City Univ Hong Kong, Dept Elect Engn, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Peoples R China
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Hand Gesture Recognition Using Multiple Acoustic Measurements at Wrist40.382021
Right Temporal Oscillations Of Infants In Relation To Contingent Learning00.342020
Machine Learning-Driven Drug Discovery: Prediction Of Structure-Cytotoxicity Correlation Leads To Identification Of Potential Anti-Leukemia Compounds00.342020
Challenges in Task Incremental Learning for Assistive Robotics.30.402020
IROS 2019 Lifelong Robotic Vision: Object Recognition Challenge [Competitions].10.352020
Are We Ready for Service Robots? The OpenLORIS-Scene Datasets for Lifelong SLAM00.342020
Reduced-Rank Linear Dynamical Systems.10.372018
Weighted Network Density Predicts Range of Latent Variable Model Accuracy.00.342018
IoT for Next-Generation Racket Sports Training.20.482018
Volleyball Skill Assessment Using a Single Wearable Micro Inertial Measurement Unit at Wrist.00.342018
Entropy Of Surface Emg Reflects Object Weight In Grasp-And-Lift Task00.342017
A Sparse Multiwavelet-Based Generalized Laguerre-Volterra Model for Identifying Time-Varying Neural Dynamics from Spiking Activities.00.342017
A Wearable Hand Gesture Recognition Device Based On Acoustic Measurements At Wrist00.342017
Computational classification of different wild-type zebrafish strains based on their variation in light-induced locomotor response.00.342016
Short latency hand movement classification based on surface EMG spectrogram with PCA40.532016
High-resolution time-frequency analysis of EEG signals using multiscale radial basis functions.110.562016
Clustering Heterogeneous Data with k-Means by Mutual Information-Based Unsupervised Feature Transformation.10.352015
Dimensionality Reduction Of Hybrid Data Using Mutual Information-Based Unsupervised Feature Transformation: With Application On Intrusion Detection00.342015
Heterogeneous feature subset selection using mutual information-based feature transformation140.512015
Recruitment of small synergistic movement makes a good pianist10.392015
Laguerre-Volterra model and architecture for MIMO system identification and output prediction.20.372014
Compact Graph based Semi-Supervised Learning for Medical Diagnosis in Alzheimer’s Disease10.352014
An FPGA based scalable architecture of a stochastic state point process filter (SSPPF) to track the nonlinear dynamics underlying neural spiking.30.422014
A High-Throughput Zebrafish ScreeningMethod for Visual Mutants by Light-Induced Locomotor Response.00.342014
Spectral modulation of frontal EEG activities during motor skill acquisition: Task familiarity monitoring using single-channel EEG20.452013
Real-Time Prediction of Neuronal Population Spiking Activity Using FPGA.100.562013
Trace Ratio Linear Discriminant Analysis for Medical Diagnosis: A Case Study of Dementia.90.492013
Naming Game On Networks: Let Everyone Be Both Speaker And Hearer60.562013
On-chip systolic networks for real-time tracking of pairwise correlations between neurons in a large-scale network.10.362013
Functional Connectivity Between Layer 2/3 And Layer 5 Neurons In Prefrontal Cortex Of Nonhuman Primates During A Delayed Match-To-Sample Task00.342012
A dual mode FPGA design for the hippocampal prosthesis.20.382012
Restorative Encoding Memory Integrative Neural Device: "Remind"00.342011
High-Performance and Scalable System Architecture for the Real-Time Estimation of Generalized Laguerre-Volterra MIMO Model From Neural Population Spiking Activity110.772011
A Hardware-Based Computational Platform For Generalized Laguerre-Volterra Mimo Model For Neural Activities10.352011
Tracking the changes of hippocampal population nonlinear dynamics in rats learning a memory-dependent task.60.602011
FPGA Architecture of Generalized Laguerre-Volterra MIMO Model for Neural Population Spiking Activities00.342011
FPGA Architecture of Generalized Laguerre-Volterra MIMO Model for Neural Population Activities00.342011
The Neurobiological Basis of Cognition: Identification by Multi-Input, Multioutput Nonlinear Dynamic Modeling.272.392010
Nonlinear modeling of neural population dynamics for hippocampal prostheses.110.842009
Nonlinear dynamic modeling of spike train transformations for hippocampal-cortical prostheses.474.102007
Nano-assembly of DNA based electronic devices using atomic force microscopy10.402004