AT&T Labs, Florham Park, NJ
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Identifying User Needs for Advertising Controls on Facebook00.342022
Understanding Challenges for Developers to Create Accurate Privacy Nutrition Labels10.352022
Is a Privacy Crisis Experienced, a Privacy Crisis Avoided?00.342022
Lessons from the loo00.342021
Which Privacy and Security Attributes Most Impact Consumers’ Risk Perception and Willingness to Purchase IoT Devices?10.352021
Informing California privacy regulations with evidence from research00.342021
“Did you know this camera tracks your mood?”: Understanding Privacy Expectations and Preferences in the Age of Video Analytics00.342021
A Discussion of Election Security, Cryptography, and Exceptional Access With Michael Alan Specter00.342021
“You Gotta Watch What You Say”: Surveillance of Communication with Incarcerated People00.342021
Finding a Choice in a Haystack: Automatic Extraction of Opt-Out Statements from Privacy Policy Text10.382020
Disposition toward privacy and information disclosure in the context of emerging health technologies.10.362019
SIGCHI Social Impact Award Talk - Making Privacy and Security More Usable.00.342018
The Influence of Friends and Experts on Privacy Decision Making in IoT Scenarios.10.372018
"It's not actually that horrible": Exploring Adoption of Two-Factor Authentication at a University.30.512018
Away From Prying Eyes: Analyzing Usage and Understanding of Private Browsing.00.342018
Fast, Lean, And Accurate: Modeling Password Guessability Using Neural Networks230.812017
Design and Evaluation of a Data-Driven Password Meter.180.752017
Privacy Expectations and Preferences in an IoT World.50.472017
Do or Do Not, There Is No Try: User Engagement May Not Improve Security Outcomes.90.572016
Do Users' Perceptions of Password Security Match Reality?240.822016
Towards a Privacy Research Roadmap for the Computing Community.20.482016
Designing Password Policies for Strength and Usability.240.962016
A Spoonful of Sugar?: The Impact of Guidance and Feedback on Password-Creation Behavior120.552015
The Impact of Timing on the Salience of Smartphone App Privacy Notices110.592015
Measuring real-world accuracies and biases in modeling password guessability320.982015
Your Location has been Shared 5,398 Times!: A Field Study on Mobile App Privacy Nudging281.232015
A Design Space for Effective Privacy Notices411.312015
I Would Like To..., I Shouldn't..., I Wish I...: Exploring Behavior-Change Goals for Social Networking Sites80.472015
Better Together: Usability and Security Go Hand in Hand10.362014
Telepathwords: preventing weak passwords by reading users' minds210.752014
Spaced Repetition and Mnemonics Enable Recall of Multiple Strong Passwords.120.552014
Improving App Privacy: Nudging App Developers to Protect User Privacy240.872014
Building the security behavior observatory: an infrastructure for long-term monitoring of client machines30.402014
Can long passwords be secure and usable?501.522014
Electronic privacy and surveillance00.342014
"i read my Twitter the next morning and was astonished": a conversational perspective on Twitter regrets351.302013
Measuring password guessability for an entire university802.162013
A Shortage of Privacy Engineers90.802013
The Impact of Length and Mathematical Operators on the Usability and Security of System-Assigned One-Time PINs.20.402013
"Little brothers watching you": raising awareness of data leaks on smartphones240.852013
Privacy nudges for social media: an exploratory Facebook study421.452013
Tag, you can see it!: using tags for access control in photo sharing391.192012
A conundrum of permissions: installing applications on an android smartphone1174.602012
Guess Again (and Again and Again): Measuring Password Strength by Simulating Password-Cracking Algorithms1434.742012
Out of sight, out of mind: Effects of displaying access-control information near the item it controls100.552012
Operating system framed in case of mistaken identity: measuring the success of web-based spoofing attacks on OS password-entry dialogs50.542012
Can Users Control Online Behavioral Advertising Effectively?40.482012
Personalization and privacy: a survey of privacy risks and remedies in personalization-based systems501.812012
How does your password measure up? the effect of strength meters on password creation882.782012
Are you close with me? are you nearby?: investigating social groups, closeness, and willingness to share682.352011
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