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A two-stage method for spectral-spatial classification of hyperspectral images00.342020
Alternating Structure-Adapted Proximal Gradient Descent for Nonconvex Nonsmooth Block-Regularized Problems.00.342019
Fast Robust Dejitter and Interslice Discontinuity Removal in MRI Phase Acquisitions: Application to Magnetic Resonance Elastography.00.342019
Nonconvex Optimization for 3-Dimensional Point Source Localization Using a Rotating Point Spread Function.00.342019
Inertial Alternating Generalized Forward-Backward Splitting for Image Colorization00.342019
A Convex Model for Edge-Histogram Specification with Applications to Edge-Preserving Smoothing.00.342018
Novel Sparse Recovery Algorithms for 3D Debris Localization using Rotating Point Spread Function Imagery.00.342018
Below the Surface of the Non-local Bayesian Image Denoising Method.00.342017
Fast and Accurate Multiplicative Decomposition for Fringe Removal in Interferometric Images.10.362017
Guest Editorial: Scale-Space and Variational Methods.00.342016
Bilevel Image Denoising Using Gaussianity Tests.50.452015
A Three-stage Approach for Segmenting Degraded Color Images: Smoothing, Lifting and Thresholding (SLaT)40.442015
A Variational Model for Color Assignment.40.422015
Fully Smoothed ℓ 1-TV Models: Bounds for the Minimizers and Parameter Choice.30.492014
Fast Hue and Range Preserving Histogram Specification: Theory and New Algorithms for Color Image Enhancement240.922014
Description of the Minimizers of Least Squares Regularized with 퓁0-norm. Uniqueness of the Global Minimizer.00.342013
On 퓁1 Data Fitting and Concave Regularization for Image Recovery.00.342013
Exact Histogram Specification for Digital Images Using a Variational Approach200.872013
A Fast Algorithm for Exact Histogram Specification. Simple Extension to Colour Images.50.462013
Should we search for a global minimizer of least squares regularized with an ℓ0 penalty to get the exact solution of an under determined linear system?00.342011
Either fit to data entries or locally to prior: the minimizers of objectives with nonsmooth nonconvex data fidelity and regularization00.342011
A variational approach for exact histogram specification20.372011
Multiplicative Noise Removal Using L1 Fidelity on Frame Coefficients641.812010
Fast Two-Phase Image Deblurring Under Impulse Noise651.692010
Fast Nonconvex Nonsmooth Minimization Methods for Image Restoration and Reconstruction330.892010
Multiplicative Noise Cleaning via a Variational Method Involving Curvelet Coefficients80.702009
One-iteration dejittering of digital video images00.342009
Fast Dejittering for Digital Video Frames40.502009
Semi-explicit Solution and Fast Minimization Scheme for an Energy with l1-Fitting and Tikhonov-Like Regularization10.372009
Efficient Reconstruction of Piecewise Constant Images Using Nonsmooth Nonconvex Minimization612.142008
Bounds on the minimizers of (nonconvex) regularized least-squares00.342007
Counter-examples for Bayesian MAP restoration00.342007
The Equivalence of Half-Quadratic Minimization and the Gradient Linearization Iteration411.582007
Denoising of Frame Coefficients Using ℓ1 Data-Fidelity Term and Edge-Preserving Regularization.00.342007
Algorithms for Finding Global Minimizers of Image Segmentation and Denoising Models1697.432006
Efficient Minimization Methods of Mixed l2-l1 and l1-l1 Norms for Image Restoration473.022006
Blind identification/equalization using deterministic maximum likelihood and a partial prior on the input20.362006
Analysis of Half-Quadratic Minimization Methods for Signal and Image Recovery1515.092005
Minimization of detail-preserving regularization functional by Newton's method with continuation80.582005
Analysis of the Recovery of Edges in Images and Signals by Minimizing Nonconvex Regularized Least-Squares.552.112005
Salt-and-Pepper noise removal by median-type noise detectors and detail-preserving regularization.28212.632005
Fast algorithms for l1 norm/mixed l1 and l2 norms for image restoration20.372005
Finding the global minimum for binary image restoration90.622005
The Use Of Super-Resolution Techniques To Reduce Slice Thickness In Functional Mri221.832004
An iterative procedure for removing random-valued impulse noise822.962004
Weakly Constrained Minimization: Application to the Estimation of Images and Signals Involving Constant Regions434.032004
A Variational Approach to Remove Outliers and Impulse Noise26613.322004
Modeling anisotropic undersampling of magnetic resonance angiographies and reconstruction of a high-resolution isotropic volume using half-quadratic regularization techniques20.452004
Efficient removing of impulsive noise based on an l/sub 1/-l/sub 2/ cost-function00.342003
A Superresolution Framework for fMRI Sequences and Its Impact on Resulting Activation Maps60.642003
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