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The software design of Gridap: A Finite Element package based on the Julia JIT compiler00.342022
Geometrical discretisations for unfitted finite elements on explicit boundary representations00.342022
The Aggregated Unfitted Finite Element Method On Parallel Tree-Based Adaptive Meshes00.342021
A Generic Finite Element Framework On Parallel Tree-Based Adaptive Meshes00.342020
A tutorial-driven introduction to the parallel finite element library FEMPAR v1.0.000.342020
Balancing domain decomposition by constraints associated with subobjects.10.352019
On a general implementation of $h$- and $p$-adaptive curl-conforming finite elements.10.362019
Physics-Based Balancing Domain Decomposition by Constraints for Multi-Material Problems.10.362019
Distributed-memory parallelization of the aggregated unfitted finite element method.00.342019
Scalable solvers for complex electromagnetics problems.00.342019
Simulation of high temperature superconductors and experimental validation.10.362019
Nonlinear parallel-in-time Schur complement solvers for ordinary differential equations.00.342018
Mixed aggregated finite element methods for the unfitted discretization of the Stokes problem20.392018
Maximum-principle preserving space-time isogeometric analysis.00.342018
Robust and scalable domain decomposition solvers for unfitted finite element methods.10.362018
A Scalable Parallel Finite Element Framework For Growing Geometries. Application To Metal Additive Manufacturing00.342018
Numerical modelling of heat transfer and experimental validation in Powder-Bed Fusion with the Virtual Domain Approximation.00.342018
Editorial: Algorithmic Aspects of High-Performance Computing for Mechanics and Physics.00.342018
Fempar: An Object-Oriented Parallel Finite Element Framework80.572017
The aggregated unfitted finite element method for elliptic problems.50.502017
Convergence to Suitable Weak Solutions for a Finite Element Approximation of the Navier-Stokes Equations with Numerical Subgrid Scale Modeling.00.342017
Space-time balancing domain decomposition.20.382017
Differentiable monotonicity-preserving schemes for discontinuous Galerkin methods on arbitrary meshes.00.342016
Monotonicity-preserving finite element schemes based on differentiable nonlinear stabilization.00.342016
Multilevel Balancing Domain Decomposition at Extreme Scales.120.662016
Balancing Domain Decomposition by Constraints and Perturbation.00.342016
On the scalability of inexact balancing domain decomposition by constraints with overlapped coarse/fine corrections50.462015
On Monotonicity-Preserving Stabilized Finite Element Approximations of Transport Problems.50.622014
A Highly Scalable Parallel Implementation of Balancing Domain Decomposition by Constraints.120.722014
Block recursive LU preconditioners for the thermally coupled incompressible inductionless MHD problem30.412014
On an unconditionally convergent stabilized finite element approximation of resistive magnetohydrodynamics161.322013
Adaptive Finite Element Simulation of Incompressible Flows by Hybrid Continuous-Discontinuous Galerkin Formulations.20.372013
A Nodal-based Finite Element Approximation of the Maxwell Problem Suitable for Singular Solutions100.802012
Approximation of the inductionless MHD problem using a stabilized finite element method80.722011
A combined nodal continuous-discontinuous finite element formulation for the Maxwell problem.50.602011
Finite element approximation of nematic liquid crystal flows using a saddle-point structure80.682011
Long-Term Stability Estimates and Existence of a Global Attractor in a Finite Element Approximation of the Navier-Stokes Equations with Numerical Subgrid Scale Modeling60.972010
Unified Stabilized Finite Element Formulations for the Stokes and the Darcy Problems231.632009
On a multiscale approach to the transient Stokes problem: Dynamic subscales and anisotropic space–time discretization40.832009
Coupling Biot and Navier-Stokes equations for modelling fluid-poroelastic media interaction20.472009
Splitting Methods Based on Algebraic Factorization for Fluid-Structure Interaction323.792008
Fluid-structure partitioned procedures based on Robin transmission conditions453.592008
On Atomistic-to-Continuum Coupling by Blending121.872008
Convergence analysis of the FEM approximation of the first order projection method for incompressible flows with and without the inf-sup condition30.692007
Bridging Methods for Coupling Atomistic and Continuum Models30.472007
Analysis of a Stabilized Finite Element Approximation of the Transient Convection-Diffusion Equation Using an ALE Framework40.602006