University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA
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Fostering Coopetition While Plugging Leaks: The Design and Implementation of the MS MARCO Leaderboards00.342022
Temporal Early Exiting for Streaming Speech Commands Recognition.00.342022
Integration of Text and Geospatial Search for Hydrographic Datasets Using the Lucene Search Library00.342022
Squeezing Water from a Stone: A Bag of Tricks for Further Improving Cross-Encoder Effectiveness for Reranking00.342022
Contextualized Query Embeddings for Conversational Search.00.342021
Significant Improvements over the State of the Art? A Case Study of the MS MARCO Document Ranking Leaderboard20.402021
Segatron: Segment-Aware Transformer For Language Modeling And Understanding00.342021
Fostering Community Engagement Through Datathon Events: The Archives Unleashed Experience00.342021
In-Batch Negatives For Knowledge Distillation With Tightly-Coupled Teachers For Dense Retrieval00.342021
Simple and Effective Unsupervised Redundancy Elimination to Compress Dense Vectors for Passage Retrieval.00.342021
The Archives Unleashed Project: Technology, Process, and Community to Improve Scholarly Access to Web Archives00.342020
Cross-Lingual Training of Neural Models for Document Ranking.00.342020
Capreolus - A Toolkit for End-to-End Neural Ad Hoc Retrieval.10.352020
TREC 2020 Notebook - CAsT Track.00.342020
Update Delivery Mechanisms for Prospective Information Needs: A Reproducibility Study00.342020
Covidex: Neural Ranking Models and Keyword Search Infrastructure for the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset00.342020
An Open-Source Interface to the Canadian Surface Prediction Archive00.342020
Applying BERT to Document Retrieval with Birch20.362019
Critically Examining the "Neural Hype": Weak Baselines and the Additivity of Effectiveness Gains from Neural Ranking Models.110.632019
Simple Applications of BERT for Ad Hoc Document Retrieval.50.392019
University of Waterloo Docker Images for OSIRRC at SIGIR 2019.00.342019
Data Augmentation for BERT Fine-Tuning in Open-Domain Question Answering.10.352019
The Impact of Score Ties on Repeatability in Document Ranking10.362019
The SIGIR 2019 Open-Source IR Replicability Challenge (OSIRRC 2019)10.352019
Yelling at Your TV: An Analysis of Speech Recognition Errors and Subsequent User Behavior on Entertainment Systems10.362019
Information Retrieval Meets Scalable Text Analytics: Solr Integration with Spark00.342019
Bridging the Gap between Relevance Matching and Semantic Matching for Short Text Similarity Modeling20.392019
End-to-End Open-Domain Question Answering with BERTserini.80.442019
Honkling: In-Browser Personalization for Ubiquitous Keyword Spotting00.342019
Cross-Domain Modeling of Sentence-Level Evidence for Document Retrieval20.362019
The Neural Hype and Comparisons Against Weak Baselines90.472018
Sapphire: Querying RDF Data Made Simple.00.342018
Adaptive Pruning of Neural Language Models for Mobile Devices.00.342018
Update Delivery Mechanisms for Prospective Information Needs: An Analysis of Attention in Mobile Users.10.352018
CNNs for NLP in the Browser: Client-Side Deployment and Visualization Opportunities.00.342018
RecService: Distributed Real-Time Graph Processing at Twitter.00.342018
Choices in Knowledge-Base Retrieval for Consumer Health Search.10.342018
Computing without Servers, V8, Rocket Ships, and Other Batsh*t Crazy Ideas in Data Systems.00.342018
H2oloo at TREC 2018 - Cross-Collection Relevance Transfer for the Common Core Track.00.342018
An Insight Extraction System on BioMedical Literature with Deep Neural Networks.00.342017
Do We Need Specialized Graph Databases?: Benchmarking Real-Time Social Networking Applications.60.562017
Quantization In Append-Only Collections00.342017
Exploring the Effectiveness of Convolutional Neural Networks for Answer Selection in End-to-End Question Answering.30.372017
Experiments with Convolutional Neural Network Models for Answer Selection70.512017
Automatically Extracting High-Quality Negative Examples for Answer Selection in Question Answering10.352017
Honk: A PyTorch Reimplementation of Convolutional Neural Networks for Keyword Spotting.20.392017
A Comparison of Document-at-a-Time and Score-at-a-Time Query Evaluation.130.692017
Searching from Mars20.382016
Sampling Strategies and Active Learning for Volume Estimation.10.362016
Evaluating Search Among Secrets.00.342016
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