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Extending WordNet with UFO foundational ontology00.342019
KiPN: a visual notation for knowledge-intensive processes.00.342019
Measuring Performance in Knowledge-intensive Processes.00.342019
A Combined Solution for Real-Time Travel Mode Detection and Trip Purpose Prediction00.342019
Aplicação da Teoria de Múltiplos Níveis para a Modelagem de Processos Intensivos em Conhecimento(Applying Multi Level Theory for Modeling Knowledge-intensive Processes).00.342018
Query strategies on polyglot persistence in microservices.00.342018
A Measurement Ontology for Beliefs, Desires, Intentions and Feelings within Knowledge-intensive Processes.00.342018
MyMemory: an ontology for privacy protection in external digital memories.00.342018
A proposal for optimizing internetwork matching of ontologies.00.342018
Aumentando a Expressividade Semântica na Modelagem de Regras de Negócio no contexto de Processos intensivos em Conhecimento(Increasing the Semantic Expressiveness of Business Rules Models in the context of Knowledge-intensive Processes).00.342018
Alinhamento de Grandes Ontologias com Recurso de Banco de Dados NoSQL e Utilização de Workflow Científico.00.342018
Ontological Analysis and Redesign of Risk Modeling in ArchiMate20.402018
Speech Acts Featuring Decisions in Knowledge-Intensive Processes.00.342018
Paving a research roadmap on network of ontologies.00.342017
Uncovering the Hidden Co-evolution in the Work History of Software Projects.10.362017
ALIN results for OAEI 2016.00.342017
Cyberspace: Towards An Ontology Of The External Digital Contemporary Memory00.342017
Usando KIPO para Modelar Problemas e Socialização na Elicitação de Requisitos.00.342017
Discovering Business Rules in Knowledge-Intensive Processes Through Decision Mining: An Experimental Study.20.372017
Knowledge-intensive Process: A Research Framework.00.342017
Where Enterprise Architecture and Early Ontology Engineering Meet: A Case Study in the Public Security Domain.00.342017
The Role of Context Within the Interactions of Knowledge Intensive Processes.00.342017
Analysis of Knowledge-Intensive Processes Focused on the Communication Perspective.20.382017
Interactive Ontology Alignment using Alignment Antipatterns: A First Experiment00.342016
OntoDW: An Approach for Extraction of Conceptualizations from Data Warehouses.00.342016
KIPO: the knowledge-intensive process ontology.80.622015
Discovering Intentions and Desires Within Knowledge Intensive Processes.10.362015
Context-Sensitive Textual Recommendations for Incomplete Process Model Elements20.412015
Towards a context-based representation of the dynamicity perspective in knowledge-intensive processes00.342015
Learning Ontology from Text: A Storytelling Exploratory Case Study.10.402015
A geo-ontology to support the semantic integration of geoinformation from the National Spatial Data Infrastructure.00.342013
Detection of naming convention violations in process models for different languages220.722013
Classificador de alinhamento de ontologias utilizando técnicas de aprendizado de máquina.00.342013
Discovering collaborative knowledge-intensive processes through e-mail mining30.412013
Uma abordagem baseada em mineração de dados para apoio ao ciclo de vida de projetos de pesquisa e inovação.00.342013
Towards Recommendations for Horizontal XML Fragmentation.20.372013
A notation for Knowledge-Intensive Processes.140.772013
Evaluating KIPN for Modeling KIP.00.342013
Ontology alignment based on instances using hybrid genetic algorithm.10.352012
Towards characterizing Knowledge Intensive Processes.60.572012
Ontology-based Semi-automatic Workflow Composition.00.342012
Towards Knowledge-Intensive Processes Representation.10.362012
Recomendações para fragmentação horizontal de bases de dados XML.10.362012
eMail Mining: Knowledge intensive process discovery through e-mails00.342012
Improving Enterprise IT Governance and Management by Applying Competitive Intelligence and External Context Discovery on COBIT
Construção de Modelos Conceituais a Partir de Textos com Apoio de Tipos Semânticos.00.342012
An Exploratory Study on Collaboratively Conceptualizing Knowledge Intensive Processes.50.522012
Real time data loading and OLAP queries: Living together in next generation BI environments.00.342012
Alignment Patterns Based on Unified Foundational Ontology.00.342012
An architecture to support information sources discovery through semantic search.30.572011
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