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Fall Detection with the Spatial-Temporal Correlation Encoded by a Sequence-to-Sequence Denoised GAN00.342022
ezGeno: an automatic model selection package for genomic data analysis00.342021
Evaluation of using WGS/WES to characterize ACMG actionable genes in genetic testing reports.00.342021
Highly Uniform All-Vacuum-Deposited Inorganic Perovskite Artificial Synapses for Reservoir Computing.00.342021
Dockcov2: A Drug Database Against Sars-Cov-200.342021
Prominent Facial Feature And Hybrid Learning Method-Based Advanced Face Detector Robust To Head-Up, Head-Down, And Arbitrary Rotation Cases00.342021
Comprehensive Study of Keywords for Sequence-Based Automatic Annotation of Protein Functions00.342020
Predicting Pathogenic Non-Coding Variants On Imbalanced Data Set Using Cluster Ensemble Sampling00.342019
Advanced Orientation Robust Face Detection Algorithm Using Prominent Features and Hybrid Learning Techniques00.342018
Advanced Ear Detection Algorithm Using Faster R-CNN, Refocus Filters, and the Gradient Map.00.342018
PiDNA: Predicting protein-DNA interactions with structural models.20.392013
DBD2BS: connecting a DNA-binding protein with its binding sites.30.382012
De novo motif discovery facilitates identification of interactions between transcription factors in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.50.492012
Statistical identification of gene association by CID in application of constructing ER regulatory network.180.572009
Drug Design for the Influenza A Virus Subtype H1N100.342009
seeMotif: exploring and visualizing sequence motifs in 3D structures.00.342009
Drug Design for KU86 in DNA Break Repair System00.342009
E1DS: catalytic site prediction based on 1D signatures of concurrent conservation.40.412008
Cross-generation and cross-laboratory predictions of Affymetrix microarrays by rank-based methods.70.622008
Identification of hot regions in protein-protein interactions by sequential pattern mining.401.052007
Ipda: Integrated Protein Disorder Analyzer90.492007
Prediction of Protein Secondary Structures with a Novel Kernel Density Estimator00.342007
Enhancing protein disorder detection by refined secondary structure prediction10.362007
Protein disorder prediction by condensed PSSM considering propensity for order or disorder.601.602006
Pattern classification in DNA microarray data of multiple tumor types120.582006
MAGIIC-PRO: detecting functional signatures by efficient discovery of long patterns in protein sequences.70.492006
Efficient discovery of structural motifs from protein sequences with combination of flexible intra- and inter-block gap constraints90.622006
Exploiting homogeneity in protein sequence clusters for construction of protein family hierarchies20.442006
Prediction of Outer Membrane Proteins by Support Vector Machines Using Combinations of Gapped Amino Acid Pair Compositions40.532005
A statistics-based approach to control the quality of subclusters in incremental gravitational clustering130.632005
Data classification with radial basis function networks based on a novel kernel density estimation algorithm.792.952005
Genetic algorithms and silhouette measures applied to microarray data classification10.382005
Analysis and summarization of correlations in data cubes and its application in microarray data analysis00.342005
Incremental generation of summarized clustering hierarchy for protein family analysis.10.352004
Image Reconstruction With Improved Super-Resolution Algorithm10.372004
The Combination of Kaiser Window and Moving Average for the Low-Pass Filtering of the Remote ECG Signals30.522004
ProteMiner-SSM: a web server for efficient analysis of similar protein tertiary substructures.80.832004
An efficient mechanism for prediction of protein-ligand interactions based on analysis of protein tertiary substructures20.402004
Geometric Reed-Solomon codes of length 64 and 65 over F830.602003
Expediting model selection for Support Vector Machines based on data reduction80.602003
Expediting Protein Structural Analysis With An Efficient Kernel Density Estimation Algorithm20.542003
Design Of An Incremental Clustering Package For Protein Function And Family Analysis00.342003
Material compatibility constraints for make-to-order production planning51.232003
Analysis And Summarization Of Correlations In Data Cubes00.342002
An Incremental Hierarchical Data Clustering Algorithm Based on Gravity Theory140.742002
A Study on the Hierarchical Data Clustering Algorithm Based on Gravity Theory131.032001
Quantity and Due Date Quoting Available to Promise212.602001
A Programmable Parallel VLSI Architecture for 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform100.712001