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Can Shuffling Video Benefit Temporal Bias Problem: A Novel Training Framework for Temporal Grounding.00.342022
Intelligent Joint Network Slicing and Routing via GCN-Powered Multi-Task Deep Reinforcement Learning00.342022
Modeling Aspect Correlation for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis via Recurrent Inverse Learning Guidance.00.342022
Mining Multi-View Information: A Strong Self-Supervised Framework for Depth-based 3D Hand Pose and Mesh Estimation00.342022
DLI-Net: Dual Local Interaction Network for Fine-Grained Sketch-Based Image Retrieval00.342022
Exploring Local Detail Perception for Scene Sketch Semantic Segmentation00.342022
Towards Intelligent Provisioning of Virtualized Network Functions in Cloud of Things: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Approach00.342022
FedNKD: A Dependable Federated Learning Using Fine-tuned Random Noise and Knowledge Distillation00.342022
Resilient QUIC Protocol for Emerging Wireless Networks00.342022
A Dual-Branch Self-Boosting Framework for Self-Supervised 3D Hand Pose Estimation00.342022
Query-aware video encoder for video moment retrieval00.342022
Software-defined network assimilation: bridging the last mile towards centralized network configuration management with NAssim00.342022
The inspection model for zero-knowledge proofs and efficient Zerocash with secp256k1 keys.00.342022
Learning Low Resource Consumption CNN Through Pruning and Quantization00.342022
Extractive Dialogue Summarization Without Annotation Based on Distantly Supervised Machine Reading Comprehension in Customer Service00.342022
Following the Correct Direction: Renovating Sparsified SGD Towards Global Optimization in Distributed Edge Learning00.342022
Parallel Decoders Guided Lexically Constrained Response Generation.00.342021
Spatial Temporal Enhanced Contrastive and Pretext Learning for Skeleton-based Action Representation.00.342021
Syntax-Type-Aware Graph Convolutional Networks For Natural Language Understanding10.352021
SAR: Spatial-Aware Regression for 3D Hand Pose and Mesh Reconstruction from a Monocular RGB Image00.342021
DeepCC: Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Congestion Control for Multi-Path TCP Based on Self-Attention00.342021
Pattern and content controlled response generation00.342021
Prefix-Graph: A Versatile Log Parsing Approach Merging Prefix Tree With Probabilistic Graph00.342021
Context-Aware Anomaly Detection In Attributed Networks00.342021
Deep graph alignment network00.342021
Joint-Aware Regression: Rethinking Regression-Based Method for 3D Hand Pose Estimation.00.342021
Effective Scheduler For Distributed Dnn Training Based On Mapreduce And Gpu Cluster00.342021
Grouping Synchronous to Eliminate Stragglers with Edge Computing in Distributed Deep Learning00.342021
Spatial-aware stacked regression network for real-time 3D hand pose estimation10.352021
Spatial-Temporal Learning-Based Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations in the Edge Network00.342021
Generative Adversarial Network-Based Transfer Reinforcement Learning for Routing With Prior Knowledge10.342021
Keyword Extraction Algorithm Based on Pre-training and Multi-task Training.00.342021
Network-aware task selection to reduce multi-application makespan in cloud10.362021
DLA-Net for FG-SBIR: Dynamic Local Aligned Network for Fine-Grained Sketch-Based Image Retrieval10.352021
Efficient Depth Completion Network Based On Dynamic Gated Fusion00.342021
Accelerating DNN Inference by Edge-Cloud Collaboration00.342021
Capsule Network Distributed Learning with Multi-Access Edge Computing for the Internet of Vehicles00.342021
Band Steering Technology Based on QoE-Oriented Optimization in Wireless Network.00.342020
Toward Communication-Efficient Federated Learning in the Internet of Things With Edge Computing60.402020
Vabis: Video Adaptation Bitrate System for Time-Critical Live Streaming10.352020
Scalable Parallel Task Scheduling For Autonomous Driving Using Multi-Task Deep Reinforcement Learning10.342020
Learning Chinese Word Embeddings from Character Structural Information10.342020
DeepHop on Edge - Hop-by-hop Routing byDistributed Learning with Semantic Attention.10.342020
Awr: Adaptive Weighting Regression For 3d Hand Pose Estimation00.342020
Toward Greater Intelligence in Route Planning: A Graph-Aware Deep Learning Approach20.392020
GGS: General Gradient Sparsification for Federated Learning in Edge Computing *30.372020
Attention-Based Multi-Layer Chinese Word Embedding00.342019
Multi-Task Deep Reinforcement Learning For Scalable Parallel Task Scheduling00.342019
AUTOHOME-ORCA at SemEval-2019 Task 8: Application of BERT for Fact-Checking in Community Forums.00.342019
Knowledge-Driven Service Offloading Decision for Vehicular Edge Computing: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach110.452019
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