Nat. ASIC Design Eng. Center, Chinese Acad. of Sci., Beijing, China
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A landmark-free approach for automatic, dense and robust correspondence of 3D faces00.342023
Label-Occurrence-Balanced Mixup for Long-Tailed Recognition.00.342022
RSDet++: Point-Based Modulated Loss for More Accurate Rotated Object Detection00.342022
Regularizing deep networks with label geometry for accurate object localization on small training datasets00.342022
Partner learning: A comprehensive knowledge transfer for vehicle re-identification00.342022
Unstructured Feature Decoupling for Vehicle Re-identification.00.342022
Bioinformatics and system biology approaches to identify pathophysiological impact of COVID-19 to the progression and severity of neurological diseases00.342021
PSigmoid: Improving squeeze-and-excitation block with parametric sigmoid00.342021
Towards Low-Bit Quantization Of Deep Neural Networks With Limited Data00.342020
Auxiliary Attribute Aided Few-shot Representation Learning for Gun Image Retrieval00.342020
Rectified Exponential Units for Convolutional Neural Networks.00.342019
Unlabeled Data Driven Channel-Wise Bit-Width Allocation and Quantization Refinement.00.342019
Bioinformatics Methodologies To Identify Interactions Between Type 2 Diabetes And Neurological Comorbidities00.342019
Snorenet: Detecting Snore Events From Raw Sound Recordings00.342019
Tp-Admm: An Efficient Two-Stage Framework For Training Binary Neural Networks00.342019
Towards fast and kernelized orthogonal discriminant analysis on person re-identification00.342019
An Adaptive Pointwise P-norm Regularization for Image Deconvolution00.342019
Apnea and Hypopnea Events Classification Using Amplitude Spectrum Trend Feature of Snores.00.342018
Region-specific Metric Learning for Person Re-identification.00.342018
Key Person Aided Re-identification in Partially Ordered Pedestrian Set.00.342017
A Fast Blind Spatially-Varying Motion Deblurring Algorithm With Camera Poses Estimation00.342016
A lighting robust fitting approach of 3D morphable model for face reconstruction20.372016
Sharp image estimation from a depth-involved motion-blurred image40.392016
Lighting estimation of a convex Lambertian object using weighted spherical harmonic frames.20.372015
Adaptive Integral Operators for Signal Separation30.412015
Iterative Distributed Minimum Total-MSE Approach for Secure Communications in MIMO Interference Channels20.382015
A Lighting Robust Fitting Approach of 3D Morphable Model Using Spherical Harmonic Illumination00.342014
A detection method for bearing faults using null space pursuit and S transform.20.372014
Compressed image deblurring00.342014
Learning adaptive interpolation kernels for fast single-image super resolution.20.372014
A Practical Roadside Camera Calibration Method Based on Least Squares Optimization110.612014
A Weight-Based Dv-Hop Improved Localization Algorithm For Wireless Sensor Networks10.362014
Antiringing image deblurring approach using frequency domain relative error10.362014
Lighting Estimation of a Convex Lambertian Object Using Redundant Spherical Harmonic Frames10.362013
Multicomponent AM-FM signal separation and demodulation with null space pursuit.110.582013
An operator-based and sparsity-based approach to adaptive signal separation20.392013
Multiple Component Predictive Coding Of Images10.362013
An integral operator based adaptive signal separation approach00.342013
Precipitation Control for Mixed Solution Based on Fuzzy Adaptive Robust Algorithm.00.342012
Back Projection Strategy For Solving Mode Mixing Problem00.342012
New Explorations on Cannon’s Contributions and Generalized Solutions for Uniform Linear Motion Blur Identification20.362012
Commutability of blur and affine warping in super-resolution with application to joint estimation of triple-coupled variables.50.392012
Model based vehicle localization for urban traffic surveillance using image gradient based matching50.432012
An Optimized Approach for Pansharpening Very High Resolution Multispectral Images.70.512012
Study on co-precipitation control for complex mixed solution00.342012
Denoising of hyperspectral imagery using a spatial-spectral domain mixing prior00.342012
Single-Image blind deblurring for non-uniform camera-shake blur20.362012
A Direct Evaluation Of Mono-Components By Instantaneous Frequency10.372012
Single image blind deblurring with image decomposition80.442012
Hyperspectral Imagery Denoising Using a Spatial-Spectral Domain Mixing Prior20.362012
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