Univ Fed Amazonas, Inst Computacao, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil
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Organizing Portuguese Legal Documents through Topic Discovery00.342022
Efficient Match-Based Candidate Network Generation for Keyword Queries Over Relational Databases00.342022
Enriching Product Catalogs with User Opinions.00.342020
Contender: Leveraging User Opinions for Purchase Decision-Making00.342019
: Leveraging user opinions for product catalog enrichment.20.392019
The Importance of Canonical Product Attributes on User Opinions: an Empirical Investigation00.342019
Lathe: light-Weight Keyword Query Processing over Multiple Databases.00.342018
Efficient and Robust WiFi Indoor Positioning Using Hierarchical Navigable Small World Graphs10.352018
An aspect-driven method for enriching product catalogs with user opinions.00.342018
Website replica detection with distant supervision00.342018
Waves: a fast multi-tier top-k query processing algorithm.10.402017
Color and texture applied to a signature-based bag of visual words method for image retrieval.50.392017
A multimodal query expansion based on genetic programming for visually-oriented e-commerce applications.50.412016
Visual Categorization of Apparel Products Combining Bag of Visual Words (BoVW) and Color and Edge Directivity Descriptor (CEDD).00.342016
Fast top-k preserving query processing using two-tier indexes.40.392016
Finding seeds to bootstrap focused crawlers50.402016
When Software Impacts the Economy and Environment.00.342016
Towards the Effective Linking of Social Media Contents to Products in E-Commerce Catalogs20.362016
Heuristics to Improve the BMW Method and Its Variants.10.352015
A Self-training CRF Method for Recognizing Product Model Mentions in Web Forums.20.382015
A signature-based bag of visual words method for image indexing and search50.412015
A genetic programming framework to schedule webpage updates.40.432015
Ranking Candidate Networks of relations to improve keyword search over relational databases00.342015
Learning to expand queries using entities30.402014
Multiobjective Pareto-Efficient Approaches for Recommender Systems.210.992014
Learning URL Normalization Rules Using Multiple Alignment of Sequences10.372013
Evaluation of parameters for combining multiple textual sources of evidence for Web image retrieval using genetic programming.10.362013
Learning to Schedule Webpage Updates Using Genetic Programming.40.422013
A Probabilistic Approach for Automatically Filling Form-Based Web Interfaces.00.342011
A new approach for verifying URL uniqueness in web crawlers30.402011
On Using Wikipedia to Build Knowledge Bases for Information Extraction by Text Segmentation.10.362011
The Database and Information Retrieval Research Group at UFAM.00.342011
ACAKS: An Ad-Collection-Aware Keyword Selection Approach for Contextual Advertising.00.342011
A site oriented method for segmenting web pages70.512011
Information Retrieval Research at UFMG.00.342011
Modeling the web as a hypergraph to compute page reputation110.582010
Active Learning Genetic programming for record deduplication180.702010
Using Statistical Features to Find Phrasal Terms in Text Collections50.442010
A probabilistic approach for automatically filling form-based web interfaces180.622010
Using structural information to improve search in Web collections210.602010
Exploring features for the automatic identification of user goals in web search150.702010
Demand-driven tag recommendation160.702010
A flexible approach for extracting metadata from bibliographic citations110.522009
An evolutionary approach for combining different sources of evidence in search engines140.642009
Structure-Based Crawling in the Hidden Web80.442008
Locality-Based pruning methods for web search140.672008
Research Developments in Web Information Retrieval from Two Brazilian Universities00.342008
FLUX-CIM: flexible unsupervised extraction of citation metadata342.032007
A Hypergraph Model for Computing Page Reputation on Web Collections40.372007
A strategy for allowing meaningful and comparable scores in approximate matching20.362007
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