Department of Computer Science, University of California at Riverside, Riverside, USA
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Characterizing RNA Pseudouridylation by Convolutional Neural Networks.00.342021
Iris: A Method For Predicting In Vivo Rna Secondary Structures Using Paris Data00.342020
Reinforced Molecular Optimization with Neighborhood-Controlled Grammars00.342020
DeepHINT: Understanding HIV-1 integration via deep learning with attention.20.382019
OMGS - Optical Map-Based Genome Scaffolding.10.362019
Rose: A Deep Learning Based Framework For Predicting Ribosome Stalling00.342017
TITER: predicting translation initiation sites by deep learning.00.342017
H-PoP and H-PoPG: heuristic partitioning algorithms for single individual haplotyping of polyploids.00.342016
Accurate inference of isoforms from multiple sample RNA-Seq data.40.712015
Improved Approximation Algorithms for the Maximum Happy Vertices and Edges Problems50.572015
Differential regulation enrichment analysis via the integration of transcriptional regulatory network and gene expression data.20.382015
AlignGraph: algorithm for secondary de novo genome assembly guided by closely related references.20.372014
Phylogeny-based classification of microbial communities.30.432014
Differential gene expression analysis using coexpression and RNA-Seq data.60.452013
BRANCH: boosting RNA-Seq assemblies with partial or related genomic sequences.70.622013
A probabilistic approach to accurate abundance-based binning of metagenomic reads60.602012
Transcriptome assembly and isoform expression level estimation from biased RNA-Seq reads.181.092012
Detecting genome-wide epistases based on the clustering of relatively frequent items.160.772012
A linear-time algorithm for reconstructing zero-recombinant haplotype configuration on a pedigree.50.352012
Workshop: Transcriptome assembly and isoform expression level estimation from biased RNA-Seq reads20.382012
Inference of isoforms from short sequence reads.182.722011
IsoLasso: A LASSO Regression Approach to RNA-Seq Based Transcriptome Assembly - (Extended Abstract)50.632011
Inferring haplotypes from genotypes on a pedigree with mutations, genotyping errors and missing alleles.50.582011
IsoLasso: a LASSO regression approach to RNA-Seq based transcriptome assembly.231.272011
Accurate HLA type inference using a weighted similarity graph.140.642010
Computational prediction of type III secreted proteins from gram-negative bacteria.201.012010
A linear-time algorithm for reconstructing zero-recombinant haplotype configuration on pedigrees without mating loops40.592010
MSOAR 2.0: Incorporating tandem duplications into ortholog assignment based on genome rearrangement.270.902010
Beyond evolutionary trees00.342010
Polony Identification Using the EM Algorithm Based on a Gaussian Mixture Model00.342010
Accelerated similarity searching and clustering of large compound sets by geometric embedding and locality sensitive hashing.110.582010
An Efficient Algorithm for Haplotype Inference on Pedigrees with a Small Number of Recombinants (Extended Abstract)40.542009
Efficient Inference of Haplotypes from Genotypes on a Pedigree with Mutations and Missing Alleles (Extented Abstract)20.412009
Some Algorithmic Challenges in Genome-Wide Ortholog Assignment50.472009
Efficient Algorithms for Reconstructing Zero-Recombinant Haplotypes on a Pedigree Based on Fast Elimination of Redundant Linear Equations70.622009
Computational prediction of novel non-coding RNAs in Arabidopsis thaliana.190.432009
On the minimum common integer partition problem110.772008
A survey on haplotyping algorithms for tightly linked markers.101.092008
W-AlignACE: an improved Gibbs sampling algorithm based on more accurate position weight matrices learned from sequence and gene expression/ChIP-chip data.40.432008
On the Approximation of Correlation Clustering and Consensus Clustering160.712008
Approximate clustering of incomplete fingerprints10.392008
Finding Additive Biclusters with Random Background10.352008
MSOAR: a high-throughput ortholog assignment system based on genome rearrangement.221.162007
A Combinatorial Approach to Genome-Wide Ortholog Assignment: Beyond Sequence Similarity Search00.342007
Average-case analysis of QuickSort and Binary Insertion Tree height using incompressibility00.342007
Computing the breakpoint distance between partially ordered genomes.30.412007
Study of gene function based on spatial co-expression in a high-resolution mouse brain atlas.120.512007
A parsimony approach to genome-wide ortholog assignment110.762006
A general framework for biclustering gene expression data.30.392006
OligoSpawn: a software tool for the design of overgo probes from large unigene datasets.471.272006
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