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ChromStruct 4: A Python Code to Estimate the Chromatin Structure from Hi-C Data.00.342019
Towards a Behavior Analysis of Remote-Sensed Vessels00.342019
Estimation of the Spatial Chromatin Structure Based on a Multiresolution Bead-Chain Model.10.412019
Document Bleed-Through Removal Using Sparse Image Inpainting00.342018
Parallelizable Strategy for the Estimation of the 3D Structure of Biological Macromolecules00.342018
A First Step Towards NLP from Digitized Manuscripts: Virtual Restoration00.342018
Universal Housing Technologies.00.342018
Remote Sensing for Maritime Monitoring and Vessel Prompt Identification.00.342018
Non-Local Sparse Image Inpainting for Document Bleed-Through Removal.00.342018
Archiving and Retrieving Digital Elaborations of Ancient Manuscripts00.342018
Size and Heading of SAR-Detected Ships through the Inertia Tensor.10.362017
Sparse Representation Based Inpainting for the Restoration of Document Images Affected by Bleed-Through.10.352017
Watermarking information layers in multispectral images of cultural heritage objects00.342016
Computational Estimation of Chromosome Structure.00.342016
A non-stationary density model to separate overlapped texts in degraded documents90.692015
Inferring 3D chromatin structure using a multiscale approach based on quaternions10.412015
Non-stationary modeling for the separation of overlapped texts in documents00.342014
Nonlinear model identification and see-through cancelation from recto---verso data50.622013
Highly Degraded Recto-Verso Document Image Processing And Understanding00.342013
Removal of Non-Stationary See-Through Interferences from Recto-Verso Documents.10.372013
Nonlinear model and constrained ML for removing back-to-front interferences from recto-verso documents70.542012
Bayesian Map Detection Of Extragalactic Point Sources In Microwave Astronomical Images00.342011
Blind source separation from multi-channel observations with channel-variant spatial resolutions00.342010
A Framework for Virtual Restoration of Ancient Documents by Combination of Multispectral and 3D Imaging20.402010
Adaptive Langevin sampler for separation of t-distribution modelled astrophysical maps.91.422010
Scientific Computing For Astrophysical Map Analysis00.342010
Fast MCMC separation for MRF modelled astrophysical components30.482009
Registration and Enhancement of Double-Sided Degraded Manuscripts Acquired in Multispectral Modality130.752009
Fully Bayesian Source Separation of Astrophysical Images Modelled by Mixture of Gaussians30.422008
Fast correction of bleed-through distortion in grayscale documents by a blind source separation technique683.362007
Extracting astrophysical sources from channel-dependent convolutional mixtures by correlated component analysis in the frequency domain30.482007
Blind source separation applied to spectral unmixing: comparing different measures of nongaussianity20.382007
Digital image analysis to enhance underwritten text in the Archimedes palimpsest171.652007
Separation of correlated astrophysical sources using multiple-lag data covariance matrices212.072005
Source Separation Techniques Applied to Astrophysical Maps20.492004
Independent component analysis for document restoration512.462004
Source separation in astrophysical maps using independent factor analysis.171.822003
Component separation in astronomical images using independent factor analysis00.342002
Guest Editorial: Fast Energy-Minimization-Based Imaging and Vision Techniques20.422001
Blind source separation from noisy data using bayesian estimation and gibbs priors20.552001
Visual module integration for optical flow estimation10.371998
Superresolution Capabilities Of The Gerchberg Method In The Band-Pass Case: An Eigenvalue Analysis10.631998
Microwave Tomography For Compact-Support Dielectric Objects00.341998
Edge-Preserving Tomographic Reconstruction From Gaussian Data Using A Gibbs Prior And A Generalized Expectation-Maximization Algorithm40.481994
A mixed-annealing algorithm for edge preserving image reconstruction using a limited number of projections30.421993
2D image reconstruction from sparse line-integral data00.341991