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TRANSDIRE: data-driven direct reprogramming by a pioneer factor-guided trans-omics approach00.342022
Epigenetic landscape of drug responses revealed through large-scale ChIP-seq data analyses00.342022
Transformer-based Objective-reinforced Generative Adversarial Network to Generate Desired Molecules00.342022
Scaffold-Retained Structure Generator to Exhaustively Create Molecules in an Arbitrary Chemical Space00.342022
Triomphe: Transcriptome-Based Inference And Generation Of Molecules With Desired Phenotypes By Machine Learning00.342021
Network-based characterization of disease-disease relationships in terms of drugs and therapeutic targets.00.342020
Ranking Molecules with Vanishing Kernels and a Single Parameter: Active Applicability Domain Included.00.342020
Space-Efficient Feature Maps for String Alignment Kernels.00.342020
Chemoinformatics and structural bioinformatics in OCaml.00.342019
Space-Efficient Feature Maps For String Alignment Kernels00.342019
Network-based characterization of drug-protein interaction signatures with a space-efficient approach.00.342019
Predicting drug-induced transcriptome responses of a wide range of human cell lines by a novel tensor-train decomposition algorithm.00.342019
A Distance-Based Boolean Applicability Domain for Classification of High Throughput Screening Data.00.342019
Scalable Alignment Kernels via Space-Efficient Feature Maps.00.342018
Dual Convolutional Neural Network for Graph of Graphs Link Prediction.10.342018
Scalable Partial Least Squares Regression on Grammar-Compressed Data Matrices20.392016
Simultaneous prediction of enzyme orthologs from chemical transformation patterns for de novo metabolic pathway reconstruction.10.352016
Large-Scale Prediction of Beneficial Drug Combinations Using Drug Efficacy and Target Profiles.50.412015
Metabolome-scale de novo pathway reconstruction using regioisomer-sensitive graph alignments30.382015
Target-Based Drug Repositioning Using Large-Scale Chemical-Protein Interactome Data.40.432015
Systematic Drug Repositioning for a Wide Range of Diseases with Integrative Analyses of Phenotypic and Molecular Data.90.542015
Mining Discriminative Patterns from Graph Data with Multiple Labels and Its Application to Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) Models.00.342015
Metabolome-scale prediction of intermediate compounds in multistep metabolic pathways with a recursive supervised approach.50.402014
DINIES: drug-target interaction network inference engine based on supervised analysis.150.722014
Supervised de novo reconstruction of metabolic pathways from metabolome-scale compound sets.110.522013
Succinct interval-splitting tree for scalable similarity search of compound-protein pairs with property constraints10.362013
KCF-S: KEGG Chemical Function and Substructure for improved interpretability and prediction in chemical bioinformatics.110.512013
Scalable prediction of compound-protein interactions using minwise hashing.130.552013
Inferring protein domains associated with drug side effects based on drug-target interaction network.70.432013
KEGG OC: a large-scale automatic construction of taxonomy-based ortholog clusters.190.872013
Relating drug-protein interaction network with drug side effects.331.282012
Identification of chemogenomic features from drug-target interaction networks using interpretable classifiers.150.582012
Drug target prediction using adverse event report systems: a pharmacogenomic approach.190.822012
GENIES: gene network inference engine based on supervised analysis.130.582012
Drug Side-Effect Prediction Based on the Integration of Chemical and Biological Spaces.130.752012
Extracting Sets of Chemical Substructures and Protein Domains Governing Drug-Target Interactions.210.772011
Predicting drug side-effect profiles: a chemical fragment-based approach.571.942011
Cartesian Kernel: An Efficient Alternative To The Pairwise Kernel40.382010
Drug-target interaction prediction from chemical, genomic and pharmacological data in an integrated framework.813.092010
Supervised prediction of drug-target interactions using bipartite local models.1253.772009
E-zyme: predicting potential EC numbers from the chemical transformation pattern of substrate-product pairs.102.372009
Simultaneous inference of biological networks of multiple species from genome-wide data and evolutionary information: a semi-supervised approach.60.492009
Supervised Bipartite Graph Inference181.422008
Prediction of drug-target interaction networks from the integration of chemical and genomic spaces.1615.482008
KEGG for linking genomes to life and the environment.41331.822008
Glycan classification with tree kernels.171.042007
Inference of protein-protein interactions by using co-evolutionary information00.342007
Partial correlation coefficient between distance matrices as a new indicator of protein-protein interactions.50.552006
Supervised enzyme network inference from the integration of genomic data and chemical information.402.252005
The inference of protein-protein interactions by co-evolutionary analysis is improved by excluding the information about the phylogenetic relationships.221.392005
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