Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics(Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Beijing Univ. of Aero. and Astron.),Beijing,China
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Development of the TOA-Related Models for PM2.5 Prediction Pre- and Post-COVID-19 Outbreak over Yangtze River Delta Region of China00.342022
Quantum algorithm and experimental demonstration for the subset sum problem00.342022
Business analytics for social goods00.342022
GinkgoDB: an ecological genome database for the living fossil, Ginkgo biloba00.342022
RAANet: A Residual ASPP with Attention Framework for Semantic Segmentation of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images00.342022
Automated Road-Marking Segmentation via a Multiscale Attention-Based Dilated Convolutional Neural Network Using the Road Marking Dataset00.342022
Designing For The Future In The Age Of Pandemics: A Future-Ready Design Research (Frdr) Process00.342021
Dense-Cnn: Dense Convolutional Neural Network For Stereo Matching Using Multiscale Feature Connection00.342021
A Deterministic Scheduling Policy for Low-Latency Wireless Communication With Continuous Channel States10.352021
Which Multiband Factor Should You Choose For Your Resting-State Fmri Study?00.342021
Personality Expression And Recognition In Chinese Language Usage00.342021
A Structural Property of Charging Scheduling Policy for Shared Electric Vehicles With Wind Power Generation00.342021
Cross-domain recommendation with user personality10.352021
Research on transformer fault diagnosis based on sparrow algorithm optimization probabilistic neural network.00.342021
DGeye: Probabilistic Risk Perception and Prediction for Urban Dangerous Goods Management10.352021
Deep Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for Interpretable Multivariate Time Series Prediction20.492021
Wave-Particle Duality Relation With A Quantum Which-Path Detector00.342021
Fraud Detection in Dynamic Interaction Network00.342020
Decentralized Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning with Multi-time Scale of Decision Epochs00.342020
Softly Associative Transfer Learning for Cross-Domain Classification50.432020
A Filtering Algorithm Of Mems Gyroscope To Resist Acoustic Interference00.342020
Is user-generated content always helpful? The effects of online forum browsing on consumers' travel purchase decisions.00.342020
Anomaly detection of defects on concrete structures with the convolutional autoencoder.50.602020
Understanding Urban Dynamics via Context-Aware Tensor Factorization with Neighboring Regularization30.372020
Affinity Regularized Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Lifelong Topic Modeling00.342020
hPSD: A Hybrid PU-Learning-Based Spammer Detection Model for Product Reviews.50.402020
Effective Organizational Improvisation in Information Systems Development: Insights from the Tencent Messaging System Development00.342019
Brain network reconfiguration for language and domain-general cognitive control in bilinguals.00.342019
Edge-Preserving Stereo Matching Using Minimum Spanning Tree00.342019
Robust Variational Optical Flow Algorithm Based on Rolling Guided Filtering.00.342018
Workforce migration and its economic implications: A perspective from social media in China.00.342018
On Distributed Optimization for Supply Demand Coordination in Cyber Physical Energy Systems00.342018
On distributed event-based optimization for shared economy in cyber-physical energy systems.10.352018
Big data would not lie: prediction of the 2016 Taiwan election via online heterogeneous information.00.342018
A Q-Learning Method for Scheduling Shared EVs Under Uncertain User Demand and Wind Power Supply00.342018
Event-Based HVAC Control - A Complexity-Based Approach.30.402018
Embedding Temporal Network via Neighborhood Formation.230.762018
Interactions Of The Salience Network And Its Subsystems With The Default-Mode And The Central-Executive Networks In Normal Aging And Mild Cognitive Impairment10.362017
Exploring the complementarity of THz pulse imaging and DCE-MRIs: Toward a unified multi-channel classification and a deep learning framework.00.342016
Adiabatic passage for one-step generation of -qubit Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger states of superconducting qubits via quantum Zeno dynamics10.372016
Topic Modeling of Short Texts: A Pseudo-Document View260.822016
Heuristic Based Genetic Algorithms For The Re-Entrant Total Completion Time Flowshop Scheduling With Learning Consideration00.342016
Programmable Two-Particle Bosonic-Fermionic Quantum Simulation System.00.342016
Computing Permanents for Boson Sampling on Tianhe-2 Supercomputer.10.432016
Localization of two-particle quantum walk on glued-tree and its application in generating Bell states.00.342016
Design And Development Of A Multi-Rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System For Bridge Inspection20.472016
An Introduction to All-Optical Quantum Controlled-NOT Gates.00.342016
Quantum Boson-Sampling Machine00.342015
Optical quantum computing00.342015
Visual Tracking Based on Convolutional Deep Belief Network00.342015
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