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Goodbye Tracking? Impact of iOS App Tracking Transparency and Privacy Labels.00.342022
Informing Age-Appropriate AI: Examining Principles and Practices of AI for Children00.342022
A Fait Accompli? An Empirical Study Into The Absence Of Consent To Third-Party Tracking In Android Apps00.342021
Exploring Design and Governance Challenges in the Development of Privacy-Preserving Computation00.342021
A Matter of Trust50.622019
Evaluating Machine Learning Algorithms for Prediction of the Adverse Valence Index Based on the Photographic Affect Meter00.342019
An extended study of content and crowdsourcing-related performance factors in named entity annotation.00.342018
Measuring Third-party Tracker Power across Web and Mobile.30.382018
'It's Reducing a Human Being to a Percentage'; Perceptions of Justice in Algorithmic Decisions.160.612018
What privacy concerns do parents have about children's mobile apps, and how can they stay SHARP?00.342018
Common Barriers to the Use of Patient-Generated Data Across Clinical Settings.30.382018
Better the Devil You Know: Exposing the Data Sharing Practices of Smartphone Apps.100.552017
Like trainer, like bot? Inheritance of bias in algorithmic content moderation.20.372017
More than an Edit: Using Transcendental Information Cascades to Capture Hidden Structure in Wikipedia.10.432016
Computationally Mediated Pro-Social Deception.30.432016
The Quantified Patient in the Doctor's Office: Challenges & Opportunities.181.022016
From coincidence to purposeful flow? Properties of transcendental information cascades50.472015
Improving Paid Microtasks through Gamification and Adaptive Furtherance Incentives230.802015
Self Curation, Social Partitioning, Escaping from Prejudice and Harassment: The Many Dimensions of Lying Online20.402015
Socio-technical Computation60.542015
A Literature Survey and Classifications on Data Deanonymisation.30.432015
Quick-and-clean extraction of linked data entities from microblogs30.372014
Two Procedures for Analyzing the Reliability of Open Government Data.20.402014
Collective Intelligence in Citizen Science - A Study of Performers and Talkers.30.462014
Ontology-Based Linking of Social, Open, and Enterprise Data for Business Intelligence.00.342014
Understanding Personal Data as a Space - Learning from Dataspaces to Create Linked Personal Data.00.342014
Carpé data: supporting serendipitous data integration in personal information management90.532013
Web Science: Understanding the Emergence of Macro-Level Features on the World Wide Web30.512013
Leveraging social network analysis with topic models and the Semantic Web extended00.342013
Computer science: The great between.00.342012
mashpoint: browsing the web along structured lines00.342012
Statistical Analysis of the owl: sameAs Network for Aligning Concepts in the Linking Open Data Cloud.30.392012
Connecting the dots: a multi-pivot approach to data exploration421.762011
SPEAR: Spamming-Resistant Expertise Analysis and Ranking in Collaborative Tagging Systems.140.582011
Measuring Expertise in Online Communities100.692011
Detection of cognitive features from web resources in support of cultural modeling and analysis00.342011
Using web-based knowledge extraction techniques to support cultural modeling00.342011
A low-power, distributed, pervasive healthcare system for supporting memory100.732011
Put in your postcode, out comes the data: a case study182.052010
Privacy on the data web40.582010
A Linked Data representation of the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics20.382010
Integrating Public Datasets Using Linked Data: Challenges and Design Principles00.342010
Geographical Service: a compass for the Web of Data61.302010
Provenance in Linked Data Integration60.512010
SPARQL query rewriting for implementing data integration over linked data381.902010
Contextualising tags in collaborative tagging systems361.482009
The Science of the Web00.342009
A Controlled Natural Language Interface for Semantic Media Wiki Using the Rabbit Language80.562009
Providing Access Control to Online Photo Albums Based on Tags and Linked Data.80.592009
User-induced links in collaborative tagging systems60.472009
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