Department of Intelligence Science and Technology, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
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Low Latency and High Quality Two-Stage Human-Voice-Enhancement System for a Hose-Shaped Rescue Robot.20.372017
Influence of Different Impulse Response Measurement Signals on MUSIC-Based Sound Source Localization.10.342017
Editorial: Robot Audition Technologies.00.342017
HARKBird: Exploring Acoustic Interactions in Bird Communities Using a Microphone Array.10.392017
Design of UAV-Embedded Microphone Array System for Sound Source Localization in Outdoor Environments.60.812017
Parallel Speech Corpora of Japanese Dialects.00.342016
Bayesian Audio-to-Score Alignment Based on Joint Inference of Timbre, Volume, Tempo, and Note Onset Timings10.372015
Challenges In Deploying A Microphone Array To Localize And Separate Sound Sources In Real Auditory Scenes10.342015
Audio-visual speech recognition using deep learning271.132015
Human-voice enhancement based on online RPCA for a hose-shaped rescue robot with a microphone array50.452015
The interaction between a robot and multiple people based on spatially mapping of friendliness and motion parameters.20.372014
Parameter Estimation of Virtual Musical Instrument Synthesizers.00.342014
Hands-Free Human-Robot Communication Robust To Speaker'S Radial Position30.482013
Improved Sound Source Localization and Front-Back Disambiguation for Humanoid Robots with Two Ears.10.372013
Audio-Based Guitar Tablature Transcription Using Multipitch Analysis And Playability Constraints10.352013
Proposal of International Conference Promotion: Destination Branding and Risk Management by a Network of Conference Centres00.342013
Nonparametric Bayesian sparse factor analysis for frequency domain blind source separation without permutation ambiguity.00.342013
Automatic chord recognition based on probabilistic integration of acoustic features, bass sounds, and chord transition00.342012
Initialization-robust multipitch estimation based on latent harmonic allocation using overtone corpus.00.342012
A GMM sound source model for blind speech separation in under-determined conditions20.412012
Improvement of audio-visual score following in robot ensemble with human guitarist.40.392012
Bayesian Unification of Sound Source Localization and Separation with Permutation Resolution.90.612012
Fast And Simple Iterative Algorithm Of Lp-Norm Minimization For Under-Determined Speech Separation00.342011
LyricSynchronizer: Automatic Synchronization System Between Musical Audio Signals and Lyrics.200.892011
Robot with two ears listens to more than two simultaneous utterances by exploiting harmonic structures00.342011
Polyphonic audio-to-score alignment based on Bayesian Latent Harmonic Allocation Hidden Markov Model50.632011
Incremental Bayesian Audio-to-Score Alignment with Flexible Harmonic Structure Models.30.412011
A two-stage domain selection framework for extensible multi-domain spoken dialogue systems150.982011
Bayesian Extension Of Music For Sound Source Localization And Tracking00.342011
Use of a Sparse Structure to Improve Learning Performance of Recurrent Neural Networks.10.352011
Real-time audio-to-score alignment using particle filter for coplayer music robots160.722011
Improvement in listening capability for humanoid robot HRP-240.462010
Two-layered audio-visual speech recognition for robots in noisy environments.10.362010
System for supporting web-based public debate using transcripts of face-to-face meeting10.412010
Music-ensemble robot that is capable of playing the theremin while listening to the accompanied music30.422010
Voice-awareness control for a humanoid robot consistent with its body posture and movements10.362010
Voice-awareness control for a humanoid robot consistent with its body posture and movements10.362010
Selecting Help Messages By Using Robust Grammar Verification For Handling Out-Of-Grammar Utterances In Spoken Dialogue Systems10.392010
Robot musical accompaniment: integrating audio and visual cues for real-time synchronization with a human flutist140.682010
Inter-modality mapping in robot with recurrent neural network110.742010
A Modeling of Singing Voice Robust to Accompaniment Sounds and Its Application to Singer Identification and Vocal-Timbre-Similarity-Based Music Information Retrieval391.322010
Motion generation based on reliable predictability using self-organized object features.00.342010
Design and Implementation of Robot Audition System 'HARK' - Open Source Software for Listening to Three Simultaneous Speakers783.862010
Automatic allocation of training data for rapid prototyping of speech understanding based on multiple model combination20.372010
Human Tracking System Integrating Sound and Face Localization Using an Expectation-Maximization Algorithm in Real Environments60.592009
Continuous vocal imitation with self-organized vowel spaces in recurrent neural network70.712009
A speech understanding framework that uses multiple language models and multiple understanding models10.382009
Missing-feature-theory-based robust simultaneous speech recognition system with non-clean speech acoustic model40.432009
Autonomous Motion Generation Based On Reliable Predictability00.342009
Prediction and imitation of other's motions by reusing own forward-inverse model in robots20.392009
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