School of Computer Science, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China
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A supplementary strategy for coarsening in algebraic multigrid00.342021
An Actor-based Programming Framework for Swarm Robotic Systems.00.342020
Dynamic mesh re-partitioning considering iterative convergence rate for multiphase flows in OpenFOAM.00.342019
Real-Time Human-Posture Recognition For Human-Drone Interaction Using Monocular Vision00.342019
Full-neighbor-list based numerical reproducibility method for parallel molecular dynamics simulations00.342019
Sequence searching with CNN features for robust and fast visual place recognition.40.382018
CORB-SLAM - A Collaborative Visual SLAM System for Multiple Robots.00.342017
CNN Feature Boosted SeqSLAM for Real-Time Loop Closure Detection30.372017
Online graph regularized non-negative matrix factorization for large-scale datasets.50.432016
Computing Permanents for Boson Sampling on Tianhe-2 Supercomputer.10.432016
Constrained Projective Non-Negative Matrix Factorization For Semi-Supervised Multi-Label Learning00.342015
Enhancement of cooperation between file systems and applications — on VFS extensions for optimized performance20.392015
Joint Communication-Motion Planning in Wireless-Connected Robotic Networks: Overview and Design Guidelines00.342015
Visual Slam Using Multiple Rgb-D Cameras00.342015
Transductive nonnegative matrix factorization for semi-supervised high-performance speech separation20.382014
Acyclic orientation graph coloring for software-managed memory allocation.130.382014
A memristor-based architecture combining memory and image processing.150.442014
Activity Recognition In Still Images With Transductive Non-Negative Matrix Factorization20.372014
Scratchpad memory allocation for arrays in permutation graphs20.372013
Performing Stateful Logic on Memristor Memory.190.962013
Tianhe-1A Interconnect and Message-Passing Services70.632012
MPtostream: an OpenMP compiler for CPU-GPU heterogeneous parallel systems.100.742012
Comparability Graph Coloring for Optimizing Utilization of Software-Managed Stream Register Files for Stream Processors40.392012
Wbc-Alc: A Weak Blocking Coordinated Application-Level Checkpointing For Mpi Programs10.362012
Implementation and Evaluation of Network Interface and Message Passing Services for TianHe-1A Supercomputer140.712011
Finding and understanding bugs in C compilers2387.702011
The TianHe-1A Supercomputer: Its Hardware and Software.492.062011
Cache Miss Analysis for GPU Programs Based on Stack Distance Profile120.682011
Improving scratchpad allocation with demand-driven data tiling30.402010
Reuse-aware modulo scheduling for stream processors30.372010
MMPI: A Scalable Fault Tolerance Mechanism for MPI Large Scale Parallel Computing00.342010
MMPI: A Scalable Fault Tolerance Mechanism for MPI Large Scale Parallel Computing00.342010
Slicing Execution with Partial Weakest Precondition for Model Abstraction of C Programs30.402010
Exploiting the reuse supplied by loop-dependent stream references for stream processors10.352010
Managing Data-Objects in Dynamically Reconfigurable Caches.10.372010
Exploiting Loop-Carried Stream Reuse for Scientific Computing Applications on the Stream Processor00.342010
FTPA: Supporting Fault-Tolerant Parallel Computing through Parallel Recomputing60.502009
Program Optimization of Stencil Based Application on the GPU-Accelerated System20.432009
Balancing Parallel Applications on Multi-core Processors Based on Cache Partitioning40.422009
System Level Speedup Oriented Cache Partitioning for Multi-programmed Systems30.382009
Fine-grained parallel RNAalifold algorithm for RNA secondary structure prediction on FPGA.190.462009
High Performance Support of Lustre over Customized HSNI for HPC00.342009
Static Analysis for Application-Level Checkpointing of MPI Programs30.402008
Compiler-Assisted Application-Level Checkpointing for MPI Programs40.452008
Optimizing scientific application loops on stream processors90.462008
Low Power Optimization for MPI Collective Operations40.442008
Scalable Resource Management System for High Productive Computing10.352008
Energy-Constrained OpenMP Static Loop Scheduling10.382008
Model-Guided Strip Size Selection For Minimal Execution Time On Imagine Stream Processor00.342008
Energy-Oriented OpenMP Parallel Loop Scheduling90.682008
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