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Image captioning improved visual question answering00.342022
Dense Haze Removal by Nonlinear Transformation00.342022
A robust approach based on local feature extraction for age invariant face recognition00.342022
A deep learning approach for the early diagnosis of Parkinson's disease using brain MRI scans00.342022
Traditional to transfer learning progression on scene text detection and recognition: a survey00.342022
Human burn depth and grafting prognosis using ResNeXt topology based deep learning network00.342022
Improving visual question answering by combining scene-text information00.342022
Local binary hexagonal extrema pattern (LBHXEP): a new feature descriptor for fake iris detection10.382021
Robust Face Recognition Under Partial Occlusion Based On Local Generic Features00.342021
Novel local feature extraction for age invariant face recognition10.482021
A survey of methods, datasets and evaluation metrics for visual question answering10.352021
Facial Mole Detection Approach for Suspect Face Identification using ResNeXt-50.00.342021
Pixel-based hybrid copy move image forgery detection using Zernike moments and auto colour correlogram.00.342021
Visual question answering model based on graph neural network and contextual attention10.352021
Linear Fusion of Multi-Scale Transmissions for Image Dehazing.00.342021
A two-step clustering method for facility location problem.00.342021
A Visual Saliency-Based Approach For Content-Based Image Retrieval00.342021
Presentation Attack Detection System For Fake Iris: A Review00.342021
A joint cumulative distribution function and gradient fusion based method for dehazing of long shot hazy images00.342021
A framework for suspect face retrieval using linguistic descriptions.00.342020
A multimodal liveness detection using statistical texture features and spatial analysis00.342020
A novel local binary pattern based blind feature image steganography00.342020
Enhanced Binary Hexagonal Extrema Pattern (Ebhxep) Descriptor For Iris Liveness Detection10.352020
Local and global features fusion to estimate expression invariant human age.10.362020
Integration Of Textual Cues For Fine-Grained Image Captioning Using Deep Cnn And Lstm20.382020
Learning Models For Semantic Classification Of Insufficient Plantar Pressure Images10.462020
A robust model for salient text detection in natural scene images using MSER feature detector and Grabcut20.362019
A robust approach for palmprint biometric recognition00.342019
Fake Fingerprint Liveness Detection Based On Micro And Macro Features00.342019
A Visual Saliency Detection Approach by Fusing Low-Level Priors With High-Level Priors00.342019
A Fuzzy Rule Based Multimodal Framework for Face Sketch-to-Photo Retrieval10.372019
Abandoned or removed object detection from visual surveillance: a review10.352019
Emotion recognition using facial expression by fusing key points descriptor and texture features00.342019
Distance-Based Facility Location Problem For Fuzzy Demand With Simultaneous Opening Of Two Facilities00.342018
An Image Forgery Detection Approach Based on Camera's Intrinsic Noise Properties.00.342018
Suspicious human activity recognition: a review40.362018
A Context Based Tracking for Similar and Deformable Objects10.362018
Real-Time Based Human-Fall Detection From An Indoor Video Surveillance00.342018
Forgery detection using feature-clustering in recompressed JPEG images.10.352017
LSB based non blind predictive edge adaptive image steganography.120.522017
Salient region detection using fusion of image contrast and boundary information00.342016
A Hybrid Method for Image Categorization Using Shape Descriptors and Histogram of Oriented Gradients.00.342016
A Survey On Manual And Non-Manual Sign Language Recognition For Isolated And Continuous Sign20.372016
Content Aware Image Size Reduction Using Low Energy Maps for Reduced Distortion.00.342016
LBP based face recognition system for multi-view face using single sample per person00.342016
Apple disease classification using color, texture and shape features from images70.612016
High capacity secret image sharing using multilayer image steganography with primary cover predictive error10.352016
Fruit And Vegetable Recognition By Fusing Colour And Texture Features Of The Image Using Machine Learning00.342015
A framework for dynamic hand Gesture Recognition using key frames extraction10.362015
A Novel Framework for Efficient Extraction of Meaningful Key Frames from Surveillance Video00.342015
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