Department of Applied Mathematics, Biometrics and Process Control, Ghent University, Coupure links 653, B-9000 Gent, Belgium
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Aggregation on a Cartesian Product of Bounded Partially Ordered Sets00.342022
Equivalent Electrical Circuits and Their Use Across Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Application Domains00.342022
Quo vadis, agent-based modelling tools?00.342022
A representation of nullnorms on a bounded lattice in terms of beam operations00.342022
The Hukuhara difference, gH-difference and gH-division are not inclusion isotonic00.342022
A complete representation theorem for nullnorms on bounded lattices with ample illustrations00.342022
Fusing absolute and relative information for augmenting the method of nearest neighbors for ordinal classification00.342020
Deep feature fusion through adaptive discriminative metric learning for scene recognition20.402020
On the degree of asymmetry of a quasi-copula with respect to a curve.10.432019
Lattice-based versus lattice-free individual-based models: impact on coexistence in competitive communities00.342019
Penalty-Based Aggregation of Strings.00.342019
Machine Learning Methods for Ordinal Classification with Additional Relative Information.00.342019
Multiscale Edge Detection Using First-Order Derivative of Anisotropic Gaussian Kernels.00.342019
A taxonomy of monotonicity properties for the aggregation of multidimensional data10.352019
On a correspondence between probabilistic and fuzzy choice functions10.372018
Affine continuous cellular automata solving the fixed-length density classification problem.00.342018
Some Partial Order Relations on a Set of Random Variables.00.342018
The Frank inequality.00.342018
Joint consensus evaluation of multiple objects on an ordinal scale: An approach driven by monotonicity.00.342018
Distance metric learning: a two-phase approach.00.342017
Edge Detection Based on the Fusion of Multiscale Anisotropic Edge Strength Measurements.00.342017
Compatibility of Fuzzy Relations50.632016
Computation and visualisation of the accuracy of old maps using differential distortion analysis.10.432016
Data prevalence matters when assessing species' responses using data-driven species distribution models.40.582016
A bilateral schema for interval-valued image differentiation10.362016
Large-scale distance metric learning for k-nearest neighbors regression.80.462016
Exact and efficient top-K inference for multi-target prediction by querying separable linear relational models.00.342016
A search grid for parameter optimization as a byproduct of model sensitivity analysis20.412015
An interval estimator for the unmixing of mixtures with set-based source descriptions00.342015
Gradient extraction operators for discrete interval-valued data10.352015
Construction of Admissible Orders for Intervals.00.342015
A frequentist view on cycle-transitivity of reciprocal relations10.362015
Copula-Based Downscaling of Coarse-Scale Soil Moisture Observations With Implicit Bias Correction50.452015
Fuzzy and probabilistic choice functions: a new set of rationality conditions00.342015
Accounting for image uncertainty in SAR-based flood mapping.70.492015
Using the relation ontology Metarel for modelling Linked Data as multi-digraphs20.642014
A model library for dynamic transport and fate of micropollutants in integrated urban wastewater and stormwater systems40.552014
Fast and Accurate cDNA Mapping and Splice Site Identification.10.352014
Bimigrativity of binary aggregation functions.120.562014
A ranking procedure based on a natural monotonicity constraint.100.822014
Predicting spatio-temporal Culicoides imicola distributions in Spain based on environmental habitat characteristics and species dispersal.10.402014
Influence of the topology of a cellular automaton on its dynamical properties50.502013
essaMEM: finding maximal exact matches using enhanced sparse suffix arrays.130.742013
Impact of Reducing Polarimetric SAR Input on the Uncertainty of Crop Classifications Based on the Random Forests Algorithm.170.972012
Product Triplets in Winning Probability Relations.00.342012
Opening Reciprocal Relations w.r.t. Stochastic Transitivity.10.352012
Zadeh’s Extension Principle for Continuous Functions of Non-Interactive Variables: A Parallel Optimization Approach80.532012
A Ca-Based Model Describing Fat Bloom In Chocolate00.342012
Extending the upper-lower edge detector by means of directional masks and OWA operators.20.372012
Flexibility and utility of the cell cycle ontology20.432011
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