Canada Ctr Remote Sensing, Ottawa, ON K1A OY7, Canada
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Remote Sensing of Wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region of North America00.342021
Monitoring of 30 Years Wetland Changes in Newfoundland, Canada00.342021
Status and Trends of Wetland Studies in Canada Using Remote Sensing Technology with a Focus on Wetland Classification: A Bibliographic Analysis00.342021
Meta-Analysis Of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Uav) Imagery For Agro-Environmental Monitoring Using Machine Learning And Statistical Models00.342020
Hybrid Compact Polarimetric SAR for Environmental Monitoring with the RADARSAT Constellation Mission.00.342020
Remote Sensing of Boreal Wetlands 1: Data Use for Policy and Management.00.342020
Remote Sensing of Boreal Wetlands 2: Methods for Evaluating Boreal Wetland Ecosystem State and Drivers of Change.00.342020
Application of Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing Platform, Sentinel Imagery, and Neural Networks for Crop Mapping in Canada.10.362020
Wetland Monitoring Using SAR Data: A Meta-Analysis and Comprehensive Review.10.352020
Automated SAR Image Thresholds for Water Mask Production in Alberta's Boreal Region.00.342020
Meta-Analysis of Wetland Classification Using Remote Sensing: A Systematic Review of a 40-Year Trend in North America00.342020
Comparing Deep Learning and Shallow Learning for Large-Scale Wetland Classification in Alberta, Canada.10.352020
Full and Simulated Compact Polarimetry SAR Responses to Canadian Wetlands: Separability Analysis and Classification.00.342019
Comparison of Compact and Fully Polarimetric SAR for Multitemporal Wetland Monitoring00.342019
Canadian Wetland Inventory using Google Earth Engine: The First Map and Preliminary Results.00.342019
A PolSAR Change Detection Index Based on Neighborhood Information for Flood Mapping.00.342019
A dynamic classification scheme for mapping spectrally similar classes: Application to wetland classification.00.342019
SAR and Lidar Temporal Data Fusion Approaches to Boreal Wetland Ecosystem Monitoring.00.342019
Wetland Classification with Multi-Angle/Temporal SAR Using Random Forests.10.352019
An efficient feature optimization for wetland mapping by synergistic use of SAR intensity, interferometry, and polarimetry data.40.412018
Seasonal and multi-year surface displacements measured by DInSAR in a High Arctic permafrost environment.10.432018
Speckle filtering of Synthetic Aperture Radar images using filters with object-size-adapted windows.00.342018
Insights Into Polarimetric Processing for Wetlands From Backscatter Modeling and Multi-Incidence Radarsat-2 Data.00.342018
Semi-Automated Surface Water Detection with Synthetic Aperture Radar Data: A Wetland Case Study.20.372017
Seasonal Change in Wetland Coherence as an Aid to Wetland Monitoring.20.412017
Retrieval Of Paddy Rice Variables During The Growth Season With A Modified Water Cloud Model On Polarimetric Radar Images00.342016
Operational Surface Water Detection and Monitoring Using Radarsat 2.00.342016
Estimation of Paddy Rice Variables with a Modified Water Cloud Model and Improved Polarimetric Decomposition Using Multi-Temporal RADARSAT-2 Images.00.342016
A Collection of SAR Methodologies for Monitoring Wetlands201.192015
Polarimetric Decompositions of Temperate Wetlands at C-Band30.422015
Effects of disturbance and climate change on ecosystem performance in the Yukon River Basin boreal forest10.372014
PolSAR imaging of wetlands: New insights into backscatter physics00.342014
Earth observation using radar data: an overview of applications and challenges30.382008
Water resource applications with RADARSAT-2 - a preview131.122008
First order surface roughness correction of active microwave observations for estimating soil moisture175.951997