Department of Engineering|University of Oxford
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Depth-SIMS: Semi-Parametric Image and Depth Synthesis00.342022
BoxGraph: Semantic Place Recognition and Pose Estimation from 3D LiDAR.00.342022
Get To The Point: Learning Lidar Place Recognition And Metric Localisation Using Overhead Imagery00.342021
Self-supervised learning for using overhead imagery as maps in outdoor range sensor localization10.412021
Fool Me Once: Robust Selective Segmentation via Out-of-Distribution Detection with Contrastive Learning00.342021
Look Here: Learning Geometrically Consistent Refinement of Inverse-Depth Images for 3D Reconstruction00.342021
Learning To Correct Reconstructions From Multiple Views00.342021
LiDAR Lateral Localisation Despite Challenging Occlusion from Traffic00.342020
kRadar++: Coarse-to-Fine FMCW Scanning Radar Localisation.20.392020
Keep off the Grass: Permissible Driving Routes from Radar with Weak Audio Supervision10.342020
Radar as a Teacher: Weakly Supervised Vehicle Detection using Radar Labels00.342020
Look Around You: Sequence-based Radar Place Recognition with Learned Rotational Invariance20.382020
Kidnapped Radar: Topological Radar Localisation using Rotationally-Invariant Metric Learning10.372020
The Oxford Radar RobotCar Dataset: A Radar Extension to the Oxford RobotCar Dataset50.462020
Don’t Worry About the Weather: Unsupervised Condition-Dependent Domain Adaptation20.362019
Reducing Steganography In Cycle-consistency GANs.10.362019
Resource-Performance Tradeoff Analysis for Mobile Robots.20.382018
The Right (Angled) Perspective: Improving the Understanding of Road Scenes Using Boosted Inverse Perspective Mapping10.352018
Listening for Sirens: Locating and Classifying Acoustic Alarms in City Scenes.00.342018
The Data Market: Policies for Decentralised Visual Localisation.00.342018
Inferring Road Boundaries Through and Despite Traffic20.452018
Multimotion Visual Odometry (Mvo): Simultaneous Estimation Of Camera And Third-Party Motions70.452018
Reading between the Lanes: Road Layout Reconstruction from Partially Segmented Scenes10.352018
Modelling scene change for large-scale long term laser localisation.10.342017
Visual Place Recognition: A Survey.1473.362016
Model-free detection and tracking of dynamic objects with 2D lidar170.812015
Reading the Road: Road Marking Classification and Interpretation60.472015
Dense mono reconstruction: Living with the pain of the plain plane40.412015
Direct Visual Localisation and Calibration for Road Vehicles in Changing City Environments80.692015
Too much TV is bad: Dense reconstruction from sparse laser with non-convex regularisation20.372015
Learning place-dependant features for long-term vision-based localisation110.772015
Visual precis generation using coresets30.402014
LAPS-II: 6-DoF day and night visual localisation with prior 3D structure for autonomous road vehicles80.542014
Continuous Vehicle Localisation Using Sparse 3d Sensing, Kernelised Renyi Distance And Fast Gauss Transforms40.472013
A roadwork scene signature based on the opponent colour model20.382013
Self-help: Seeking out perplexing images for ever improving topological mapping30.392013
Risky Planning on Probabilistic Costmaps for Path Planning in Outdoor Environments120.682013
Experience-based navigation for long-term localisation541.732013
Special issue on Robotics: Science and Systems00.342013
Dealing with shadows: Capturing intrinsic scene appearance for image-based outdoor localisation120.622013
Generation And Exploitation Of Local Orthographic Imagery For Road Vehicle Localisation80.732012
What could move? Finding cars, pedestrians and bicyclists in 3D laser data160.732012
Parsing Outdoor Scenes from Streamed 3D Laser Data Using Online Clustering and Incremental Belief Updates.30.422012
Laser-only road-vehicle localization with dual 2D push-broom LIDARS and 3D priors70.572012
Semantic categorization of outdoor scenes with uncertainty estimates using multi-class gaussian process classification120.622012
Guest editorial: special issue on robotics: science and systems.00.342012
Practice Makes Perfect? Managing And Leveraging Visual Experiences For Lifelong Navigation421.442012
Experimental analysis of 10Gbps transfers over physical and emulated dedicated connections10.372012
How was your day? Online visual workspace summaries using incremental clustering in topic space80.502012
Can Priors Be Trusted? Learning To Anticipate Roadworks40.442012
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