Tel-Aviv Univ., Tel-Aviv, Israel/ and New York Univ., New York
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Intersection Searching Amid Tetrahedra in 4-Space and Efficient Continuous Collision Detection00.342022
On Ray Shooting for Triangles in 3-Space and Related Problems00.342022
Throwing a Sofa Through the Window00.342021
Subquadratic Algorithms for Some 3Sum-Hard Geometric Problems in the Algebraic Decision Tree Model.00.342021
How to Find a Point in the Convex Hull Privately.00.342020
Voronoi Diagrams on Planar Graphs, and Computing the Diameter in Deterministic Õ(n5/3) Time.00.342018
Algebraic Techniques In Geometry: The 10th Anniversary00.342018
Distinct distances between points and lines00.342018
Approximate Minimum-Weight Matching with Outliers under Translation.00.342018
Incidences Between Points and Lines on Two- and Three-Dimensional Varieties10.372018
Incidences Between Points and Lines in $${\mathbb {R}}^4$$.00.342017
On the number of unit-area triangles spanned by convex grids in the plane20.392017
Finding axis-parallel rectangles of fixed perimeter or area containing the largest number of points10.352017
Depth contours in arrangements of halfplanes.00.342016
The Decision Tree Complexity for k-SUM is at most Nearly Quadratic.00.342016
Incidences between Points and Lines in R^410.452015
The Discrete and Semicontinuous Fréchet Distance with Shortcuts via Approximate Distance Counting and Selection10.352015
Epsilon-Nets for Halfspaces Revisited.50.442014
Partial-Matching and Hausdorff RMS Distance Under Translation: Combinatorics and Algorithms.10.362014
Finding The Largest Empty Disk Containing A Query Point00.342013
The Discrete Fréchet Distance with Shortcuts via Approximate Distance Counting and Selection Techniques.00.342013
Output-Sensitive Tools for Range Searching in Higher Dimensions.20.392013
Improved Bounds for Incidences Between Points and Circles.100.582013
Union of Random Minkowski Sums and Network Vulnerability Analysis80.542013
Finding the maximal empty disk containing a query point80.712012
Incidences in three dimensions and distinct distances in the plane171.572010
Approximate Halfspace Range Counting70.502010
Guarding a Terrain by Two Watchtowers50.572010
Constructing Two-Dimensional Voronoi Diagrams via Divide-and-Conquer of Envelopes in Space110.862010
The complexity of the outer face in arrangements of random segments00.342008
An Optimal-Time Algorithm for Shortest Paths on a Convex Polytope in Three Dimensions271.162008
Weak &epsis;-nets and interval chains50.442008
Kinetic and dynamic data structures for convex hulls and upper envelopes160.862007
Bi-criteria linear-time approximations for generalized k-mean/median/center80.622007
Almost Tight Bound for the Union of Fat Tetrahedra in Three Dimensions110.622007
On the number of crossing-free matchings, (cycles, and partitions)483.272006
On the ICP algorithm70.832006
Crossing patterns of semi-algebraic sets272.022005
Top-Down Analysis of Path Compression110.762005
Geometrically aware communication in random wireless networks140.812004
Counting and representing intersections among triangles in three dimensions100.532004
Computing maximally separated sets in the plane and independent sets in the intersection graph of unit disks30.412004
On the number of views of translates of a cube and related problems00.342004
3-Dimensional Euclidean Voronoi Diagrams of Lines with a Fixed Number of Orientations150.692003
The Minkowski sum of a simple polygon and a segment10.392003
The Clarkson–Shor Technique Revisited and Extended100.832003
The Number of Congruent Simplices in a Point Set60.662002
The 2-center problem with obstacles161.022002
Online point location in planar arrangements and its applications130.822001
Exact and Approximation Algorithms for Minimum-Width Cylindrical Shells141.082001
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