Institute of Computing|Chinese Academy of Science
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Cross-Modality Transformer for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification.00.342022
MFAN: Multi-modal Feature-enhanced Attention Networks for Rumor Detection00.342022
Finding the Host from the Lesion by Iteratively Mining the Registration Graph00.342022
DSE-GAN: Dynamic Semantic Evolution Generative Adversarial Network for Text-to-Image Generation00.342022
Region-Aware Image Captioning via Interaction Learning20.382022
Semi-Supervised Text Detection With Accurate Pseudo-Labels00.342022
Deep Fourier Ranking Quantization for Semi-Supervised Image Retrieval00.342022
Semantically Similarity-Wise Dual-Branch Network for Scene Graph Generation00.342022
Show Your Faith: Cross-Modal Confidence-Aware Network for Image-Text Matching.00.342022
eRiskCom: an e-commerce risky community detection platform00.342022
Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification With Modality-Specific Memory Network00.342022
Diverse Complementary Part Mining for Weakly Supervised Object Localization00.342022
Toward Region-Aware Attention Learning for Scene Graph Generation00.342022
Proxy Probing Decoder for Weakly Supervised Object Localization: A Baseline Investigation00.342022
Mixed Dish Recognition With Contextual Relation and Domain Alignment00.342022
Partial Class Activation Attention for Semantic Segmentation00.342022
High-Order Interaction Learning for Image Captioning00.342022
Depth Image Denoising Using Nuclear Norm and Learning Graph Model130.622021
CRNet: A Center-aware Representation for Detecting Text of Arbitrary Shapes00.342020
Cross-modality Bridging and Knowledge Transferring for Image Understanding150.552019
Boundary Perception Guidance - A Scribble-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Approach.40.392019
Double-Bit Quantization and Index Hashing for Nearest Neighbor Search10.352019
Region similarity arrangement for large-scale image retrieval.10.352018
Real-time Indoor Scene Reconstruction with RGBD and Inertial Input00.342018
Implicit Negative Sub-Categorization and Sink Diversion for Object Detection.40.382018
Attention and Language Ensemble for Scene Text Recognition with Convolutional Sequence Modeling.60.462018
Detection and Analysis of 2016 US Presidential Election Related Rumors on Twitter.80.482017
Kernelized product quantization.00.342017
One-Shot Fine-Grained Instance Retrieval.80.512017
Adaptive weighted imbalance learning with application to abnormal activity recognition.210.732016
Enhancing Sketch-Based Image Retrieval by Re-Ranking and Relevance Feedback210.632016
On application-unbiased benchmarking of web videos from a social network perspective10.352016
MCG-ICT at MediaEval 2016 Verifying Tweets from both Text and Visual Content.00.342016
An efficient concept detection system via sparse ensemble learning.50.402015
MCG-ICT at MediaEval 2015: Verifying Multimedia Use with a Two-Level Classification Model.60.492015
Scalable logo recognition based on compact sparse dictionary for mobile devices20.382015
Orientational Spatial Part Modeling for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization30.382015
Click-boosting multi-modality graph-based reranking for image search110.502015
Online learning to rank for content-based image retrieval30.372015
Pedestrian detection based on sparse coding and transfer learning20.362014
A Prior-Free Weighting Scheme for Binary Code Ranking110.562014
Instant Mobile Video Search With Layered Audio-Video Indexing and Progressive Transmission270.862014
A Simple and Efficient Re-Scrambling Scheme for DTV Programs10.352014
Image search reranking with query-dependent click-based relevance feedback.40.492014
A Representative Local Region Detector Based On Color-Contrast-MSER00.342014
Efficient Parallel Framework for HEVC Motion Estimation on Many-Core Processors.00.342014
Image compressed sensing reconstruction with 3D transform domain collaborative filtering00.342014
Representative local features mining for large-scale near-duplicates retrieval10.352014
FSpH: Fitted spectral hashing for efficient similarity search.10.352014
Contextual Query Expansion for Image Retrieval291.152014
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