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Shodan Indicators Used to Detect Standard Conpot Implementations and Their Improvement Through Sophisticated Customization00.342022
Biometrics For Internet-Of-Things Security: A Review20.382021
Advanced Cowrie Configuration to Increase Honeypot Deceptiveness.10.482021
Denial of service attack detection through machine learning for the IoT.20.392020
Fingerprint Access Control for Wireless Insulin Pump Systems Using Cancelable Delaunay Triangulations.00.342019
Securing Deep Learning Based Edge Finger Vein Biometrics With Binary Decision Diagram40.362019
A Privacy-Preserving Lightweight Biometric System for Internet of Things Security00.342019
Finger-to-Heart(F2H): Authentication for Wireless Implantable Medical Devices.30.372019
Correction to: A security review of local government using NIST CSF: a case study.00.342019
Security and Accuracy of Fingerprint-Based Biometrics: A Review.40.392019
A security review of local government using NIST CSF: a case study.00.342018
Risk Analysis of Cloud Sourcing in Healthcare and Public Health Industry.00.342018
A fingerprint and finger-vein based cancelable multi-biometric system.110.582018
Securing Mobile Healthcare Data: A Smart Card Based Cancelable Finger-Vein Bio-Cryptosystem.10.372018
ECB4CI: an enhanced cancelable biometric system for securing critical infrastructures.20.352018
POStCODE Middleware for Post-Market Surveillance of Medical Devices for Cyber Security in Medical and Healthcare Sector in Australia00.342018
AZSPM: Autonomic Zero-Knowledge Security Provisioning Model for Medical Control Systems in Fog Computing Environments00.342017
Security Issues With Bacnet Value Handling10.482017
An Exploration of Some Security Issues Within the BACnet Protocol.00.342017
Revisiting Urban War Nibbling: Mobile Passive Discovery of Classic Bluetooth Devices Using Ubertooth One.20.492017
From WannaCry to WannaDie: Security trade-offs and design for implantable medical devices00.342017
Future challenges for smart cities: Cyber-security and digital forensics.00.342017
Application of 3D Delaunay Triangulation in Fingerprint Authentication System.00.342017
On 802.11 Access Point Locatability and Named Entity Recognition in Service Set Identifiers30.512016
Service Set Identifier Geolocation For Forensic Purposes: Opportunities And Challenges10.432016
The 2008 Australian study of remnant data contained on 2nd hand hard disks: the saga continues00.342012
SSH: somewhat secure host10.432012
Geotagging Where Cyberspace Comes to Your Place80.762010
Developing VoIP Router Honeypots00.342010
Malware Forensics: Discovery of the Intent of Deception.70.872010
Ignorant Experts: Computer and Network Security Support from Internet Service Providers10.372010
SCADA Security - Slowly Circling a Disaster Area00.342009
Snort IDS for SCADA Networks20.392009
A Study into the Forensic Recoverability of Data from 2nd Hand Blackberry Devices: World-Class Security, Foiled by Humans10.392008
Analysis of Information Remaining on Hand Held Devices Offered for Sale on the Second Hand Market.00.342008
The 2006 Analysis of Information Remaining on Disks Offered for Sale on the Second Hand Market.51.142008
IT Sharps: Issues Relating to Securely Disposing of Hard Disks from Medical Information Systems00.342007
Honeypot technologies and their applicability as a strategic internal countermeasure.40.552007
A Forensic Log File Extraction Tool for ICQ Instant Messaging Clients.00.342006
The Insider Threat to Medical Records; Has the Network Age Changed Anything?10.372006
SQL Injection - Threats to Medical Systems: The Issues and Countermeasures00.342006
Honeypot technologies and their applicability as an internal countermeasure00.342005
Issues Relating to the Forensics Analysis of PDA and Telephony (PDAT) Enabled Devices00.342005
An investigation into long range detection of passive UHF RFID tags00.342005
Proceedings of 3rd Australian Computer, Network & Information Forensics Conference, 2005, Perth, Western Australia153.242005
An investigation into the efficiency of forensic erasure tools for hard disk mechanisms20.592005
A UK and Australian Study of Hard Disk Disposal20.502005
After Conversation - An Forensic ICQ Logfile Extraction Tool00.342005
Proceedings of the 3rd Australian Information Security Management Conference, Perth, Western Australia, 30th September 2005183.222005
802.11b Wireless Networks Insecure at Any Speed20.832004
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