CEG-IST, Centre for Management Studies, Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon, TagusPark, Av. Cavaco Silva, 2780-990 Porto Salvo, Portugal and LAMSADE, Université Pa ...
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Using a segmenting description approach in multiple criteria decision aiding00.342020
An Application Of The Electre Tri-C Method To Characterize Government Performance In Oecd Countries00.342019
Supporting the Use of Decision Aiding Methods by Non-specialists.00.342019
On The Orness Of Bonferroni Mean And Its Variants00.342019
An indirect elicitation method for the parameters of the ELECTRE TRI-nB model using genetic algorithms.10.402019
Interpolation by lattice polynomial functions: A polynomial time algorithm00.342019
Managerial multiple objective optimization.10.372018
A multiple criteria nominal classification method based on the concepts of similarity and dissimilarity.20.372018
Finding representations for an unconstrained bi-objective combinatorial optimization problem.10.372018
Shortest Paths with Ordinal Weights.00.342018
Compressed data structures for bi-objective {0, 1}-knapsack problems.00.342018
On the Choquet multiple criteria preference aggregation model: Theoretical and practical insights from a real-world application.60.482018
A robust hierarchical nominal classification method based on similarity and dissimilarity.00.342018
A multiple criteria methodology for prioritizing and selecting portfolios of urban projects.00.342018
A multi-objective genetic algorithm based approach for location of grain silos in Paraná State of Brazil.10.352017
Bi-dimensional knapsack problems with one soft constraint.10.362017
Secure Virtual Network Embedding in a Multi-Cloud Environment.10.362017
ELECTRE TRI-nB: A new multiple criteria ordinal classification method.70.472017
Finding compromise solutions in project portfolio selection with multiple experts by inverse optimization10.412016
A multi-objective approach with soft constraints for water supply and wastewater coverage improvements.20.382015
Dealing with a multiple criteria environmental problem with interaction effects between criteria through an extension of the Electre III method.140.652015
A two phase approach for the bi-objective non-convex combined heat and power production planning problem.30.412015
An improved version of a core based algorithm for the multi-objective multi-dimensional knapsack problem: A computational study and comparison with meta-heuristics10.352015
On finding representative non-dominated points for bi-objective integer network flow problems.110.602014
Dealing with interaction between bipolar multiple criteria preferences in PROMETHEE methods.100.552014
Dynamic programming algorithms for the bi-objective integer knapsack problem.60.452014
The SMAA-PROMETHEE method.240.902014
CUT: A Multicriteria Approach for Concavifiable Preferences90.512014
Generalized manipulability of fuzzy social choice functions00.342014
Multicriteria 0-1 knapsack problems with k-min objectives.10.352013
Emergent nature inspired algorithms for multi-objective optimization.00.342013
A real-integer-discrete-coded differential evolution70.502013
Algorithmic improvements on dynamic programming for the bi-objective {0,1} knapsack problem110.552013
On local search for bi-objective knapsack problems.70.602013
A reduction dynamic programming algorithm for the bi-objective integer knapsack problem.90.472013
Inverse multi-objective combinatorial optimization.30.472013
The inverse {0, 1}{0, 1}-knapsack problem: Theory, algorithms and computational experiments.40.452013
Modeling centrality measures in social network analysis using bi-criteria network flow optimization problems.170.782013
Interaction of Criteria and Robust Ordinal Regression in Bi-polar PROMETHEE Methods.20.392012
On the calculation of stability radius for multi-objective combinatorial optimization problems by inverse optimization.10.362012
Multi-objective scheduling and a resource allocation problem in hospitals50.472012
Some convergence-based M-ary cardinal metrics for comparing performances of multi-objective optimizers90.572012
Computational performance of basic state reduction based dynamic programming algorithms for bi-objective 0-1 knapsack problems10.352012
Dynamic programming based algorithms for the discounted {0-1} knapsack problem.130.552012
A multiple criteria sorting method where each category is characterized by several reference actions: The Electre Tri-nC method.270.972012
Electre Tri-C, a multiple criteria decision aiding sorting model applied to assisted reproduction120.612011
Single row facility layout problem using a permutation-based genetic algorithm.200.732011
A two state reduction based dynamic programming algorithm for the bi-objective 0-1 knapsack problem70.432011
A real-integer-discrete-coded particle swarm optimization for design problems120.722011
Identifying preferred solutions to Multi-Objective Binary Optimisation problems, with an application to the Multi-Objective Knapsack Problem30.412011
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