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Intelligent Conversational Agents for Ambient Computing00.342022
Learning Slice-Aware Representations with Mixture of Attentions.00.342021
A Scalable Framework for Learning From Implicit User Feedback to Improve Natural Language Understanding in Large-Scale Conversational AI Systems.00.342021
Continuous Learning for Large-scale Personalized Domain Classification.00.342019
Learning Context-dependent Label Permutations for Multi-label Classification10.352019
Locale-agnostic Universal Domain Classification Model in Spoken Language Understanding.00.342019
Differentiable Greedy Networks.00.342018
A Scalable Neural Shortlisting-Reranking Approach for Large-Scale Domain Classification in Natural Language Understanding.10.372018
Efficient Large-Scale Domain Classification with Personalized Attention.10.362018
Direct optimization of F-measure for retrieval-based personal question answering.00.342018
Efficient Large-Scale Neural Domain Classification with Personalized Attention.00.342018
Coupled Representation Learning for Domains, Intents and Slots in Spoken Language Understanding.00.342018
Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning for POS Tagging without Cross-Lingual Resources.120.492017
A Framework for pre-training hidden-unit conditional random fields and its extension to long short term memory networks.00.342017
Speaker-sensitive dual memory networks for multi-turn slot tagging00.342017
The Technology Behind Personal Digital Assistants: An overview of the system architecture and key components.180.742017
An overview of end-to-end language understanding and dialog management for personal digital assistants20.412016
Drop-out Conditional Random Fields for Twitter with Huge Mined Gazetteer.10.352016
Domainless Adaptation by Constrained Decoding on a Schema Lattice.00.342016
Task Completion Platform: A self-serve multi-domain goal oriented dialogue platform.60.732016
Scalable Semi-Supervised Query Classification Using Matrix Sketching30.412016
Frustratingly Easy Neural Domain Adaptation.10.342016
An Empirical Investigation of Word Class-Based Features for Natural Language Understanding.30.432016
Natural Language Model Re-usability for Scaling to Different Domains.20.382016
Deep Contextual Language Understanding In Spoken Dialogue Systems40.512015
Compact Lexicon Selection With Spectral Methods50.432015
The technology powering personal digital assistants.00.342015
Multi-Language Hypotheses Ranking And Domain Tracking For Open Domain Dialogue Systems20.482015
Hypotheses Ranking And State Tracking For A Multi-Domain Dialog System Using Multiple Asr Alternates20.362015
Knowledge Graph Inference For Spoken Dialog Systems50.482015
S-vector: A discriminative representation derived from i-vector for speaker verification10.352015
A universal model for flexible item selection in conversational dialogs00.342015
Pre-Training Of Hidden-Unit Crfs40.422015
Part-of-speech Taggers for Low-resource Languages using CCA Features30.382015
Natural language understanding for partial queries00.342015
Enriching Word Embeddings Using Knowledge Graph for Semantic Tagging in Conversational Dialog Systems.00.342015
New Transfer Learning Techniques For Disparate Label Sets180.682015
Weakly Supervised Slot Tagging with Partially Labeled Sequences from Web Search Click Logs.150.662015
A discriminative model based entity dictionary weighting approach for spoken language understanding50.502014
Application of Deep Belief Networks for Natural Language Understanding832.322014
A Latent Dirichlet Allocation Based Front-End for Speaker Verification.00.342014
Resolving Referring Expressions in Conversational Dialogs for Natural User Interfaces.90.692014
Easy contextual intent prediction and slot detection161.012013
Joint Discriminative Decoding of Words and Semantic Tags for Spoken Language Understanding80.482013
Runtime Application Behavior Prediction Using a Statistical Metric Model110.572013
Semi-Supervised Semantic Tagging of Conversational Understanding using Markov Topic Regression.30.402013
Convolutional Neural Network Based Triangular Crf For Joint Intent Detection And Slot Filling100.602013
Improving Statistical Machine Translation Using Bayesian Word Alignment and Gibbs Sampling50.582013
Bottleneck features for speaker recognition.150.772012
Clustering With Modified Cosine Distance Learned From Constraints00.342011
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