School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, Liaoning 116023, China
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Visualization Analysis of Organizational Resilience Research Based on CiteSpace From 1990-202200.342022
Modified BBO-Based Multivariate Time-Series Prediction System With Feature Subset Selection and Model Parameter Optimization00.342022
LWCDNet: A Lightweight Fully Convolution Network for Change Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Imagery00.342022
Learning Both Dynamic-Shared and Dynamic-Specific Patterns for Chaotic Time-Series Prediction00.342022
Online Rule-Based Classifier Learning on Dynamic Unlabeled Multivariate Time Series Data00.342022
MLFC-net: A multi-level feature combination attention model for remote sensing scene classification00.342022
Mutual Information Variational Autoencoders and Its Application to Feature Extraction of Multivariate Time Series00.342022
A Novel Distributed Data-Driven Strategy for Fault Detection of Multi-Source Dynamic Systems00.342022
Negative Gradient Differential Biogeography-based Optimization for Mobile Robot Path Planning00.342022
Time Series Prediction Based On Echo State Network Tuned By Divided Adaptive Multi-Objective Differential Evolution Algorithm00.342021
Exponential Stability of Discrete-Time Neural Networks With Large Delay.00.342021
Multi-Background Island Bird Detection Based On Faster R-Cnn00.342021
Adaptive Sparse Quantization Kernel Least Mean Square Algorithm For Online Prediction Of Chaotic Time Series00.342021
Particle Swarm optimization based Neural Network Model for Chaotic Time Series Forecasting00.342020
Bagging of Gaussian Process for Large Generator Eddy Current Prediction00.342020
Deep Actor-Critic Learning-based Robustness Enhancement of Internet of Things00.342020
Distributed Dynamic Process Monitoring Based on Minimal Redundancy Maximal Relevance Variable Selection and Bayesian Inference30.382020
Online Time Series Prediction Based Modified Kernel Recursive Least-Squares from Random Projection and Adaptive Update00.342020
Recurrent Restricted Boltzmann Machine for Chaotic Time-series Prediction00.342020
A nonsubsampled countourlet transform based CNN for real image denoising.10.352020
Denoising of Uncertain Type Noise Images by Spatial Feature Classification in Nonsubsampled Shearlet Transform00.342020
Time-series Prediction Based on VMD and Stack Recurrent Neural Network00.342020
Quantized generalized maximum correntropy criterion based kernel recursive least squares for online time series prediction00.342020
Hyperspectral image classification based on multiple reduced kernel extreme learning machine20.372019
A Fast Eyelash Detection Algorithm Based on Morphological Operation00.342019
Theil-Based Countermeasure against Interest Flooding Attacks for Named Data Networks10.352019
Nonuniform State Space Reconstruction for Multivariate Chaotic Time Series.30.392019
Regularization In Dqn For Parameter-Varying Control Learning Tasks00.342019
Structured Manifold Broad Learning System: A Manifold Perspective for Large-Scale Chaotic Time Series Analysis and Prediction120.562019
A Novel Joint Change Detection Approach Based on Weight-Clustering Sparse Autoencoders10.372019
A Deep Learning Approach To Detecting Changes In Buildings From Aerial Images00.342019
Polsar Marine Aquaculture Detection Based On Nonlocal Stacked Sparse Autoencoder00.342019
Classification of EEG Signals Using Hybrid Feature Extraction and Ensemble Extreme Learning Machine20.362019
Spatio-Temporal Interpolated Echo State Network for Meteorological Series Prediction.10.342019
UCFTS: A Unilateral Coupling Finite-Time Synchronization Scheme for Complex Networks.00.342019
Pseudoinverse Learners - New Trend and Applications to Big Data.00.342019
Sequence-based prediction of physicochemical interactions at protein functional sites using a function-and-interaction-annotated domain profile database.00.342018
Wavelet-denoising multiple echo state networks for multivariate time series prediction.20.372018
Marine Aquaculture Targets Automatic Recognition Based on GF-3 PolSAR Imagery.00.342018
Analysis Of Population Size In Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm00.342018
Adaptive Approximation-Based Regulation Control for a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems Without Feedback Linearizability.120.502018
Classification of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Data from IoT Based on Rotation Forest and ELM with Kernel00.342018
Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Improved Rotation Forest Algorithm.00.342018
A Data-Emergency-Aware Scheduling Scheme for Internet of Things in Smart Cities.140.602018
A Secure Time Synchronization Protocol Against Fake Timestamps for Large-Scale Internet of Things.20.352017
A Local-Optimization Emergency Scheduling Scheme With Self-Recovery for a Smart Grid.170.612017
A Lifetime-Enhanced Data Collecting Scheme for the Internet of Things.210.812017
Multivariate Chaotic Time Series Prediction Based on ELM–PLSR and Hybrid Variable Selection Algorithm20.362017
Remote Sensing Image Classification Based on Ensemble Extreme Learning Machine With Stacked Autoencoder.20.382017
L1/2 Norm Regularized Echo State Network for Chaotic Time Series Prediction.00.342016
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