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An Attack Simulation Language for the IT Domain.00.342020
Can the Common Vulnerability Scoring System be Trusted? A Bayesian Analysis.90.472018
Consensus in Software Engineering: A Cognitive Mapping Study.00.342018
In-Depth Modeling of the UNIX Operating System for Architectural Cyber Security Analysis30.382017
Automated Probabilistic System Architecture Analysis in the Multi-Attribute Prediction Language (MAPL): Iteratively Developed using Multiple Case Studies.00.342017
Empirical assessment of the accuracy of an interoperability prediction language.00.342017
Automatic Design of Secure Enterprise Architecture: Work in Progress Paper.00.342017
Using enterprise architecture to analyse how organisational structure impact motivation and learning00.342016
Quantitative Information Security Risk Estimation Using Probabilistic Attack Graphs00.342016
Time between vulnerability disclosures: A measure of software product vulnerability.70.442016
The Tarpit – A general theory of software engineering40.412016
Modeling and analyzing systems-of-systems in the multi-attribute prediction language (MAPL).10.362016
pwnPr3d: An Attack-Graph-Driven Probabilistic Threat-Modeling Approach30.412016
Search-based design of large software systems-of-systems00.342015
Integrated Metamodel for Security Analysis30.382015
Securi CAD by Foreseeti: A CAD Tool for Enterprise Cyber Security Management30.392015
Exploring Theory of Cognition for General Theory of Software Engineering00.342015
An architecture modeling framework for probabilistic prediction100.582014
An architecture framework for enterprise IT service availability analysis110.602014
P2AMF: Predictive, Probabilistic Architecture Modeling Framework.110.702013
Computer in Industry Special Issue on “Interoperability and Future Internet for Next-Generation Enterprises” Editorial and state of the art10.382013
The Enterprise Architecture Analysis Tool - Support for the Predictive, Probabilistic Architecture Modeling Framework.50.452013
Using enterprise architecture and technology adoption models to predict application usage100.502012
A language for interoperability modeling and prediction80.602012
Enterprise Interoperability: 4th International IFIP Working Conference, IWEI 2012, Harbin, China, September 6-7, 2012, Proceedings192.102012
Availability of enterprise IT systems: an expert-based Bayesian framework140.772012
Predicting Interoperability in an Environmental Assurance System.00.342012
A Meta-language for Enterprise Architecture Analysis.140.662011
A Modeling Language for Interoperability Assessments.20.412011
Data accuracy assessment using enterprise architecture210.722011
Architecture analysis of enterprise systems modifiability: a metamodel for software change cost estimation130.742010
Architecture analysis of enterprise systems modifiability - Models, analysis, and validation290.922010
A Tool for Interoperability Analysis of Enterprise Architecture Models using Pi-OCL.150.802010
The Effect of IT Governance Maturity on IT Governance Performance231.032010
A probabilistic relational model for security risk analysis412.162010
Data Collection Prioritization for System Quality Analysis130.592009
A Survival Analysis of Application Life Spans based on Enterprise Architecture Models220.932009
Enterprise Architecture Analysis for Data Accuracy Assessments110.652009
A Method for Choosing Software Assessment Measures Using Bayesian Networks and Diagnosis20.412009
A Tool for Enterprise Architecture Analysis of Maintainability110.632009
Decision Support Oriented Enterprise Architecture Metamodel Management Using Classification Trees50.462009
Enterprise Architecture analysis using Fault Trees and MODAF70.442009
A Method for Constructing a Company Specific Enterprise Architecture Model Framework30.372009
A method for creating entreprise architecture metamodels applied to systems modifiability140.812009
Enterprise architecture dependency analysis using fault trees and Bayesian networks110.612009
An Enterprise Architecture Framework For Application Consolidation In The Swedish Armed Forces40.402009
Barriers to Enterprise Interoperability60.542009
Cyber Security Risks Assessment with Bayesian Defense Graphs and Architectural Models130.772009
An Enterprise Architecture Management Pattern for Software Change Project Cost Analysis20.352009
Modeling the IT Impact on Organizational Structure50.462009
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