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Assessing a Prototype Database for Comprehensive Global Aquatic Land Cover Mapping00.342021
Next generation land cover monitoring services - Towards a flexible, user-oriented approach.00.342021
Thirty Years of Land Cover and Fraction Cover Changes Over the Sudano-Sahel Using Landsat Time Series.00.342021
Research and Development Needs for REDD+ and Forest Monitoring.00.342021
Thirty Years Of Land Cover And Fraction Cover Changes Over The Sudano-Sahel Using Landsat Time Series00.342020
Implementation of BFASTmonitor Algorithm on Google Earth Engine to Support Large-Area and Sub-Annual Change Monitoring Using Earth Observation Data.00.342020
Space-time detection of deforestation, forest degradation and regeneration in montane forests of Eastern Tanzania.00.342020
Assessment of Workflow Feature Selection on Forest LAI Prediction with Sentinel-2A MSI, Landsat 7 ETM+ and Landsat 8 OLI.00.342020
Copernicus Global Land Cover Layers - Collection 2.00.342020
Tree height in tropical forest as measured by different ground, proximal, and remote sensing instruments, and impacts on above ground biomass estimates.00.342019
Global data and tools for local forest cover loss and REDD+ performance assessment: Accuracy, uncertainty, complementarity and impact.10.372019
Forest biomass retrieval approaches from earth observation in different biomes.00.342019
Forest Cover and Vegetation Degradation Detection in the Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area Using BFAST Monitor.00.342018
Mapping the Leaf Economic Spectrum across West African Tropical Forests Using UAV-Acquired Hyperspectral Imagery.00.342018
Monitoring Forest Phenology and Leaf Area Index with the Autonomous, Low-Cost Transmittance Sensor PASTiS-57.00.342018
Characterizing Tropical Forest Cover Loss Using Dense Sentinel-1 Data and Active Fire Alerts.00.342018
Integrating global land cover datasets for deriving user-specific maps.20.412017
Biodiversity Monitoring in Changing Tropical Forests: A Review of Approaches and New Opportunities.00.342017
Assessing the accuracy of hyperspectral and multispectral satellite imagery for categorical and Quantitative mapping of salinity stress in sugarcane fields.10.352016
Performance of vegetation indices from Landsat time series in deforestation monitoring.121.052016
Towards an Integrated Global Land Cover Monitoring and Mapping System.00.342016
Error Sources in Deforestation Detection Using BFAST Monitor on Landsat Time Series Across Three Tropical Sites.00.342016
Monitoring Deforestation at Sub-Annual Scales as Extreme Events in Landsat Data Cubes.00.342016
Evaluating the Potential of PROBA-V Satellite Image Time Series for Improving LC Classification in Semi-Arid African Landscapes.00.342016
Comparative assessment of thematic accuracy of GLC maps for specific applications using existing reference data30.472016
A Bayesian Approach to Combine Landsat and ALOS PALSAR Time Series for Near Real-Time Deforestation Detection80.622015
Spatial Accuracy Assessment and Integration of Global Land Cover Datasets40.442015
Feature Level Fusion of Multi-Temporal ALOS PALSAR and Landsat Data for Mapping and Monitoring of Tropical Deforestation and Forest Degradation30.532013
Trends in Spring Phenology of Western European Deciduous Forests40.572013
Assessing Water Stress of Desert Tamarugo Trees Using in situ Data and Very High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing20.412013
Near real-time tropical forest disturbance monitoring using Landsat time series and local expert monitoring data10.422013
Near real-time deforestation monitoring in tropical ecosystems using satellite image time series10.402012
Assessment of deforestation drivers and national carbon emissions using remote sensing analysis00.342012
New global land cover mapping exercise in the framework of the ESA Climate Change Initiative30.772012
Validation Of The Global Land Cover 2000 Map5612.152006