Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Deajeon
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Captivate! Contextual Language Guidance for Parent–Child Interaction00.342022
FlexPatch: Fast and Accurate Object Detection for On-device High-Resolution Live Video Analytics00.342022
LIVE: life-immersive virtual environment with physical interaction-aware adaptive blending00.342022
VECA: A New Benchmark and Toolkit for General Cognitive Development.00.342022
Band: coordinated multi-DNN inference on heterogeneous mobile processors00.342022
Fullproof: Towards the Detection of Impostor Syndrome Using Smartphone Sensors00.342021
ParallelFusion: Towards Maximum Utilization of Mobile GPU for DNN Inference10.362021
Toddler-Guidance Learning: Impacts of Critical Period on Multimodal AI Agents00.342021
Detection of Social Identification in Workgroups from a Passively-sensed WiFi Infrastructure.00.342021
Scalable Power Impact Prediction of Mobile Sensing Applications at Pre-installation Time00.342020
EagleEye: wearable camera-based person identification in crowded urban spaces10.352020
DETECTIF : Unified Detection & Correction of IoT Faults in Smart Homes10.372020
Annapurna: An automated smartwatch-based eating detection and food journaling system00.342020
Your Table Can Be an Input Panel: Acoustic-based Device-Free Interaction Recognition80.432019
Examining Augmented Virtuality Impairment Simulation for Mobile App Accessibility Design.00.342019
StressMon: Scalable Detection of Perceived Stress and Depression Using Passive Sensing of Changes in Work Routines and Group Interactions00.342019
CryptoCurrency Mining on Mobile as an Alternative Monetization Approach00.342019
VitaMon: measuring heart rate variability using smartphone front camera40.442019
Towards Machine Learning with Zero Real-World Data00.342019
New Challenges in Display-Saturated Environments00.342019
Passive Detection of Perceived Stress Using Location-driven Sensing Technologies at Scale00.342019
Machine Learning without Real-world Data00.342019
Exploratory Analysis of Individuals' Mobility Patterns and Experienced Conflicts in Workgroups00.342019
Occlumency: Privacy-preserving Remote Deep-learning Inference Using SGX70.492019
Smartwatch-based Early Gesture Detection 8 Trajectory Tracking for Interactive Gesture-Driven Applications.20.362018
Finding Small-Bowel Lesions: Challenges in Endoscopy-Image-Based Learning Systems.10.372018
Experiences & Challenges With Server-Side Wifi Indoor Localization Using Existing Infrastructure10.362018
EngageMon: Multi-Modal Engagement Sensing for Mobile Games20.362018
Performance Characterization of Deep Learning Models for Breathing-based Authentication on Resource-Constrained Devices.20.362018
D-Pruner: Filter-Based Pruning Method for Deep Convolutional Neural Network.00.342018
Breathing-Based Authentication on Resource-Constrained IoT Devices using Recurrent Neural Networks.20.392018
Empath-D: VR-based Empathetic App Design for Accessibility.10.352018
BreathPrint: Breathing Acoustics-based User Authentication.150.592017
Experiences in Building a Real-World Eating Recogniser10.402017
BreathRNNet: Breathing Based Authentication on Resource-Constrained IoT Devices using RNNs.00.342017
DeepMon: Mobile GPU-based Deep Learning Framework for Continuous Vision Applications.561.592017
AudioSense: sound-based shopper behavior analysis system.10.372017
Towards Unobtrusive Mental Well-Being Monitoring for Independent-Living Elderly10.402017
Demo: DeepMon: Building Mobile GPU Deep Learning Models for Continuous Vision Applications.20.372017
Follow-My-Lead: Intuitive Indoor Path Creation and Navigation Using Interactive Videos.00.342017
Demo: Sound Localization using Smartphone.00.342016
PowerForecaster: Predicting Power Impact of Mobile Sensing Applications at Pre-Installation Time.20.362016
Small Scale Deployment of Seat Occupancy Detectors20.392016
Jasper: Sensing Gamers' Emotions Using Physiological Sensors00.342016
Demo: GPU-based Image Recognition and Object Detection on Commodity Mobile Devices.00.342016
Demo: Smartwatch based Food Diary & Eating Analytics.00.342016
DeepSense: A GPU-based Deep Convolutional Neural Network Framework on Commodity Mobile Devices100.702016
Demo: Drumming Application Using Commodity Wearable Devices.00.342016
CoMon+: A Cooperative Context Monitoring System for Multi-Device Personal Sensing Environments.30.472016
Sinabro: A Smartphone-Integrated Opportunistic Electrocardiogram Monitoring System.40.412016
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