Univ Turin, CIRMA, Turin, Italy
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A commonsense reasoning framework for explanatory emotion attribution, generation and re-classification00.342021
Ranking, The Unwritten Rules Of The Social Game We All Play00.342021
Integrated Network Analysis Reveals New Genes Suggesting Covid-19 Chronic Effects And Treatment00.342021
Workshop on Adapted intEraction with SociAl Robots (cAESAR)00.342020
What Cognitive Research Can Do for AI - a Case Study (short paper).00.342020
Towards Advanced Interfaces for Citizen Curation.00.342020
Fruitful Synergies Between Computer Science, Historical Studies And Archives: The Experience In The Prismha Project00.342019
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition, Palermo, Italy, July 2-4, 2018.00.342019
GOCCIOLA - Generating New Knowledge by Combining Concepts in Description Logics of Typicality (short paper).00.342019
Knowledge Capturing via Conceptual Reframing - A Goal-oriented Framework for Knowledge Invention.00.342019
When Personalization Is Not An Option: An In-The-Wild Study On Persuasive News Recommendation00.342019
Beyond subgoaling: A dynamic knowledge generation framework for creative problem solving in cognitive architectures.10.352019
A Dynamic Knowledge Generation System for Cognitive Agents00.342019
Applying A Description Logic Of Typicality As A Generative Tool For Concept Combination In Computational Creativity10.352019
A Typicality-Based Knowledge Generation Framework.00.342019
A Description Logic Framework for Commonsense Conceptual Combination Integrating Typicality, Probabilities and Cognitive Heuristics.20.362018
Tell Me Why: Computational Explanation of Conceptual Similarity Judgments.20.362018
An Ontological Model for Inferring Psychological Profiles and Narrative Roles of Characters.10.342018
<Emphasis Type="SmallCaps">COVER</Emphasis>: a linguistic resource combining common sense and lexicographic information10.352018
A Description Logic of Typicality for Conceptual Combination.20.362018
The role of cognitive architectures in general artificial intelligence.81.232018
The knowledge level in cognitive architectures: Current limitations and possible developments.60.482018
COCOS: a typicality based COncept COmbination System.20.362018
Dual PECCS: a cognitive system for conceptual representation and categorization.191.232017
Representational Issues in the Debate on the Standard Model of the Mind.00.342017
Conceptual Spaces for Cognitive Architectures: A Lingua Franca for Different Levels of Representation.70.572017
PRiSMHA (Providing Rich Semantic Metadata for Historical Archives).00.342017
Towards A Dual Process Approach to Computational Explanationon in Human-Robot Socia Interaction.00.342017
MERALI at SemEval-2017 Task 2 Subtask 1: a Cognitively Inspired approach.30.382017
Testing the Effectiveness of Narrative Archetypes for Archive Exploration.00.342017
Towards A Unifying Framework For Conceptual Represention And Reasoning In Cognitive Systems20.352017
Taming Sense Sparsity: a Common-Sense Approach.00.342016
Artwork creation by a cognitive architecture integrating computational creativity and dual process approaches60.532016
A Resource-Driven Approach for Anchoring Linguistic Resources to Conceptual Spaces.90.532016
Exploring cultural heritage repositories with creative intelligence. The Labyrinth 3D system.10.362016
From human to artificial cognition and back: New perspectives on cognitively inspired AI systems.00.342016
Representational Limits in Cognitive Architectures.00.342016
ArsEmotica for Emotion-Driven Exploration of Online Art Collections20.362015
Knowledge-Based Framework for the Virtual Communication of Public Art00.342015
A knowledge-based system for prototypical reasoning180.952015
Coupling conceptual modeling and rules for the annotation of dramatic media.120.732015
Introduction to cognitive artificial systems00.342015
Some Epistemological Problems with the Knowledge Level in Cognitive Architectures10.392015
Visual metaphors for semantic cultural heritage60.432015
A Common-Sense Conceptual Categorization System Integrating Heterogeneous Proxytypes and the Dual Process of Reasoning.100.652015
On Mental Imagery in Lexical Processing: Computational Modeling of the Visual Load Associated to Concepts.20.402015
Integrating a Cognitive Framework for Knowledge Representation and Categorization in Diverse Cognitive Architectures.00.342015
Ontology-Based Visualisation of Cultural Heritage40.442014
Extending Ontological Categorization Through a Dual Process Conceptual Architecture.30.482014
A Dual Process Architecture for Ontology-based Systems30.422014
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