Institute for Software Systems Engineering|Technische Universitat Braunschweig
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Semantic Differencing of Use Case Diagrams00.342022
SoSyM reflections: the 2021 "state of the journal" report00.342022
MontiThings: Model-Driven Development and Deployment of Reliable IoT Applications00.342022
Artifact and reference models for generative machine learning frameworks and build systems10.362021
A Conceptual Model for Digital Shadows in Industry and Its Application10.362021
The Wild-West Of Modeling (Revisited)00.342021
Towards Privacy-Preserving IoT Systems Using Model Driven Engineering.00.342020
Komposition Domänenspezifischer Sprachen unter Nutzung der MontiCore Language Workbench, am Beispiel SysML 2.00.342020
Towards A Model-Driven Architecture For Interactive Digital Twin Cockpits10.362020
Modeling dynamic structures.00.342020
A Library of Literals, Expressions, Types, and Statements for Compositional Language Design.00.342020
Systematic composition of independent language features.10.372019
Component-based Integration of Interconnected Vehicle Architectures00.342019
Applying product line testing for the electric drive system: [industry]00.342019
User-Centered and Privacy-Driven Process Mining System Design for IoT.00.342019
Mind the gap: lessons learned from translating grammars between MontiCore and Xtext00.342019
Enterprise Information Systems in Academia and Practice: Lessons learned from a MBSE Project.00.342019
SoSyM significantly reduces its backlog.00.342019
Translating grammars to accurate metamodels.00.342018
Highly-Optimizing And Multi-Target Compiler For Embedded System Models C Plus Plus Compiler Toolchain For The Component And Connector Language Embeddedmontiarc40.602018
Teaching Playground for C&C Language EmbeddedMontiArc.00.342018
Abstraction and Refinement in Hierarchically Decomposable and Underspecified CPS-Architectures.00.342018
Deriving fluent internal domain-specific languages from grammars.10.342018
A Classification of Dynamic Reconfiguration in Component and Connector Architecture Description.00.342017
Visualizing MDD Projects.00.342017
The importance of flow in software development.00.342017
9th Workshop on Modelling in Software Engineering (MiSE 2017)00.342017
Anforderungsverikation von Komponenten- und Konnektormodellen am Beispiel autonom fahrender Autos.00.342017
Advances in Modeling Language Engineering.20.372017
Retrofitting Controlled Dynamic Reconfiguration into the Architecture Description Language MontiArcAutomaton.00.342016
Encapsulation, Operator Overloading, and Error Class Mechanisms in OCL.00.342016
Modeling Variability in Template-based Code Generators for Product Line Engineering.00.342016
Infrastructure to Use OCL for Runtime Structural Compatibility Checks of Simulink Models.10.362016
Variability in Template-based Code Generators for Product Line Engineering.00.342016
Embedding Component Behavior DSLs into the MontiArcAutomaton ADL.10.402016
The 2015 "State of the Journal" report.00.342016
A Methodology for Impact Analysis Based on Model Differencing.00.342015
Simulations on Consumer Tests: Systematic Evaluation of Tolerance Ranges by Model-Based Generation of Simulation Scenarios20.442015
Transforming Platform-Independent to Platform-Specific Component and Connector Software Architecture Models.10.352015
In memory of Robert B. France, Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief of SoSyM from 1999 to 201500.342015
Integration of heterogeneous modeling languages via extensible and composable language components140.612015
Tailoring the MontiArcAutomaton Component & Connector ADL for Generative Development00.342015
Architectural Consistency Checking in Plugin-Based Software Systems10.382015
Modal object diagrams60.552014
Summarizing Semantic Model Differences.30.402014
A Framework for Realtime Online Auctions.20.422014
BMW-ROOM An Object-Oriented Method for ASCET.10.362014
Modeling Variants of Automotive Systems using Views.40.502014
Towards a Family-based Analysis of Applicability Conditions in Architectural Delta Models.20.382014
The Energy Navigator - A Web based Platform for functional Quality Mangement in Buildings.20.432014
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