoscopic navigation.211.082012
Bronchoscopy navigation beyond electromagnetic tracking systems: a novel bronchoscope tracking prototype.80.642011
A novel bronchoscope tracking method for bronchoscopic navigation using a low cost optical mouse sensor30.552011
ManiSMC: a new method using manifold modeling and sequential Monte Carlo sampler for boosting navigated bronchoscopy.40.502011
Deformable registration of bronchoscopic video sequences to CT volumes with guaranteed smooth output.70.552011
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