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DNNARA - A Deep Neural Network Accelerator using Residue Arithmetic and Integrated Photonics.10.482020
ROC: A Reconfigurable Optical Computer for Simulating Physical Processes10.412020
A Design Methodology for Post-Moore’s Law Accelerators: The Case of a Photonic Neuromorphic Processor00.342020
A Winograd-Based Integrated Photonics Accelerator for Convolutional Neural Networks10.412019
Integrated Photonics Architectures for Residue Number System Computations00.342019
Adaptive Mesh Refinement in Analog Mesh Computers.00.342018
Corrigendum: Software for Brain Network Simulations: A Comparative Study.00.342018
Photonic Neuromporphic Computing with Electrooptic Nonlinear Activation00.342018
D3NoC: a dynamic data-driven hybrid photonic plasmonic NoC.00.342018
Neural Network Activation Functions with Electro-Optic Absorption Modulators10.412018
PCNNA: A Photonic Convolutional Neural Network Accelerator30.472018
Energy-Quality Scaling in Analog Mesh Computers.00.342018
Software for Brain Network Simulations: A Comparative Study.40.432017
Optimizing thin client caches for mobile cloud computing: : Design space exploration using genetic algorithms.50.462017
Hardware Support for Secure Stream Processing in Cloud Environments.00.342017
MorphoNoC: Exploring the Design Space of a Configurable Hybrid NoC using Nanophotonics.00.342017
Integrated Nanophotonics Architecture for Residue Number System Arithmetic.00.342017
Novel Models of Visual Topographic Map Alignment in the Superior Colliculus.10.352016
A Universal Multi-Hierarchy Figure-of-Merit for On-Chip Computing and Communications.00.342016
Optimization of Selected Remote Sensing Algorithms for Many-Core Architectures.00.342016
Exploiting Hierarchical Locality in Deep Parallel Architectures.40.392016
Moore's Law in CLEAR Light.00.342016
Accelerating Brain Simulations On Graphical Processing Units10.352015
Assessing Memory Access Performance Of Chapel Through Synthetic Benchmarks00.342015
A Power-Aware Symbiotic Scheduling Algorithm for Concurrent GPU Kernels50.462015
Optimization Of Selected Remote Sensing Algorithms For Embedded Nvidia Kepler Gpu Architecture00.342015
Efficient Resource Sharing Through GPU Virtualization on Accelerated High Performance Computing Systems.00.342015
Communication efficient work distributions in stencil operation based applications20.392015
Energy Efficient Job Co-Scheduling For High-Performance Parallel Computing Clusters10.352015
Predicting the severity of motor neuron disease progression using electronic health record data with a cloud computing Big Data approach.30.432014
Where should the threads go? Leveraging hierarchical data locality to solve the thread affinity dilemma00.342014
Symbiotic scheduling of concurrent GPU kernels for performance and energy optimizations80.482014
Exploring Graphics Processing Unit (Gpu) Resource Sharing Efficiency For High Performance Computing50.732013
Hardware support for address mapping in PGAS languages: a UPC case study10.372013
A scalability study of interconnect architectures for System-on-Chip.00.342012
A method for communication efficient work distributions in stencil operation based applications on heterogeneous clusters00.342012
Development of a real-time urban remote sensing initiative in the mediterranean region for early warning and mitigation of disasters20.402012
Exploiting concurrent kernel execution on graphic processing units221.342011
HPCS 2011 panel session: Graphical processing units (GPUs): Opportunities and challenges.00.342011
Analytical performance comparison of 2D Mesh, WK-recursive, and Spidergon NoCs20.372010
Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications, 6th International Symposium, ARC 2010, Bangkok, Thailand, March 17-19, 2010. Proceedings444.312010
Analytical modeling and evaluation of network-on-chip architectures40.512010
The Kamal Ewida Earth Observatory: A NATO supported real-time remote sensing receiving station being established in Egypt with HPC-enabled near-real-time data products for mitigation of environmental & public health disasters00.342009
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on High-Performance Reconfigurable Computing Technology and Applications, HPRTCA 2009, November 15, 2009, Portland, Oregon, USA60.632009
Reconfigurable processing for satellite on-board automatic cloud cover assessment121.792009
An interconnection architecture for network-on-chip systems.230.832008
Designing with extreme parallelism00.342008
The Promise of High-Performance Reconfigurable Computing853.962008
Simulation and Evaluation of On-Chip Interconnect Architectures: 2D Mesh, Spidergon, and WK-Recursive Network70.502008
Software/Hardware Co-Scheduling for Reconfigurable Computing Systems120.712007
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