Beijing Inst Technol, Sch Informat & Elect, Beijing 100081, Peoples R China
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Fine-Grained Object Classification via Self-Supervised Pose Alignment00.342022
Abnormal Event Detection Using Deep Contrastive Learning for Intelligent Video Surveillance System10.352022
Towards End-to-End Image Compression and Analysis with Transformers.00.342022
Tracking by Joint Local and Global Search: A Target-Aware Attention-Based Approach00.342022
Reservoir hosts prediction for COVID-19 by hybrid transfer learning model10.342021
Digital Retina: A Way to Make the City Brain More Efficient by Visual Coding10.352021
Perception Clusters: Automated Mood Recognition Using a Novel Cluster-Driven Modelling System00.342021
Learning Scalable lY=-Constrained Near-Lossless Image Compression via Joint Lossy Image and Residual Compression.00.342021
Conformer: Local Features Coupling Global Representations for Visual Recognition20.452021
Reducing Image Compression Artifacts for Deep Neural Networks00.342021
Hierarchically And Cooperatively Learning Traffic Signal Control00.342021
Towards More Flexible and Accurate Object Tracking with Natural Language: Algorithms and Benchmark00.342021
Contrastive Neural Architecture Search With Neural Architecture Comparators.00.342021
Towards effective deep transfer via attentive feature alignment00.342021
Diverse Part Attentive Network For Video-Based Person Re-Identification *00.342021
Anonymous Model Pruning for Compressing Deep Neural Networks00.342020
Towards Accurate Low Bit-Width Quantization With Multiple Phase Adaptations00.342020
GESO-Based Position Synchronization Control of Networked Multiaxis Motion System20.372020
Hybrid Dynamic-static Context-aware Attention Network for Action Assessment in Long Videos10.362020
Learning Compact Networks via Similarity-Aware Channel Pruning00.342020
Modular Graph Attention Network for Complex Visual Relational Reasoning.00.342020
Adaptation-Oriented Feature Projection for One-Shot Action Recognition00.342020
Compositional Few-Shot Recognition with Primitive Discovery and Enhancing00.342020
R-SiamNet: ROI-Align Pooling Baesd Siamese Network for Object Tracking00.342020
A Linear Active Disturbance Rejection Control Approach to Position Synchronization Control for Networked Interconnected Motion System00.342020
LESO-based position synchronization control for networked multi-axis servo systems with time-varying delay.10.352020
End-Edge-Cloud Collaborative System: A Video Big Data Processing and Analysis Architecture00.342020
Prune it Yourself: Automated Pruning by Multiple Level Sensitivity00.342020
Attribute-Based User Revocable Data Integrity Audit for Internet-of-Things Devices in Cloud Storage00.342020
Can categories and attributes be learned in a multi-task way?00.342019
Learning from Multi-annotator Data: A Noise-aware Classification Framework.10.352019
A Geso Based Mpc Approach To Contour Error Control Of Networked Motion Control System00.342019
P-ODN: Prototype based Open Deep Network for Open Set Recognition.00.342019
Bi-directional Re-ranking for Person Re-identification00.342019
EAN - Event Attention Network for Stock Price Trend Prediction based on Sentimental Embedding.00.342019
Deep Transfer Learning for Person Re-Identification00.342018
Multi-Pose Learning based Head-Shoulder Re-identification00.342018
Temporal Attentive Network for Action Recognition00.342018
Fast Compressed Domain Copy Detection with Motion Vector Imaging00.342018
Attribute Driven Zero-Shot Classification and Segmentation00.342018
Joint Semantic and Latent Attribute Modelling for Cross-Class Transfer Learning.150.592018
Deep hashing with multi-task learning for large-scale instance-level vehicle search00.342017
Rate-Performance-Loss Optimization for Inter-frame Deep Feature Coding from Videos.20.412017
A Network Framework For Noisy Label Aggregation In Social Media20.362017
Sequential Deep Trajectory Descriptor for Action Recognition with Three-stream CNN.221.102017
A fast skip and direction adaptive search algorithm for Sub-Pixel Motion Estimation on HEVC00.342017
Deep hashing with mixed supervised losses for image search00.342017
Joint Network based Attention for Action Recognition.00.342016
Sentiment and emotion classification over noisy labels.50.412016
Fixed-point Gaussian Mixture Model for analysis-friendly surveillance video coding40.392016
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